[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 4767344 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/rfcs@632560717252abeb275b80d50ccd2552783635b3 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark 80360a7 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/rfcs@47d49effe8b739e4f8facffa8984f3c47ffcb259 🚀
[amaranth-lang/amaranth-lang.github.io] whitequark dec4385 - Deploying to main from @ amaranth-lang/rfcs@04b2370973eb3d7f54561df12145a7c53166f60a 🚀
<Olivier Galibert> Records are also on the chopping block
re: one-hot mux
I'd probably use an Array([a, b, c])[sel.find_first_one()]... except we don't have an ff1 operation
.find_first_one() would be equivalent to using a priority encoder ?
oh yeah
<Olivier Galibert> How do I tell the synth that I'm sure there wont be two active at the same time so that it doesn't route more than necessary?
<Olivier Galibert> at least or-of-and isn't perfect but trees relatively easily
you can't do this in Amaranth
hm, so if the invariant is that it's exactly one hot (or at most one hot), then you can do..
oh, nevermind, I was about to suggest the exact same thing jfng said, but in slightly different words
that produces the best RTL you can get in Amaranth
I'm not actually sure if you can do better in Verilog
Verilog would use parallel_case casez with selects like 5'???1?
oh yeah, but in this specific case, |([x,y,z]&repl([selx,sely,selz])) is probably the optimal RTL
(or without parallel_case, you can do a lot of one-hot selects, plus assign all-x in the default)
so having 'x doesn't help you get better
quite possibly, yes
it may unlock more optimizations somewhere?
mhm, true
<Olivier Galibert> that muxing is currently my only use of Repl. I'm always annoying by principle when doing the same thing ends ups using longer words 🙂
<Olivier Galibert> but it looks like the Repl-and or the pileof-Mux with zero (which is ugly too) is the best solution
<Olivier Galibert> I wonder if my use of that is specific of my reimplementation of nmos/cmos circuits, or if it's really often useful in "normal" designs.
no, that sort of thing is fairly common. it's used in amaranth-soc already
<Olivier Galibert> Would a one-hot-select top level function make sense then?
absolutely not, let's not add more stuff to the prelude
it already has too much
<Olivier Galibert> ok
<Olivier Galibert> couldn't be an override of Mux, e.g. give it 2n+1 parameters for any n>=1 instead of always 3?
<Olivier Galibert> extension more than override
I don't think that's a good idea either
it's another case where one is overly focusing on some very specific use case and making it expressible in a concise way, but not necessarily noticing that this adds cognitive burden on everyone reading any use of Mux
<Olivier Galibert> Yeah
<Olivier Galibert> of course Mux itself is (b & a.replicate(b.shape)) | (c & (~a).replicate(b.shape)), but writing Mux is nice. I wonder where the line should be. Good thing I'm not the one who has to decide 🙂
<Olivier Galibert> (b.shape is subtly incorrect, but we all know that)
Mux is actually a primitive
it's lowered by the backend directly to a $mux cell if we're talking about yosys
and you end up with a?b:c in verilog
Repl is also a primitive, which could be used to output a {n{v}} construct in Verilog, but because it roundtrips through Yosys it doesn't happen
and also any half-decently written backend should automatically detect replications anyway
<Olivier Galibert> hopefully 🙂
<Olivier Galibert> of course I could always write (b & a) | (c & ~a) if I make a signed(1)
<Olivier Galibert> but now that would be kinda horrible
<Olivier Galibert> subtletly is amusing but Bad in practice
what would be?
<Olivier Galibert> using the sign-extension to have an automatically sized replication done
huh? I don't understand where sign extension comes in
oh, the Matrix bridge has dropped a message
<Olivier Galibert> og
<Olivier Galibert> oh
<Olivier Galibert> I understand your reaction then 🙂
that's a little cursed but I guess it works?
it's explicitly specified to do what you want
<Olivier Galibert> yeah, taht's the problem, it works. I'm old enough to know it's not a good idea, maintainability-wise though
<Olivier Galibert> 20 years ago I would probably have done it 🙂
<Olivier Galibert> It’s interesting that rtlil has an explicit Mux, because from what I see it’s not really a hardware primitive, at least since cmos
it's for optimization
also there's patterns that need to be inferred from input Verilog and you recognize those by looking at $mux and $pmux (which is just Verilog if much of the time)
<Olivier Galibert> Oh, it’s very verilog then