cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
I wonder if the domesday people have figured out how to do CD Videos
especially NTSC-J ones
Sarayan: I got a mic in and I'll be setting it up later today. What specifically did you want recordings of, again?
floppy noises with a target of algorithmically reproducing them
I guess the first sound would be to the normal rotation noise, possibly with spinup and spin down
when I/we have these ones right, then we can see about seeking noises, which are somewhat more complicated
but currently the sample-based sims all suck
I want a good one in mame so that if anyone want it they can pick it up, and then everybody will be happy :-)
can do.
excellent :-)
I doubt anyone as a more diverse floppy drive collection than you
any specific types of floppy drives you want recordings from?
all which make sense? apple2, c64, 3", 3.5", 5.25"?
dunno how different one drive sounds like compared to another, at least with identical rpm
not a huge amount. full height 5.25" vs. half height sounds a bit difference. same for 3.5" vs low profile 3.5"
not sure I have a working 3" drive handy but the rest should be easy to do
amusingly I do have a 3" somewhere in my museum :-)
for my oric 1
oh rally
amstrad wasn't the only british computer company using weird disks?
okay then
then again tangerine always reeked of jealousy so
Anytone happen to have access to Western Digital Enhanced IDE Implementation Guide Appendix F -Western Digitals's IDE CD-ROM Proposal or know that one link to the document that isn't dead and long gone?