clever: im a little confused. I'm guessing I could add that header to my board, and then ... use a standard jtag programmer instead of the pi or pico host?
CarlFK: what i was thinking, is add a standard jtag header to the board, wired to the 40pin header, and make 2 of those boards
configure the host to bit-bang jtag, on the same pins as the target is using, so it goes thru the board just fine
or if I have pi or pico host, plug in a 10 pin jtag cable that connects to 'anything' ?
then you can plug the 2 pi's together with a standard 10pin jtag cable, and the same pcb on both ends
40->10 (cable) 10->40 ?
create a swis army knife of jtag options
and both the 40->10 and 10->40, are the identical board
as an example, connect gpio24 to the TDO pin on the 10pin header
for the target, 24 is in ALT4 mode, and acts as jtag
for the host, 24 is in gpio mode
ah, I see what you are getting at...
but I'm not sure how it makes things better
then you have the option of replacing either device with something else
you have a standard 10pin in the middle, and can replace the host with a standard usb jtag adapter
or replace the target with an fpga dev board
you also arent forcing the 2 rpi's to be in a specific layout, youll have a flexible wire between them
I think I get the same extra features by adding the 10 to the 40-40
yeah, but then your board is also bigger
yeah, but to me 2 boards and 1 cable is worse than one big board
oh, also, a lot of pcb fab houses, will give you multiple
so you have a minimum order size of 5 copies
but 1 big board with the extra option of cables coming and going is appealing
so if your going to get duplicates anyways, design to use dups?