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<sensille> i'm in a bit of a tight spot. i updated my OS, which broke the toolchain. after updating the toolchain my design doesn't meet the timing anymore. i'm inclined to blame nextpnr-ecp5, but i can't be 100% sure as i can't run the old version anymore.
<sensille> i think the previous version was bb607913, roughly 1 1/2 years old
<sensille> are there any significant changes regarding timing?
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<tpw_rules> imho you're a bit hosed. the timing will depend on the seed which will depend on the exact program text and revision. maybe it was always that marginal
<tnt> My guess : Add -no-rw-check to synth_ecp5 yosys command
<tnt> This is probably the most (negatively) impactful change in the last 1.5y.
<sensille> timing changed from 52mhz to 38mhz, quite significant
<sensille> i tried with what i believe is the .json i used with the old nextpnr-ecp5
<sensille> so a yosys change shouldn't impact this test
<sensille> i can try with different seeds
<sensille> 37.04, 36.96, 40.18mhz. prev: 52.60mhz
<tnt> "what i believe" is always suspect
<tnt> You can use the oss-cad-suite builds to "go back in time" and try to find out where things went wrong.
<somlo> sensille: in my (recent) experience with nextpnr-ecp5, placement (packing) is *much* better than before (year+ ago); timing is also better *on average*.
<somlo> the trick (per gatecat's advice) is to use "flow3" (i.e., add 'scratchpad -copy abc9.script.flow3 abc9.script' before 'synth_ecp5 -abc9 -top <whatever>' to your yosys script)
<sensille> okay, those are some nice pointers, will check in both directions
<somlo> I then run `nextpnr-ecp5` in a loop with --seed $RANDOM until it passes timing -- which it eventually does in my case. With a year+ old nextpnr-ecp5 I didn't use to stand a chance, so there's an extra $0.02 worth of advice :)
<sensille> tnt: i explicitly wrote "what i believe" because it is suspect to me, too :)
<sensille> okay, with the abc9+flow3 it went up from 36 to 46mhz, close
<tnt> sensille: did you use -no-rw-check ?
<sensille> oops, no, trying
<sensille> no significant change
<sensille> stupid libboost stuff
<somlo> sensille: if you re-run nextpnr-ecp5 (only) with a new $RANDOM seed a few times, you can get an idea of what your fmax "distribution" looks like, and if you stand a chance of getting lucky and meeting your target
<sensille> yes, but it still irks me that the old toolchain seemed to have met the target easily. currently trying oss-cad-suite
<sensille> 58mhz
<sensille> old json, old nextpnr-ecp5 (oldest available on oss-cad-suite)
<tnt> Well now you get to bisect and find the culprit.
<sensille> bisecting by downloading 700MB per step :)
<tnt> Well you can build it if you want, but for me it's faster to download that build the toolchain ...
<sensille> i'll probably just do it tomorrow as an idle task at work
<tnt> Probably easy enough to script
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<gatecat> it might be a bad case with the split-slice stuff, however much I tested to make sure it didn't seriously pessimise anything there was always going to be one case when it did
<gatecat> and it seems like you might have found it
<gatecat> that was merged sometime around april if it helps with checking oss-cad-suite releases
<sensille> 20220401 - good. 20220501 - bad
<sensille> gatecat: is there a switch i can try?
<sensille> 20220415 - bad
<sensille> 20220407 - good
<sensille> is that close enough?
<sensille> if it's e42e2257 (Merge pull request #972 from YosysHQ/gatecat/ecp5-split-slice-v2) it is dated Apr 7
<sensille> 20220408 - bad