cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, CD/floppy disk theory of operation, and the 68k CPU are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<andlabs> Foone: what are you looking at skifree in, ghidra?
<Foone> yeah
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<andlabs> also I have to wonder if the SetWindowTitle symbol name is a misidentification
<andlabs> because that shoudl already be a reserved name imported from user32
<andlabs> er wait no that's SetWindowText gah
<andlabs> I keep getting that wrong
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<tunixman> The boomer sdk calls it sEtWiNdOwTiTlE
<tunixman> bOoMoS
<alexisvl> boomers don't write in spongebob caps they write in all caps
<qu1j0t3> iAmSureSomeAreVeryFondOfPascalCase
<tunixman> #define BEGIN { \n #define END }
<qu1j0t3> Bourne is definitively a boomer yes
<qu1j0t3> oh, yeah i forgot that the keywords are usually capitalised
<qu1j0t3> I still find Algol-60's 'CONVENTION' for 'KEYWORDS' a bit jarring
<qu1j0t3> but seems very adjacent to lisp's for 'SYMBOLS
<qu1j0t3> let's compromise, you get capital keywords but they use proper small caps. should look quite good actually
<tunixman> And COBOL is basically some middle manager shouting at everyone
<qu1j0t3> hehe
<tunixman> SQL is COBOL shouting in IBM.
<tunixman> anyway man what a great time to be alive.
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<andlabs> does NSURLSession throw the delegate away after an HTTP redirect?
<andlabs> wrong chat
<qu1j0t3> i'm sorry
<qu1j0t3> actually more on topic for #avr since i'm currently portin gthe code to avr
<alexisvl> qu1j0t3: :O
<alexisvl> that's awesome
<qu1j0t3> :D
<qu1j0t3> a compliment from you means a lot!
<alexisvl> :D
<qu1j0t3> sadly it no longer uses the YM3014B DACs, but maybe with more study... it could again
<qu1j0t3> at least it does use orderable parts
<alexisvl> pfft, it's 2022
<alexisvl> what's orderable
<alexisvl> unless you count backorder :p
<qu1j0t3> :):)
<qu1j0t3> yeah it's a bit nervewracking.
<andlabs> nice
<tunixman> wow those are nice lines!
<alexisvl> yeah it looks great
<alexisvl> the vector display itself is interesting. There's a texture to the trace that made me think it was displaying through a storage mesh, but that's a non-storage monitor
<qu1j0t3> alexisvl: Sorry i should have explained, it has a pretty busy vectorscope graticule on it.
<qu1j0t3> alexisvl: not ideal, but a 604 and 606 i was testing with are hors de combat
<qu1j0t3> idk why a 602 would have a vectorscope grat but here we are.
<alexisvl> qu1j0t3: ahhhh
<alexisvl> yeah, I see the graticule, it's busier than I'd have expected
<alexisvl> that explains that :)
<alexisvl> looks cool tho
<qu1j0t3> it's an amazing monitor.
<qu1j0t3> the sharpness does not come through in photos at all.
<alexisvl> no, it never does
<alexisvl> CRTs are SO hard to photograph well
<qu1j0t3> 602 is probably my favourite tek xy
<alexisvl> tek was _good_ at CRTs in that era though. they're all just stupid sharp
<qu1j0t3> from a lovely-to-repair standpoint too
<qu1j0t3> yes they are
<alexisvl> "The trace width is 14 mils at 0.5 μA beam current." <-- hm so pretty typical spec, though I wouldn't be surprised if many exceeded it
<qu1j0t3> yeah mostly talking about the subjective experience
<qu1j0t3> just generally unexpectedly crisp
<alexisvl> these vector monitors are a bit easier to get sharp in general tho bc they can run pretty low beam currents due to slow deflection
* qu1j0t3 nods
<qu1j0t3> good point
<qu1j0t3> yeah this circuit drives them at about 55µs for full deflection
<qu1j0t3> iirc
<alexisvl> heh the schematic of this monitor is adorably simple, i love it
<qu1j0t3> or 80µs ... easily tuneable
<qu1j0t3> alexisvl: It's great isn't it
<qu1j0t3> i have an HP 1208A that's similar
<qu1j0t3> hm, i haven't hooked that up to this circuit yet
<alexisvl> kicks my designs right in the ass :)
<qu1j0t3> alexisvl: no curvy traces on the pcb bc this mac can't run kicad 6. but gosh it was a lot of work to route and fill...
<alexisvl> i also like straight, angular traces. my boss describes my layouts as "brutalist" :D
<qu1j0t3> lolllll
<qu1j0t3> nice
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