I've recently gotten a RPi 2 and now I'm trying to figure out how to get composite video output off of it
I have a 3.5mm <-> RCA dongle cable, but it seems like it's not working.
I guess I might have the wrong cable, but I'm troubleshooting this right now...
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dolphinana: how did you enable it in config.txt ?
I found an SD card with RetroPie, which seem to work with composite output on my RPi 1, but it didn't work with my RPi 2 when I tested it with dongle...
I have checked the dongle cable with multimeter and it seems like the dongle cable isn't wired correctly for the RPi
for some cables, the video comes out one of the audio channels
for others, gnd is video, and its just all messed up
I found out that the Pi uses GND on the cable as video output...
and the white plug is GND for RPi o.o
clever: I guess I can use librerpi on RPi 2 with video output now! :)
dolphinana: as a test, try grabbing https://github.com/librerpi/lk-overlay and do `make PROJECT=bootcode-fast-ntsc`, then copy the resulting lk.bin to bootcode.bin, and see what happens
sure, just wait a min...
hmm... no video output...
I'll be debugging this later, but now I'll do something else...
see you later ^^
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hi, I still haven't gotten any video output from `bootcode-fast-ntsc` build, but I have tested my older librerpi lk-overlay builds and they seem to work on RPi 2
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dolphinana_: are you able to hook up a uart to the pi2?
yes, but I haven't done that yet
dolphinana_: i'm guessing its something small that i missed and broke while updating other things
I'll set up UART on that Pi2
just wait a min
(but keep in mind that I'll go sleep soon, so I don't have much time right now)