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<Zaba> when writing a state machine in verilog, it seems common to have code like "if (state == STATE_1) if (condition) next_state <= STATE; ... if (state == STATE_2) <drive signals as appropriate>". But this seems to inevitably introduce a delay of 1 clock between the condition for transitioning into STATE_2 being recognize and the outputs being driven as appropriate for it. Is there some idiomatic way to avoid this delay without, like, copying and pastin
<Zaba> g the code to drive the outputs into multiple states?
<tnt> Zaba: sorry but that cut snippet is not clear enough (like are those in process ? what's the sensitivity list). Paste a more reasable example on pastebin ....
<Zaba> Sure. Sorry. For example: https://paste.rs/EFhZk.txt (illustrative purposes only). A simple external memory controller with read_enable and data connected to an imaginary external chip.
<tpb> Title: Source Code | Rocket Powered Pastebin (at paste.rs)
<Zaba> In theory I could change it so that read_enable is driven already when read_stobe goes low, and do everything one clock cycle sooner, but in practice it just seems to inevitably make a mess of everything because code needs to be duplicated between the states?
<tnt> So you can either have a always @(*) process with a switch that depends on state and that sets whatever FSM output combinatorially from the curent state (like your read_enable for instance).
<tnt> Or have the state transitions made in always @(*) comb process and set a "next_state" variable and then in a clocked process you set them in a case that depends on next_state and not on state.
<tnt> ( Usually I do both ... dpends if I want the signal to be a FF output or a comb signal ... )
<Zaba> But in that case, I would still need to have a complex condition such as if (state == READ || (state == IDLE && !read_strobe))
<tnt> huh, don't think so.
<Zaba> If I used a simple switch based on state there would still be the 1-clock delay
<tpb> Title: module test( in wire clk, in wire read_strobe, out reg [3:0] addr, - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
<tnt> Your example above has 2 clock between read_stobe low and read_enable going high.
<tnt> What I pasted has 1 clock.
<Zaba> Alright, yes, in order to have a 1-clock delay in my example, I would need to move read_enable <= 1'b 1 into the "if (!read_strobe)" in the IDLE case
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<Zaba> (And that is precisely the part that made me unhappy, because it would then need to be duplicated in the READ case)
<Zaba> Using a separate combinatory block for such cases seems like a good idea though, I need to spend some time wrapping my mind around how the timing works out exactly with it. Thanks!
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<aliali678> I'm trying to use oss-cad with a tangnano9k, does anyone know of a "known working" release?
<aliali678> Specifically gowin_pack fails with "type object is not subscriptable" on the latest version no matter what I do.
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