whitequark changed the topic of #amaranth-lang to: Amaranth hardware definition language · code https://github.com/amaranth-lang · logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/amaranth-lang
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<Jjsuperpower> I have what may be a stupid question (I am new to amaranth):
<Jjsuperpower> Let's say I have a module called Top, and it uses 2 submodules, called Sub1 and Sub2.
<Jjsuperpower> Is if possible to assign Sub1 to a different clock domain than Sub2? Specifically, is that possible without changing the code in one of the submodules?
<Jjsuperpower> Thanks
<tpw_rules> yes, that's what domain renamers are for
<tpw_rules> instead of self.sub1 = Sub1() or whatever, say self.sub1 = DomainRenamer("cooldomain")(Sub1())
<tpw_rules> that will rename the sync domain of sub1 to be "cooldomain"
<tpw_rules> alternately you can pass a dict to DomainRenamer of domains to rename
<Jjsuperpower> That makes sense, thankyou
<Jjsuperpower> I have one more question:
<Jjsuperpower> I noticed that amaranth.cli.main can be used to run a simulation, how can I give it a custom test benchto run?
<whitequark> amaranth.cli.main is currently implemented rather crudely, this is an often requested feature and at some point it'll be redesigned to support the use case
<whitequark> for now please use your own main function
<Jjsuperpower> I will be happy to, thankyou
<Jjsuperpower> Btw, I have been really impressed with this framework. Although I am new, are there any opportunities for me to contribute?
<whitequark> there will be in near future
<Jjsuperpower> Awesome!
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