f_ changed the topic of ##raspberrypi-internals to: The inner workings of the Raspberry Pi (Low level VPU/HW) -- for general queries please visit #raspberrypi -- open firmware: https://librerpi.github.io/ -- VC4 VPU Programmers Manual: https://github.com/hermanhermitage/videocoreiv/wiki -- chat logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/~h~raspberrypi-internals -- bridged to matrix and discord
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<dolphinana_> hello ^^
<dolphinana_> I'm thinking of getting an RPi 2 for the purpose of hacking it ^^
<dolphinana_> librerpi can boot Linux on RPi 2, right?
<dolphinana_> oh btw, how are you clever?
<f_[xmpp]> dolphinana_: Yes.
<dolphinana_> good to hear that ^^
<dolphinana_> btw, I'm having trouble compiling lk-overlay. I keep getting this error: vc4-elf-ld: cannot find -lgcc
<dolphinana_> anyone knows why this is happening?
<clever> dolphinana_: there should be a libgcc.a that was built by gcc, and that needs to be in the search path
<clever> nix can set it all up automatically
<dolphinana_> clever: the libgcc.a file does exist, but it doesn't seem to be in the search path. How do I set up the search path?
<clever> arch/vpu/rules.mk:ARCH_LDFLAGS += -L/nix/store/cwpy4q0qvdwdif1zfwnfg5gi50c6j9w8-vc4-elf-stage-final-gcc-debug-6.5.0/lib/gcc/vc4-elf/6.2.1/
<clever> dolphinana_: fix the path in here
<dolphinana_> woah!
<dolphinana_> I can compile lk-overlay now!
<dolphinana_> Thank you!! :D
<dolphinana_> but what happened? I don't remember having to do this the last time I installed vc4 toolchain manually...