the official headers that broadcom released years ago, only mention a single register, at that addr, and 32 bits in size
its a lie
references up to 7ea035xx
there is a load of registers
[clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/rpi/firmware]$ git show 4f63c3bdd4d9ca4f308e683fe7e70501b4ac3232
in this commit of the official firmware, RPF messed up, and forgot to strip the binaryes
so the .elf's in there, have all of the debug info still present
somebody then complained that the files had doubled in size, and RPF fixed the issue :P
bonda_000: with that, i can skip to the ISP area in ghidra, and see references from dozens of functions, isp_plat_init, isp_plat_stop, isp_plat_abort
yeah I don't see too many labels but there are some strings left in it
if you checkout that version of the firmware, and load the old `start_x.elf`, youll get a lot more details
i can't, it says fatal bad object
you need to `git fetch origin <hash>` first
oh you mean I need to clone that repo first?
RPF releases new files several times a month
and sometimes the new file may have useful data
so every now and then i load up the latest one, and decompile it some more
okay that makes sense
but see there is a thing in all these bootloaders
you only seem to be able to access ISP regs at 2nd or 3rd bootloader stage otherwise they are unreadable
its weird
probably power management stuff
oh, one problem with the unstripped binary
every string is tagged with the $S symbol
ghidra is convinced thats code
select the whole range (click first, shift click last), hit c to clear the type, then right click the first, data, string
and for the unstripped binary, at offset ef2ed68, you have the `isp_module` symbol, change the type (t) to `void*[97]` and it will make far more sense
that is sort of a vtable, for the isp class
I have it in my decompile as well
they do have something like a function table for each module and that's where these strings come I suppose
like if I scroll all the way up in the main decompilation file the first thing in there is a pointer PTR_PTR_s__CAMERA_POOL_END_0ef3a280 its at code address 0ec02800
thats the beginning of my decompiled .text section
and then I search for the start_x entry point within the bootcode (my start_x entry address is cec00200) so I search for a scalar 3468689920 and it's not in the bootcode so it must be constructed somewhere in the code
bonda_000: bootcode.bin understands elf files, and will respect the entry-point defined in the elf headers
that is very handy when running custom .elf files
let me load up bootcode-vc4-2022-11-04-f3db2058e9d1f0cefb4c1aff5dbd9fd2d2749233.bin...
there it is, at offset 800065d0, is a call to what i named fixup_apply, that takes fixup.dat (a binary patch), and directly applies it over the whole damn start.elf file, headers and all
then it uses memcpy to copy a chunk of code to 0x60008000, search for that!, this is the stub, that changes L2 cache settings, and then jumps to start.elf
line 6 applies the fixup.dat patch, based on the desired gpu_mem, and where the top of ram actually is
something from 9-14 parses the new elf file (i figured this out on a different .bin version)
16 copies the stub to some special sram
i think 18-21 is an L2 cache flush?
well part of that is an armstub which is arm code
and i think 22, is where it goes off to the stub in sram, and uvar8 is the elf entry-point, which came from 10
the armstub is in start.elf
bootcode.bin is pure VPU assembly
bootcode.bin's only job, is to bring the lpddr2 controller online, then load start.elf into dram, and execute it
start.elf's job, is to boot the rest of the system, drop an armstub at 0, turn on the arm core, and then provide runtime services (like the ISP) to the arm
yeah mine didn't decompile to the point of recognizing memcpy
FUN_800002e8 from line 22, is just a `j r1`, its very obvious that the pastebin half was c, and FUN_800002e8 is asm in a second file
yeah, memcpy isnt labeled at all in the .bin files
you just have to find it manually
i forget how, but ghidra can generate a database of function patterns and names
so that last link you sent is your bootcode entry code?
and then auto-apply that to future decompiles
the last pastebin is the end of bootcode.bin, right as it passes control off to start.elf
and yes, it is huge, my .git is 24gig in size
so thats the firmware you are decompiling right?
one of them, yes
that link takes you directly to the unstripped version
oh damn thats 10 year old firmware
yeah, thats how long ago they messed up and leaked all the symbols
as far as i know, they never repeated that mistake
but it still supported the isp and camera stuff, so the answers should be in there
have you generated the pattern folders for your vc4 processor or is it what you also have to do manually?
when i import a file into ghidra, i rename it manually
oh yeah it is unstripped
all the paths of source files are there
and names for every symbol
and if we knew how the debug data worked, it may even be possible to recover the source
ok but then why the bootcode you were telling me about you picked a 2022 one
and not the same one from that 10 year old unstripped drop. I'm trying to follow what you do
none of the bins I fed ghidra it recognized, so I had to put mine into .elfs manually alas start_x.elf
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the only problem I see is that this unstripped code is for VideoCore III
isn't it?
10 years ago is before RPi3 came out
that's why I'm thinking populating some patterns using this unstripped version and trying to apply it to the one that I know works on my 'puter
oops, i keep getting distrcted with virtio code elsewhere
bonda_000: the pi0-pi3 are all virtually identical internally
the only real difference is which arm core is jammed on the side, and the VPU boot rom
so the isp, hvs, v3d, and all that stuff, performs the same way on everything in that range
the only major difference, is that the bcm2835 clocked some things at 250mhz, but the bcm2836(pi2) and newer, used a different process node, and clock at 500mhz
bonda_000: as for why i picked a recent bootcode.bin, i just picked a random one in ghidra, to use as an example
i named the hash, because i was initially using offsets into the binary, which are only valid for that version
but once i found 0x60008000, i realized you can search for that, and find the same code in any binary
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i guess i will just stick to wrapping the .bin into elfs since its pretty much the same thing
i'm just new to the ghidra interface and getting a bit lost in the features atm
yeah, i was planning on moving to elf only as well
and i did struggle with ghidra too, but after using it for several years, its all easy now
and these excerpts that you shared with git gists
they kind of resemble what I see in my bootcode except for the functions that you manually named I guess
at the end you have
do {blink_failure4();}while(true);
mine says
yep, thats what causes the bootcode.bin to blink the led 4 times, when start.elf cant be found
then the bootcode.bin, has to go thru the entire start(_x).elf file, and add 768mb to every address
to EVERY address?
everything that is pointing within the elf
but not MMIO
I mean
gpu_mem=30 means first 30 MB of RAM are used by VC4
nope, LAST 30mb
thats the reason its such a mess
everything from 0 to (1024-30) belongs to the arm
and everything from (1024-30) to 1024, belongs to the gpu
its a bit confusing how on Broadcom data sheet SDRAM is split in four slice one slice per 'alias region'
what from arm is just straightforward 0x0 - 0x3fffffff
that is just repeating the same 1gig of ram 4 times
but thats the awkward VC4 memory map is why its sliced like that
the top 2 bits of the address, are cache control flags
any read from 0 to 0x3fffffff, is allowed to access both the L1 and L2 cache
any read from 0x4000_0000 to 0x7fff_ffff is allowed to reach from the L2 cache, but a cache miss wont load the data into the L2 cache
anything from 0x8000_0000 to 0xbfff_ffff will use the L2 cache normally, but ignore the L1 cache
and anything from 0xc000_0000 and up, ignores both L1 and L2
the reason for all of that, is that you can write to something in the "0 alias" (L1/L2 work normally), then you can do dma from the "4 alias" (L2 reads, but doesnt allocate)
now the dma will respect what is in the L2 cache, so you dont have to flush the cache
but the dma wont trash your L2, by filling it with data
originally, the VPU ran the entire system, and the videocore was arm-less
thats what I want to do run it arm-less
so that the 4 cores dont waste power
you may want to look at my lk-overlay stuff then
so I'm with you on the split but my VC4 should have all 1GB
isn't dma only supposed to work on RAM
and all 4 of those aliases, are the same 1gig of ram
and L1 and L2 caches are filled as the processor accesses memory
the problem, is when the cpu writes something, and the data only lives in the cache
you want dma to read the most recent version of the data
yeah thats what write through is for
you can either do a costly cache flush, or you can just give dma access to the cache
on x86, the pcie controller is part of the cpu, and it has permission to snoop on the caches, so you never have to flush
on the vpu, the dma can access the L2 cache, but not L1, and you use the top 2 bits of the address, to control what dma will do
but dma cant access the arm L1/L2 cache at all (design flaw by broadcom)
so the arm must flush caches all the time
so on VC4 if the dma sees the L1/2 data and RAM data differ its going to take the cache version of it?
the L2 cache is just another slave on the main bus
so any access to the 0/4/8 alias, will just route the request to the L2 cache
if the L2 cache has the data, thats a cache hit, it returns the data, and jobs done
if the L2 cache doesnt have the data, it will then set bits 30/31 to 1 (moving it to the c alias), and send the request back out onto the bus, where dram will respond
if the original request was to the 4 alias, then the L2 cache doesnt cache the response, and only forwards it on
but if the request was for the 0 or 8 alias, the L2 cache will fetch an entire cache line, and cache it
while also forwarding the answer to the original request
this is the source that my open firmware uses
well then I think what I'll try to do now is try to put the regdump at the exit point of the bootcode and see it if hasn't enabled ISP by that time
so after it finished writing start_x.elf to SDRAM and before it branches there
at bootcode stage everything is in 128KB L2 Cache
the only job bootcode.bin has, is to bring the lpddr2 controller online
so its not going to be turning the ISP on at any point
so when the system is not yet booted you cant see these registers, as well as when its fully booted you can't see the ISP registers also
you need to ask the firmware to turn on the ISP first
idk I tried playing with PWRMAN registers IMAGE register and it didn't go well
instead of flipping the bit on ISPRST it killed HDMI
ive had trouble getting hdmi to even start working
bonda_000: i went over the entire function, and labeled every MMIO address
you can click `code` to see the non-diff version
I have references to DAT_7e100108 and how do you give it a name?
2024-04-28 09:15:46 < clever> so, for PM_IMAGE, first i go into ghidra, in the memory window, and i create a PM block at 0x7e100000, 0x1000 long, volatile
re-read the ~5 messages below that one
then repeat that dance, on every address you see in the decompile
yeah so it doesnt replace it to PM_Image in the code but still useful
adding it to the memory window, just changes it to read_volatioe()
2024-04-28 09:16:05 < clever> then i can use `g` to goto 0x7e100108
2024-04-28 09:16:13 < clever> and `l` to label it as `PM_IMAGE`
2024-04-28 09:16:23 < clever> then `t` to set the type to `uint`
this then creates a symbol, and it becomes read_volatile(PM_IMAGE)
forgot the t
reading the decompile, now that its done, i can see that if param2 is 2, it will do someting in CM_PERIICTL, PM_IMAGE, and VEC_DAC_MISC, so thats likely turning on the VEC (composite video encoder)
4, it will do some things with H264
8, the ISP
0x10, i'm not sure
0x40, the v3d, i think
0x2000, the CCP2TX (one of the csi things)
0x8000, DSI1
0x10000, usb
0x400, hdmi
uint or uint32_t* ?
just `uint` for MMIO
its not a pointer
there's like 5 different uints
just hit enter, and it usually picks the right one
another issue with the unstripped elf, every string has a $S symbol on it, which makes them show up weirdly
it didnt become read_volatile(PM_IMAGE) for me but rather PM_IMAGE = 0x5a001000
i see a ldconfig_get_config($S) in the decompile
if i double-click on the $S, i can then use `c` and right click->data->string, to fix the types up
and it becomes ldconfig_get_config("config_hdmi_boost")
no I mean the code using this address turned from Ram7e100108 = 0x5a001000 is now PM_IMAGE = 0x5a001000
sounds like you forgot to check volatile in the memory window
line 89, the isr (interrupt service routine), it will read the status reg, write it back to status, stash that in a struct, and signal completion of irq_sem
yeah that repo is not much different from what we have aside from more register definitions, it still talks to the VC4 through mmal-vchiq
line 212, the mmap function for this char device, it will map RHEA_ISP_BASE_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS when you try to mmap the char device
think of this like mmap on /dev/ttyS0
the driver is free to map whatever it wants
well, I guess if you could enable ISP on RPi then that driver would work on RPi too
but that driver is only 2% of the code
they hid the real logic in userland
likely a closed-source library
and because its not linking with linux, it doesnt have to respect the GPL and reveal the source
the only thing the driver does, is manage the clock, the irq, and expose things via mmap
you can now clearly see, that isp_init creates the event flags, the thread, and then gets the event flags
isp_exit will delete the event flags
and isp_task, will set the flags (the very same flag init gets), so that means isp_init wont finish, until the isp_task() thread has reached this point
and the do/while loop, then gets flags
and the int handler sets the flags
so basically, the int handler will unblock the thread, and then the thread takes action
i see that it takes some local_34 variable and compares it with bit fields
exactly the same thing linux was doing with its complete(&dev->irq_sem);
thats the flags variable
and it gave the addr of local_34 to flags_get
so local_34 likely contains the flags the irq handler signaled
and then based on those flags, isp_task() does different things
isp_task = &gp->isp_task;
so gp here is some global struct that holds RTOS tasks
their handles and stats and so on
gp is basically just .data
it holds everything
so, as an example, if the flags contains 0x40, it calls isp_sw_stage_handler
but isp_int_handler never sets that bit directly
not found either
line 100 void isp_task(void)
this may take days to unravel, but the header you found is massively valuable
line 120 isp_task = &gp->isp_task;
isnt it a name conflict
it is
ghidra doesnt care
but if you tried to paste this into a file and compile, it will fail
undefined1 *isp_task has the same name as the function name and its all pointers
i dont always check for collisions when naming things
yeah i guess so
ghidra even lets you put invalid characters in a symbol name
but what does that mean though
you didnt name it like that manually did you?
i did name everything in that line
you wrote isp_task = &gp->isp_task;?
i used `l` to rename the variables
and i created a gp_area struct
as i explained above
2024-04-28 11:44:20 < clever> down in the data type manager, under your elf file, create a new struct, call it gp_area, and make the size at least 0x2000
so what was it before
re-read everything starting here
yeah i remember the gp part
it was just `gp_uaff + 0x1234`
creating the struct, and changing the type, turned it into `local_gp->field_0x1234`
then i renamed everything, to make more sense
you want a single `struct gp_area` for the entire binary
and just change every `unaff_gp` into a `gp_area*`
ah I still have these dollar signs and something still isn't decompiling correctly
as i said, $S is a string constant
use `c` to clear that, then right click the first character, data, string
the official compiler puts a $S on every single string, and ghidra blindly assumes symbols in .text are functions
the rpi3-bootcode project, is more of just a demo of a basic bootcode.bin, which you could then expand upon
vc4-stage1 is a bootcode.bin that functions similarly to the official one, it brings dram online, then loads lk.elf, from ext4!! (it lacks fat support, lol)
the rpi3-start project, builds a start.elf, which is compatible with the whole pi0-pi3 range
(I use vc4-toolchain which I built by myself)
you can either use the closed bootcode.bin to load it
or you can use the open vc4-stage1 to load it
okay its unpacking 1 channels
taking its time
it will be a bit slow the first time, since it has to build gcc, but its entirely automated, so you will have far fewer issues
okay its done
the nix part
now try `nix-shell` in the lk-overlay directory
yeah its like hung
no prompt
its probably doing network and cpu stuff
check `top` in another window
yeah its busy
using up CPU
sounds good, just wait
its installing a lot of things
is that all dependencies for your OS?
most of them are just for building gcc
i see
i need to get some sleep, but once its done it will drop you back into a shell, that says nix-shell, like i showed above
just run make as i showed above, and youll get a .bin out
just copy that bin to an sd card, and rename it to bootcode.bin
have a good night
it failed though
says I need a x64 linux
I'm gonna get that going just in case we need it tomorrow
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I keep getting the error: a 'x86_64-linux' with features{} is required to build 'nix/store/ijvhxlzfpigvmgzg3bmg9a11wc7kp106-source.drv', but I am a 'aarch-linux' with features {benchmark, big-parallel, kvm, nixos-test, uid-range}
I have windows on my main machine so I guess I will have to do it manually
bonda_000_: yeah, there is some issues in the nix code, and it can only build the cross-compiler on x86
bonda_000_: the nix page i linked, includes directions for WSL2, which is windows based
so you can try things there
can't I just build binutils and then build lk?
like manually
bonda_000_: yeah, you can still try that route as well
i don't see any windows instructions only the bash script
bonda_000_: WSL2 lets you get a full linux while on windows
or you can just install ubuntu under virtualbox
hii, I'll go sleep now
good night ^^
good night
and happy hacking! ^^
wait I only can have wsl1 with my windows version
i may just get a partition on a hard drive for that