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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: You know what they say, whoever doesn't learn from history is doomed to fail. And no, no public holidays in June.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> Sad
<SiFuh> Does Japan have any holidays at all?
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Vegetables are all fiber and carbs. Carbs gets turned into sugar in your body, which then gets stored as fat cells. Cancer lives on glucose, which is sugar. Anf fiber is literally indigestable by humans. Therefore, vegan is anything but healthy.
<SiFuh> Glucose is like cheap easy energy. Fat is highly efficient and very good energy
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Of course Japan has holidays, almost every month there's at least 1. Just never in Jewn.
<SiFuh> Jewn haha
<remiliascarlet> And then comes Jew lie (July).
<remiliascarlet> Also, turned out my CRUX installation on my desktop got fucked up somehow, so I booted into FreeBSD so that I can access all the Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD partitions in RW mode, backed everything up to my NAS on all 3 of them (just in case), and re-installed CRUX.
<remiliascarlet> Will only install Steam on CRUX to play games on, and use OpenBSD for everything else.
<remiliascarlet> I barely even boot into CRUX anymore anyway.
<remiliascarlet> I could repurpose the NVMe for NetBSD, because I already have a much more spacious NAS with a superior filesystem anyway, and NetBSD is a pretty good OS from my personal experience. Not as good as OpenBSD, but leaps better than FreeBSD.
<SiFuh> CRUX? Never heard of it
<remiliascarlet> Said the goy who runs #crux-social.
<remiliascarlet> s/goy/guy
<remiliascarlet> Your average Gayland user: "HALP!! ME HAZ NO CALCULATUR!!"
<remiliascarlet> Your average Xorg user: xcalc
<SiFuh> bc
<SiFuh> I use bc more than xcalc
<SiFuh> alias bc="bc -l"
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, but your average Gayland user doesn't care about the terminal, they want 21st century, sexy looking GUI shit for everything, even if it uses 12 GiB on idle.
<remiliascarlet> 12 GiB of RAM.
<remiliascarlet> So it's much more fun to troll them with xcalc, which is guaranteed not going to work for them.
<dlcusa> I, too, prefer bc.
<dlcusa> Sigh. Rebuilding another kernel in my quest to get the system to spill the kernel's guts when a freeze happens. gexec has yet to load a kernel--BIOS always is involved. So far.
<dlcusa> I take that back gexec -p loads the recovery kernel fine. It just never gets the call.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> Use this link then
<SiFuh> It starts 58 seconds in
<remiliascarlet> He looks like a zombie.
<remiliascarlet> I mean the guy at the very beginning.
<SiFuh> Yeah, and I can't handle his speaking
<remiliascarlet> The "Infowars runnerup" guy looks prefectly fine.
<SiFuh> Harrisson Smith.
<SiFuh> Harrison Smith*
<remiliascarlet> Mr, Garrison.
<SiFuh> I choose to listen to him over most people. Except, I think he wasn't ready for this speech
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<remiliascarlet> Honestly, nobody really wants to live in China anyway. Maybe except for Hong Kong, where all the immigrants go to anyway.
<remiliascarlet> There was a time when China used to be an immugration magnet, and that was when it became economically strong. Now that they're in decline again, everyone leaves.
<remiliascarlet> Japan and Korea were/are the same way. Japan was in the economic bubble for decades, foreigners came en mass, and were hated by everyone. Then the economic bubble busted, many foreigners left, and they got in favor again.
<remiliascarlet> "White people resist tyranny", unless you look at the EU, where tyranny is almost always welcomed with open arms in name of "keeping the continent safe".
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: On the highway there was a serious accident near here. A motorcycle ran into the back of a pickup truck in the overtaking lane.
<SiFuh> She is from China. I heard two stories that he is from China also but I heard he is a local. But it doesn't matter. We knew for a while that the woman was trying to commit suicide.
<SiFuh> Yesterday, I was informed that the boyfriend/husband whatever lost a lot of money gambling and so she stopped the car and jumped out to kill her self.
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<remiliascarlet> In case you're not familiar with the underlying details behind Abe's ass-ass-ination.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Who is Abe and why would anyone want to Ass-insemination him. Hahaha
<SiFuh> Oh him. That was 2 years ago
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, but the deeper details are about a religious cult that got in the spotlight right after it happened. And since you mention the bibel a lot, I thought you might find it interesting.
<SiFuh> But Moon is a moron
<SiFuh> He changed the bible. If he had read the bible, he'd know that it is a great sin.
<remiliascarlet> Over here we all already know for 2 years, but I can imagine the narrative outside of Japan would have been like "Abe got shot to death, and Yamagami is an evil murderer, end of story".
<SiFuh> Revelation 22:18-19 is pretty self-explanatory
<SiFuh> 私はこの書の預言のことばを聞くすべての者に証しする。もし、これに付け加える者があれば、神は子の書に書いてある災害をその人に加えられる。また、この預言の書のことばを少しでも 取り除く者があれば、神はこの書に書いてあるいのちの木と聖なる都から、その人の受ける分を取り除かれる
<remiliascarlet> Most of the bibel is hard to understand, I'm surprised by how clear this one is.
<SiFuh> Bible is very easy, it is dead simple. However, the prophecies are not.
<SiFuh> It's like UFOs in ancient Greece were called 'shields' and in the 50's USA they were called 'flying saucers' and in Ancient China 'dragons' and so on.
<SiFuh> They were explaining stuff in the future that didn't really exist in their time.
<SiFuh> So they used a lot of metaphores and similies. Also some were analogies and parables as well
<SiFuh> 문선명
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Bayer was selling HIV infected blood back in the 1980's and they knew about it. When it was discovered, they changed the blood to safer and the old infected stock they sold to Asia and South America
<remiliascarlet> That's racist!
<SiFuh> Hmm
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Can you imagine during the fake pandemic, I had to go to blackmarket drug dealers to buy Ivermectin? The world has gone mad
<SiFuh> So in 2023 the doctors won the right in a court that they can prescribe Ivermectin to their patients.
<SiFuh> But This year the Health Ministry and the Government want to bring it to court again to make it illegal
<remiliascarlet> Probably got too much competition with their drugs?
<SiFuh> During the fake pandemic the UN sent in the NGOs into Africa to buy up all the Ivermectin. Many Africans take Ivermectin monthly. Outside of the towns, the NGOs would burn all the Ivermectin.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: My Telegram is being flooded with videos for what just happened today.
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<remiliascarlet> With C it's easy to shoot yourself in the foot, with C++ it's harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but if you do, it'll blow your entire leg off.
<remiliascarlet> With Rust, "they're all like, getting their guns out, and like trying to figure out how to fucking load it, and then it keeps like not accepting magazine, because the magazine was not loaded at exactly the right angle, and then, you know, you try to pull the charging candle and it rejects the rounds and says you know, round not correct, and then while all these guys are sitting there and going
<remiliascarlet> like CHI CHI CHI CHI CHI, trying to fucking get the thing loaded, they just get shot."
<SiFuh> I found a package stuck in the gate hinge. I checked the tracking number and it says Delivered, Your parcel has been delivered and signed by XXXXXXXXXXXXX(in person). Thank you for using Flash Express service.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Do you have some rust fetish?
<SiFuh> <-- remiliascarlet That guy looks like a muppet. HAHAHA
<remiliascarlet> I never liked Rust to begin with.
<SiFuh> You seem to be the only one reminding us it exists
<remiliascarlet> Because so much software these days gets rewritten in it.
<SiFuh> So that makes you the self-appointed Western Union telegrapher for Rust these days then?
<remiliascarlet> I'm not a software.
<SiFuh> A telegrapher is human
<farkuhar> Just like "computer" was once the job description for a human?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: You mean an abacus?
<farkuhar> SiFuh: no, computer. Frank Herbert riffed on this history by introducing the role of "Mentat" in his Dune series.
* SiFuh slaps farkuhar with a bit of a large trout
* SiFuh slaps remiliascarlet around a bit with a large trout
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: so which language was most to blame for your fucked up desktop installation of CRUX? Did some authors shoot themselves in the foot with C, blow their entire legs off with C++, or fail more clumsily with Rust?
<SiFuh> "What are you doing?" "You know singing makes me happy right?" "I don't want you to be happy?" "Why?" "Because it means you are singing"
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: The C and C++ ones are common sayings.
<remiliascarlet> I don't even know what fucked up my installation.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Beerman ;-)
<remiliascarlet> That would be a who, not a what.
<SiFuh> A human, beerman
<remiliascarlet> Or maybe Richard Stallman sneaked into my house to fuck up my CRUX installation because he got mad that I installed BSD.
<SiFuh> Beerman sounds more realistic
<remiliascarlet> Oh wait, Richard said he would never step a foot on Japanese soil ever again, because non-residents visiting the country need to give up their fingerprints upon arrival.
<SiFuh> I don't have finger prints on my index fingers
<SiFuh> They still let me in to Malaysia
<SiFuh> Usually have a small issue on entry
<remiliascarlet> I wouldn't even be concerned about it, because what the fuck would a government do against me once I'd leave the country?
<remiliascarlet> The government you live under and the government you possess the citizenship of are the biggest concerns out of all the 192 (UN approved) countries in the world.
<SiFuh> Isn't Stallman a US citizen?
<remiliascarlet> He probably is.
<SiFuh> Treaty on extradition - 1978 would require the US to extradite him back to Japan.
<remiliascarlet> Which is why he doesn't understand that communism is bad.
<remiliascarlet> Such treaties exist?
<SiFuh> 192?
<remiliascarlet> UN approved countries.
<SiFuh> 192?
<SiFuh> There are 193 and who gives a flying fuck what the UN approves.
<SiFuh> The UN should be destroyed and wiped from existence as the biggest scam to ever exsist
<SiFuh> exist*
<remiliascarlet> I heard of some French guy who got married to a Japanese, when they divorced the Japanese court demanded to pay for her for the rest of his life, and in return never see his own kids ever again, so he moved back to France, and French courts said "for what reason are you supposed to comply to that?".
<remiliascarlet> Now he can't go back to Japan anymore, or get arrested upon arrival.
<SiFuh> What does France have to do with US
<remiliascarlet> They probably all have similar treaties with one other.
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> If I remember correctly France is included in the EU extradition treaty but France overules this by citizens of its own nation are immune
<remiliascarlet> At least one thing France does right then.
<SiFuh> Many other states are known to oppose the extradition of nationals, primarily in civil law countries. The nationality ban is considered a constitutional principle in some civil law jurisdictions (eg, in Austria, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Poland and Portugal), and a legislative principle in others (eg, in Chile, France, Lebanon, Qatar, Slovenia). By contrast, common law jurisdictions, including
<SiFuh> Australia, the United Kingdom, and the US, do not oppose extradition on the ground of nationality. As a result of these differences in domestic legislations and state practices, international treaties pertaining to extradition generally leave contracting states a right not to extradite their nationals, so as to accommodate each state’s legal tradition and custom.
<remiliascarlet> Or well, 2 things. The other being a complete separation between state and church.
<remiliascarlet> "Australia, the United Kingdom, and the US, do not oppose extradition on the ground of nationality." Because globalism.
<remiliascarlet> Oops, read it incorrectly.
<SiFuh> Because they are a nation rules by paedophile cunts
<SiFuh> are nations ruled*
<SiFuh> Baby fuckers tell the police what to do and the police do it in those countries.
<remiliascarlet> The fact that the White House is kind of an elderly home says quite a lot about the future of the US.
<SiFuh> He's rarely in there
<SiFuh> He's in the mock-up version mostly
<remiliascarlet> I mean in general. Biden = old fart. Trump = old fart. Bush = old fart. Obama = old fart. All the neocons are all old farts. All the libtards in power are all old farts.
<remiliascarlet> The only thing missing in American politics are nurses.
<remiliascarlet> Because it's really just a nursing home these days.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: But they have nurses
<SiFuh> The Bossy Green Giantess ;-)
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* SiFuh kicks lavaball to the moon
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Remember that Infowars video you showed me yesterday?
<remiliascarlet> I actually thought about it, and I think that guy is wrong.
<SiFuh> Which one?
<remiliascarlet> White people don't resist tyranny, they only complain when a little bit more tyranny gets added to their already tyrannical regimes, but then they just accept it, and do nothing about it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You know women shouldn't be allowed to think right? First time a woman did, she sent the entire human race to hell ;-)
<SiFuh> Oh what I sent this morning
<remiliascarlet> No, yesterday.
<SiFuh> No today
<SiFuh> Harisson Smith right?
<SiFuh> Harrison Smith*
<remiliascarlet> No wait, it was today.
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> He is not talking about white people as in all specific white people.
<SiFuh> He is talking more about the culture of white people.
<remiliascarlet> I have yet to see anyone of whichever skin color to actually go to their country's government building, and hit and kick the hell out of the politicians until they reverse their tyranny.
<SiFuh> You can't get every white person to bend over to your whim. The only way to do it is kill off all the white people who refuse to bend over.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You have never seen an Itallian parliament session?
<SiFuh> Italian*
<remiliascarlet> Probably not.
<SiFuh> What he is saying is that Asian and Africans tend to always choose the easy way and become the slaves. But Western ideology was based on individualism, person rights and so on.
<SiFuh> I need to find you a video from some Asian dude.
<remiliascarlet> Yes, in that sense I can agree.
<remiliascarlet> On the individualism and personal rights part at least.
<remiliascarlet> Literally any race chooses the easy way to become slaves.
<SiFuh> Here
<remiliascarlet> Oh shit, even more big tech shit...
<SiFuh> mpv is your friend
<remiliascarlet> Apparently not.
<remiliascarlet> [ytdl_hook] ERROR: [TikTok] 7363801495051193646: Unable to extract sigi state; please report this issue on , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U
<SiFuh> Oh yeah, that stupid capture
<remiliascarlet> I had a tough discussion with a Eurofriend of mine, and it put it very simply, she's blindly following his tyrannical overlords, and when I point that out to her, she starts attacking me. So yes, she has individualism, but no, she does choose the easy way and become the slave.
<remiliascarlet> And it tends to be a common thing with whoever I talk to who lives in Europe, North America, or Australia for at least a couple years.
<remiliascarlet> Both men and women.
<SiFuh> The Asian is very stupid, acutally a fucking idiot but he makes some points that are interesting and the rest is garbage
<remiliascarlet> Hard to know what those points are.
<SiFuh> I actually think he needs to open a dictionary and re-read the meaning of insecure
<remiliascarlet> But honestly, I don't expect any good takes to come from a TikTok video.
<SiFuh> Pretty shallow thinking
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: tiktok sucks anyway
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<SiFuh> My home brew beer jumped from 102 MYR to 142 MYR
<SiFuh> I do a triple recipe so that is 120 MYR per batch higher in price
<SiFuh> Fucking going to have to start making rice beer
<SiFuh> What a twit
<farkuhar> I had a good laugh at the way GazL misspelled SiFuh's nick today (13:02 in #crux). It's actually the first time I've seen that misspelling here (is everyone else using Tab-completion?)
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Me too
<SiFuh> I didn't correct him because I was laughing too much
<SiFuh> And I thought he deserved that ;-)
<SiFuh> Sifuk is cool ;-)
<SiFuh> If it was real life, I'd also be laughing so much.
<SiFuh> As in not online
<SiFuh> I have heard many mispronunciations such as Seafood and Silly Fools
<SiFuh> But rarely misspelling
<SiFuh> Silly Fools is a Thai band by the way.
<farkuhar> Did you ever figure out why re-running the bootstrap had permission to delete everything, even outside the directory tree you designated for the new rootfs?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> It remounts itself in the script and chroots. So if it ends before it dismounts everything and you re-run the script, it deletes everything in the mounted environment which also happens to be the same as the original source it mounted against.
<SiFuh> I think I explained that...
<farkuhar> It makes sense. So there weren't any safeguards in the Makefile to protect the original source directory, in case of a premature exit from the first bootstrapping?
<SiFuh> Correct
<SiFuh> If it removed the mounted directory contents it is actually removing the contents of the original contents before it was mounted.
<SiFuh> I have to manually umount src,dev,proc or whatever it is
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I do have a new issue though. Unsure why
<SiFuh> New issue is I have patch in core and dbus in opt. When I do stage 1 it extracts everything that was built in stage 0. Yet it never extracts dbus or patch.
<SiFuh> I can't _fucking_ figure out why yet. I have to manually copy them into chroot environment. Then chroot then install. Then it continues fine
<SiFuh> This iso script has always been a nemesis to me.
<farkuhar> I remember you saying something about patch in core. That iso script seems to have some weird undocumented behavior.
<SiFuh> Weird
<SiFuh> That is the word
<SiFuh> I have combed through the script more than I count. I read every line to understand exactly what it does. I see no reason why patch is not installed. I even see it being installed with no errors at allin stage 1
<SiFuh> Yet if I chroot into the fake_root patch doesn't exist
<SiFuh> But I can install the exact same package in the chroot
<SiFuh> So I wonder. Is patch installing to the chroot or into the main system? <-- Just a thought I never checked yet
<SiFuh> I should check it
<SiFuh> I wouldn't even know how to check it since that would be a pkgadd thing
<SiFuh> If it was a Pkgfile thing then it woul have a package that would be like 0 bytes.
<farkuhar> I had a similar experience with the 'ports -u' subroutine in my perl replacement for prt-get. When given up to three arguments (names of the repos needing sync), it performed fine. But when I gave four arguments, it correctly synced the first three repos and then complained about the fourth being invalid.
<farkuhar> I combed through the source code more times than I can count, and I couldn't figure out why the behavior switched when going from three arguments to four.
<SiFuh> I ckecked the time stamps all is matching
<SiFuh> farkuhar: The strange part is you can't build stage 1 and 2 without patch. But I did on the previous build on the emmett1 system
<farkuhar> beerman gave a surprisingly charitable reply to serpente's question about orphaned ports today. I thought for sure he was going to write a stinging remark against double standards, by quoting serpente's earlier comment (not wanting qt6 in core, once beerman fully divests himself of qt5 maintainer responsibilities).
<SiFuh> Did? Because we both think it was fucking rude
<farkuhar> anyway, if the orphaned ports list had comprised linux-pam, I doubt serpente would be clamoring for it to be added back.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Read the reply carefully
<SiFuh> Then remember one thing. Who was the one that dumped them?
<SiFuh> He has offloaded the blame onto fictional characters
<SiFuh> chinarulezzz left because of this very reason
<SiFuh> beerman even suggested using an unmaintained repo the same as what I do. But he couldn't be bothered. He blamed the dev team for never doing it.
<SiFuh> Yet he comes into being and wipes out huge chunks of ports because HE didn't need nor use them
<farkuhar> SiFuh: it was Romster who abandoned them first, by ghosting us for so long without any updates. And who needs an actual unmaintained repo, when the wiki page OrphanedPorts has a link to the last commit for each dropped port (from which you can recover the Pkgfile if desired)?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Romster has not abandoned anything. He is incapacitated medically
<farkuhar> SiFuh: thanks for the correction. Medical leave of absence is totally forgivable. I hope he gets better soon.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: No, he will not
<SiFuh> He was the coolest CRUX'er and he won't be back
<SiFuh> jaeger is also one of the coolest so... Romster can't steal all the glory.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: I'll have to take your word for it. I haven't heard any news from the core team about Romster's condition, or its impact on his ability to keep contributing.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It was obvious and if you look through the logs he came online and had a small coversation with me about it
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Everytime I try to search obituaries I always end up with a mass murderer
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: I send you a PM
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<ukky> SiFuh: could you upload .footprint files for mlocate and patch ports in your musl build?
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<SiFuh> ukky: end of week is okay?
<SiFuh> I am doing a rebuild
<SiFuh> Also I don't know where to upload large files except google drive
<SiFuh> Also.... no mlocate on my CD even though I built it on my machine
<ukky> this is related to your question about patch not being installed in chroot. In my ISO 'patch' gets installed
<SiFuh> ukky: Yeah it is weird
<ukky> did you remove mlocate from core collection manually?
<SiFuh> Wait
<SiFuh> Wow, it is in core. I had to install it manually to search in the chroot
<SiFuh> Why the fuck is it in core?
<ukky> there is file collision between mlocate and patch. No matter in which sequence you install them, the second one being installed will fail installation
<SiFuh> Only collisions I get is is charset.alias and I think they they are useless as a musl thing
<ukky> If you remove charset.alias from mlocate and patch, they will install properly in your bootstrap
<SiFuh> The script uses -f
<SiFuh> So it isn't a problem
<ukky> Makefile does not use -f, see all-chroot rule, line: pkgadd -r $(FAKE_ROOT_DIR) $$PACKAGE;
<SiFuh> It uses -f
<SiFuh> I have read it a million times
<SiFuh> all-chroot -> all
<SiFuh> Checkout
<SiFuh> all-chroot -> all -> $(COLLECTIONS) -> $(PKGMK_FORCE)
<ukky> only for pkgmk
<SiFuh> Isn't that what we are discussing?
<ukky> no
<SiFuh> When it flips to all-chroot which is stage1 and stage2 it goes into force mode
<ukky> it only affects pkgmk
<SiFuh> So what are we talking about?
<ukky> we are trying to figure out why your chroot environment does not have patch installed
<SiFuh> Slow down bronco
<ukky> even though is has been rebuilt
<SiFuh> You said that there is a collision and yet the collision should not exist because stage1 and 2 uses -f
<ukky> again, '-f' only affects pkgmk
<SiFuh> pkgmk calls -f
<SiFuh> all-chroot -> all -> $(COLLECTIONS) -> $(PKGMK_FORCE)
<SiFuh> stage 1 installs it and rebuilds upon it
<ukky> the above sequence just rebuilds packages, but does not installs them into fake_root
<SiFuh> Let me check..
<SiFuh> ukky: There is only PKGMK and it is done with -f
<SiFuh> There is no PKGADD
<SiFuh> From what I read it goes like this. Stage0 you build every port. Stage 1 uses the ports from stage 1 to rebuild the ports and stage 2 uses the ports from stage 2 to rebuild the ports
<SiFuh> From what I read it goes like this. Stage0 you build every port. Stage 1 uses the ports from stage 0 to rebuild the ports and stage 2 uses the ports from stage 1 to rebuild the ports
<SiFuh> Heh
<ukky> Check all-chroot rule, there is double for-loop to install packages. Already sent you this line: pkgadd -r $(FAKE_ROOT_DIR) $$PACKAGE;
<SiFuh> Each port is built with -f and from stage 1 and stage 2 and then stage 0 and stage 1 is extracted for each build in a fake_root
<ukky> So, how ports are extracted between stages in fake_root?
<SiFuh> extracted and not installed
<ukky> Which tool is used to extract ports?
<SiFuh> pkgadd -r
<ukky> So, does it use -f ?
<SiFuh> Only what you typed :-P
<ukky> That's what we are discussing
<ukky> If there is file collision, pkgadd will fail
<SiFuh> Let's check mlocate
<SiFuh> Okay
<SiFuh> So for me is patch and dbus and you is mlocate
<SiFuh> Question... why the fuck is mlocate in core?
<ukky> no idea
<SiFuh> If i see no reason for it to be there, I am going to remove it
<SiFuh> Even though I love mlocate ;-)
<SiFuh> It is like my most favorite think in UNIX
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<serpente> farkuhar: sorry for the late reply, long shitty work meetings today. Your assumption of myself was incorrect, althought i would certainly not claim for linux-pam to get back, i would suggest someone to maintain it over opt, afterall i love freedom, if you want to eat shit (linux-pam) do so, just dont force me to
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