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<janvhs> I LOVE THIS OMG
<janvhs> You all are my last hope... Can I assign an existing UNIX socket to a file descriptor in shell somehow? At this point I don't even care how cursed and if it's not POSIX compliant lol
<janvhs> Context I'm writing a runit service script for my gpg-agent and I need to pass FD3 to gpg-agent, but can't `exec 3<>/the_sock`, because it fails with "cannot create /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent: No such device or address"
<janvhs> The file exists, tho. It's because it's a socket
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<cve> janvhs: you mean you have a UNIX socket on your FS and want to somehow inject it externally into the FD table of an existing process?
<cve> the dup2(2) system call could be interesting although it usually has to be called internally
<cve> with it, you can duplicate an existing file descriptor to an arbitrary FD number
<cve> i'm a cat, purr purr