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<Myrl-saki> Is there a way to tell Yosys to not assume anything about the values?
<Myrl-saki> Or rather, assume that all bit representations are valid or something.
<Myrl-saki> Specifically, I have a rom which is populated by readmemh, and Yosys is apparently smart enough to dead code eliminate everything else based on the contents of the ROM.
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<lofty> Myrl-saki: invariably the answer is "fix the bug in your code" :p
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<tnt> lofty: Not sure there is a bug in the code ...
<lofty> tnt: Yosys should not be able to optimise out an entire design if there isn't
<tnt> lofty: not entire design ... but possibly some path because it sees the rom content never has that bit at 1 for instance. But maybe that rom content is meant to be replaced dynamically post PNR.
<tnt> so it'd be nice if you could tell it "don't optimize anything based on the content of the ROM".
<lofty> Yosys will pretty much always want to map a ROM to LUTs
<tnt> yeah, which is another problem in itself ...
<tnt> but maybe it accepts ram_style
<tnt> Ideally for postpnr replace the content would be filled with random so it's "unlikely" that it find any content dependent optimization, but still would be nice to be sure.
<jix> I'm not sure what optimizations in which passes are the issue here, but what should work in any case is to keep the rom in a separate module that's loaded as a blackbox during synth and then only afterwards you read the module contents with the rom in it
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<Myrl-saki> Yosys is making ALUs for this: wire ram_select = addr - 256 < 256; // 256 <= addr && addr < 256 + 256;
<Myrl-saki> Ah wait.
<lofty> Comparisons are implemented in terms of ALUs
<lofty> (with some exceptions for very small comparisons)
<Myrl-saki> I think it's because I'm calling alumacc too early.
<Myrl-saki> Mhm, though isn't this faster with just a bunch of LUTs?
<lofty> With interconnect delay for LUTs compared to fast carry chain? hard to say.
<Myrl-saki> Okay, I called alumacc later, after opt -fine -full, and with the commented version as the expression, and it now no longer uses ALUs.
<Myrl-saki> Though, that's interesting though.
<Myrl-saki> I think I see what you mean. A comparison would be both wide and deep, since it has to generate partials for each bits, and then it gets collected after. A dedicated carry chain could actually be faster.
<Myrl-saki> I think?
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<icee> I'm trying to make a workflow with yosys on edaplayground for my students to see decent diagrams of trivial multi-module things
<icee> I'm using flatten in my .ys file; but I get bufs going to names of internal signals
<icee> How can i get it to actually eliminate these internal wire names etc
<icee> i've tried making sure keep attributes are unset (but could be screwing this up); i've tried clean
<lofty> icee: opt_clean -purge
<lofty> At least, if I'm remembering correctly
<lofty> Myrl-saki: depending on the architecture you can also break down comparisons to be even more efficient than naive subtraction while still using the carry chain
<icee> nice! one sec, let me try
<icee> !! thank you
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