ah but tcl, thats a scripting language, openocd uses tcl files to configure itself
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openocd... years ago I was trying to get a PR in that got blocked by "use a scope and submit some ...." which is just outside what I was willing to do
ive also found it a pain to setup openocb every time i need to debug something
it was someone else's patch, that was causing me a headache ... yeah...
"use this openocd fork until this 2+ year old patch..."
basically, rig a pico-w into the uart and jtag pins of a pi, and then connect to it over the wifi
currently, it only does uart
ive done it with a zero before, but it was running from a r/w SD card, and i didnt feel comfortable just yanking power like i would with a pico-w
but for this, you shouldnt need any patch
thats refreshing
although, the openocd in the package manager is many years out of date, and i think everybody recommends you just use openocd master
and ive gotten weird looks when telling somebody to go to the bunny blog :P
I have a few netv2 boards. somewhere in that universe is the "use this fork..." where I tried to get the patch upstreamed
I'm curious what ever happened.
msg xobs "no such nick" huh. thats surprising
clever: fpga4fun is great.
yep, they explain a lot of concepts clearly, even if your not planning to use an fpga
i2c, uart, spi, ethernet, jtag
https://pinout.xyz/pinout/jtag ... do I have this right: "two separate JTAG interfaces available on the Pi" means there are 2 places the pi can be hooked into to control things...
CarlFK: its a bit more complex, TDO can be on gpio 5 or gpio 24
but the pi does not have dedicated jtag pins for controlling, just gpio and software to do the bit banging
TDI can be on 26 or 4
and you can make a different choice on each
there are 2 jtag ports, but not in the way you asked
the main jtag port, is an unpopulated SMD socket on the bottom, and it can only debug the VPU, and nobody in the public knows how to drive it
the arm jtag port is behind the gpio altfunc array, so you must set those gpio pins into jtag mode to access the arm jtag port
i just randomly picked pins as i was setting it up the first time
got it. so if some other project (https://github.com/mithro/MoBoControl/wiki ) needs a jtag controller (is that the right word?) it doesn't matter which gpio pins are used
on the host side, you can pick any pins you want, as long as you list them correctly in openocd's config
on the target side, you need to use the pins that are set to the right altmode, as listed in arm.c
if I made a board that was basically 2 40 pin headers with traces routing gpio to jtag - and adding buttons / leds are about free, what would be some handy buttons / leds?
i cant see much use in buttons/led's for basic debug, but it cant really hurt to put an led on every gpio?
having the reset pin wired to a gpio would be handy
thats part of where my wifi-jtag project comes in
on the pi 1234 target header - there is alt1/2 - does it make sense to have 2 40 pin headers, one for each?
CarlFK: i would just pick one, and make sure the pi is configured to match
er, alt4/5 - looks like 5 has RTCK so that's better?
CarlFK: you dont have to use the same grouping or mode for all pins
so you could get TDI from 4, and TDO from 24, then TMS from 12, and TCM from 25
you can just pick whatever pin fits your pcb routing best
gah. choices :p
and on the host side (if its an rpi), you have nearly infinite choices
any pin can be used
CarlFK: oh, another idea i had, there is a standard pinout for jtag (i forget what though), creating a board, that adapts the 40pin header to the standard pinout, would then let you use any jtag programmer
and if you configure openocd to use the same pins, then you can use that same board for both host and target