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<rbox> jdiez: as comes from binutils
<rbox> although i would assume x86_64-poky-linux-gcc would try to run x86_64-poky-linux-as
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<ente> jdiez: local rsync --checksum also reads both local files to compare them
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<mcfrisk> deltask for spdx tasks no longer works. have an image recipe with empty do_rootfs() which just merges other images, and now fails to build due to spdx tasks failing. nospdx.bbclass is also broken. what works is IMAGE_CLASSES:remove = "create-spdx-image-3.0" in the image recipe.
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<RP> mcfrisk: I wonder if inherit_defer nospdx works?
<mcfrisk> RP: ah, it could be the defer things. I'll try. Thanks!
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<Ch^W> RP: We shall see how it goes.
<RP> mcfrisk: I'm just guessing but this would potentially be another unforeseen side effect of that :/
<RP> Ch^W: thanks, will be interesting to see what they say
<mcfrisk> and at the same time talk is about dropping TLS 1.1 and 1.0 support completely
<neverpanic> (which is good! TLS 1.0 and 1.1 need to die, and yesterday!)
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<mcfrisk> Could poky recipes support distro and machine features from other layers, e.g. meta-security has tpm2 which needs to enable tpm2 in systemd PACKAGECONFIG?
<RP> mcfrisk: depends on the layer but in theory that should be ok
<rburton> arguably that would be neater as a systemd bbappend anyway (so you can change meta-security without having to sync with oe-core)
<mcfrisk> yes, I'm wondering if bbappend in meta-security/meta-tpm is better than adding tpm2 distro/machine feature support to poky side systemd recipe
<rburton> personally i'd be appending simply for the convenience of not having two layers to deal with if you want to make changes
<rburton> if you get to the point where you can say that the feature is complete and well tested, you can make the case to integrate into core
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<mcfrisk> rburton: sounds sensible. will also need to consider meta-arm and ftpm/optee-ftpm since that is a tpm2 device too
<rburton> right
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<tlwoerner> there appear to be several different ways to configure/build python projects (e.g. python_setuptools_build_meta, python_hatchling, setuptools3, etc)
<tlwoerner> is there a blog post, documentation, or a wiki that helps explain when to use which?
<tlwoerner> is "devtool add" smart enough to know which one to pick?
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<rburton> tlwoerner: you pick the one the recipe says to use
<tlwoerner> rburton: what if it's you who is writing the recipe?
<rburton> i mean the upstream
<rburton> pyproject.toml says what build system is used, so match that
<rburton> devtool will use the right one iirc, assuming you have a toml parser to hand
<rburton> yes see PythonPyprojectTomlRecipeHandler in scripts/lib/recipetool/create_buildsys_python.py
<tlwoerner> ahh! build-backend in pyproject.toml
<tlwoerner> thanks!
<rburton> just use devtool, it does the right thing :)
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<LetoThe2nd> rburton: (tm)
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<fray_> I'm getting requests from people (baremetal) to build RISC-V components with different configurations. I know the default riscv tune/arch is just 32/64 and nf and nc..... The poeople are giving me configurations like: rv32i-ilp32-- (part of the configuration like for a multilib gcc). I have a hacky way to do this now, but I'm wondering if we need to implement something more standard
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<fray> We have a similar method in microblaze for a more variable configuration, but I'm not sure that makes sense in this case (maybe it does).. but we definitely more configurations for baremetal then what are current available.
<rburton> alperak: nice patchbomb :)
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<alperak> @rburton thanks :)
<RP> alperak: some nice improvements there, thanks!
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<alperak> @RP thanks :)
<tgamblin> alperak: thank you. moto-timo is probably jumping for joy
<rber__> @rburton I am not sure devtool does the right thing after the UNPACKDIR change ;)
<rburton> nooooo
<rburton> it seemed to work when i last did a recipe but if thats so please file a bug or patch!
<RP> zeddii: I merged the 6.10 pieces apart from the final version switch as I think we're close
<zeddii> I'm looking through the new things this morning, while finishing up 6.11 for dev. I'm at a loss to explain that trap at the moment though.
<RP> rber__: all the test cases pass so it sounds like we may be missing one
<RP> zeddii: it did seem strange to me
<alperak> @tgamblin I'm glad I could help :)
<zeddii> it has to be in the .3 update, since I didn't have any merge conflicts that looked suspicious. but I'll detangle it somehow.
<rber__> Let me update to poky master (mine is from Thu Jun 13 10:55:16 2024) and I will give it another try
<RP> zeddii: right, I did wonder about the point release. So so stable :)
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<rber__> ... and this one seems to work - I know it's an ugly hack: UNPACKDIR = "${WORKDIR}/" hehe ;)
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<RP> rber__: write a new devtool test case that shows the problem and that might get it fixed faster
<rfs613> whom should I poke regarding cgit on git.yoctoproject.org? I think there's a pretty simple fix, as noted in https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15441
<RP> rfs613: could you drop a note about it to helpdesk@yoctoproject.org please. halstead would be the person here
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<rfs613> RP, will do, thanks!
* RP notes the buildhistory change breaks immediately after I've merged the thing :(
<moto-timo> alperak: thank you for making the world a better place
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<alperak> @moto-timo Seems like it's not big deal but thank you :)
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<moto-timo> alperak: someone had to take the time to do it. That is priceless.
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<halstead> rfs613: I'll add that CSS.
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<rfs613> halstead: thank you!
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<rburton> RP: revert revert revert
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<RP> rburton: I have a fix for that failure. I just wonder how may more are out there
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<RP> Controversial - is now the time to drop BB_DANGLINGAPPENDS_WARNONLY ? :)
<RP> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14870 - you can deal with it via BBMASK
* RP sends a proposal to oe-arch
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<moto-timo> upstream (hopefully) has a fix for TMPDIR [build-paths] in python3-pydantic-core https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic-core/pull/1396
<moto-timo> working on the upgrade plus that patch now
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<denix> RP: binutils 2.43 broke ffmpeg for armv7 and armv5, looks like one of the codecs in asm generates bad thumb code...
<denix> I'll open a bugzilla for khem
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<RP> denix: ok, I guess some fallout was inevitable!
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<denix> RP: we need to set LICENSE_FLAGS_ACCEPTED += "commercial" in AB to catch such issues
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<RP> denix: can we actually do that on public infrastructure though?
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<denix> RP: are the resulting pieces like mp3 codec being distributed from it? probably cannot do that if all the artifacts from the build are also publicly accessible...
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<RP> denix: right, which is why we don't do this :/
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