cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, CD/floppy disk theory of operation, and the 68k CPU are also on-topic. Channel logs:
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<NiGHTS> Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (with song titles) - YouTube
<q3k> *1 chord progression song
<tunixman> meta Schenkarian analysis: I
<cr1901_> Wow... 1 chord progression song it is ._.
<cr1901_> This reminds me of soundtracks in the 90s for games which would have the same basic melody for every song and swap out samples or change the tempo
<cr1901_> (like Super Mario World, or the Saturn version of Sonic 3D Blast)
<andlabs> it is a fundamental chord progression
<fseidel> or for a more shitposty-take on the same thing:
<NiGHTS> ファミマにロックマンが入店してきた時の音楽 Megaman2/FamilyMart - YouTube
<tunixman> oooooh famima
<tunixman> huh wow
<tunixman> a canon
<tunixman> well, not exactly.
<tunixman> I guess variations.
<tunixman> HAHAH
<tunixman> the door alarm
<andlabs> I'm ... not sure what this is doing
<andlabs> if it's supposed to be superimposing one theme on the entire OST I'm not hearing it
<tunixman> sort of... there's an ostinato pattern, and then all these themes are put on top of it in sequence, but the ostinato isn't strict.
<tunixman> it's definitely a level or two above the 4-chord skit
<andlabs> hm
<tunixman> fseidel: that's a top notch shitpost, so basically it's like Mozart's theme and variations on Scalieri
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<fseidel> that video has wormed its way into my head to the point where I occasionally hear the familymart door chime when I hear the normal MM2 BGM