cr1901 changed the topic of ##yamahasynths to: Channel dedicated to questions and discussion of Yamaha FM Synthesizer internals and corresponding REing. Discussion of synthesis methods similar to the Yamaha line of chips, Sound Blasters + clones, PCM chips like RF5C68, and CD theory of operation are also on-topic. Channel logs:
<andlabs> I wonder if the domesday people have figured out how to do CD Videos
<andlabs> especially NTSC-J ones
<Foone> Sarayan: I got a mic in and I'll be setting it up later today. What specifically did you want recordings of, again?
<Sarayan> floppy noises with a target of algorithmically reproducing them
<Sarayan> I guess the first sound would be to the normal rotation noise, possibly with spinup and spin down
<Sarayan> when I/we have these ones right, then we can see about seeking noises, which are somewhat more complicated
<Sarayan> but currently the sample-based sims all suck
<Sarayan> I want a good one in mame so that if anyone want it they can pick it up, and then everybody will be happy :-)
<Foone> can do.
<Sarayan> excellent :-)
<Sarayan> I doubt anyone as a more diverse floppy drive collection than you
<Sarayan> has
<Foone> any specific types of floppy drives you want recordings from?
<Sarayan> all which make sense? apple2, c64, 3", 3.5", 5.25"?
<Sarayan> dunno how different one drive sounds like compared to another, at least with identical rpm
<Foone> not a huge amount. full height 5.25" vs. half height sounds a bit difference. same for 3.5" vs low profile 3.5"
<Foone> not sure I have a working 3" drive handy but the rest should be easy to do
<Sarayan> amusingly I do have a 3" somewhere in my museum :-)
<Sarayan> for my oric 1
<andlabs> oh rally
<andlabs> really
<andlabs> amstrad wasn't the only british computer company using weird disks?
<andlabs> okay then
<andlabs> then again tangerine always reeked of jealousy so
<ZrX-NoMs> Anytone happen to have access to Western Digital Enhanced IDE Implementation Guide Appendix F -Western Digitals's IDE CD-ROM Proposal or know that one link to the document that isn't dead and long gone?
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