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<testuser[m]123> Hi
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<sad_plan> hi
<phoebos> hi
<sewn> Hi
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<sewn> testuser: was your pipewire patch supposed to solve hotplug
<sewn> today i unplugged and replugged my headfone and i had to restart wireplumber and pipewire
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<testuser[m]123> hi
<testuser[m]123> sewn: it works for my mic
<sewn> interesting
<testuser[m]123> ill help debug it
<testuser[m]123> but on a later date
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<sewn> I only unplug when my pc is off so
<midfavila> something something alsa
<testuser[m]123> so bad
<midfavila> headphone and microphone hotplugging works though :D
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<testuser[m]123> so bad
shokara has joined #kisslinux
<sewn> so good
<midfavila> man
<midfavila> looking at existing Linux/Unix "content creators", I kind of want to throw my hat in the ring
<midfavila> because most of it's kind of shit
<midfavila> it's always muh gnome muh kde muh drama, very little technical substance
<shokara> The dark side of the Force is not to be trifled with young Padawan.
<midfavila> very little actual news or useful stuff
<midfavila> it says something when the most technical content you'll find with (relative) ease is Christ Titus or DistroTube talking about some utility they found on r/unixporn
<midfavila> good luck finding, for example, a Motif programming series or a discussion of Xt
<midfavila> you'll find a few videos on Xlib but they're usually either ancient, of really poor quality, or both
<testuser[m]123> ~~be the change you want to see in the world~~
<midfavila> i will >:c
<midfavila> maybe some day people will pay me to scream about motif on the internet
* shokara prepares his non-existent wallet
<midfavila> uwu
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<midfavila> lmao tesla and LTT have been wiped off of youtube
<midfavila> i don't think my day can get much better
<midfavila> the one time a month i go on reddit i always end up pissed off
<midfavila> you'd think this would be a "haha loonix user go brr" with a few jabs at the OS and maybe a handful of people having reasonable discussion about it, but no, it's the same "well um ackchooully" crap that happens everywhere else on the site
<midfavila> not to mention people making up all sorts of weird shit like accusing this person of probably running a scam
<midfavila> looks like there was a followup
<midfavila> i count maybe two or three posters who are sane
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<sewn> wooh
<sewn> oo
chomwitt has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
<midfavila> i have been informed that i can no longer ree
<midfavila> truly life is suffering
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