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jdiez: as comes from binutils
although i would assume x86_64-poky-linux-gcc would try to run x86_64-poky-linux-as
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jdiez: local rsync --checksum also reads both local files to compare them
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deltask for spdx tasks no longer works. have an image recipe with empty do_rootfs() which just merges other images, and now fails to build due to spdx tasks failing. nospdx.bbclass is also broken. what works is IMAGE_CLASSES:remove = "create-spdx-image-3.0" in the image recipe.
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mcfrisk: I wonder if inherit_defer nospdx works?
RP: ah, it could be the defer things. I'll try. Thanks!
mcfrisk: I'm just guessing but this would potentially be another unforeseen side effect of that :/
Ch^W: thanks, will be interesting to see what they say
and at the same time talk is about dropping TLS 1.1 and 1.0 support completely
(which is good! TLS 1.0 and 1.1 need to die, and yesterday!)
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Could poky recipes support distro and machine features from other layers, e.g. meta-security has tpm2 which needs to enable tpm2 in systemd PACKAGECONFIG?
mcfrisk: depends on the layer but in theory that should be ok
arguably that would be neater as a systemd bbappend anyway (so you can change meta-security without having to sync with oe-core)
yes, I'm wondering if bbappend in meta-security/meta-tpm is better than adding tpm2 distro/machine feature support to poky side systemd recipe
personally i'd be appending simply for the convenience of not having two layers to deal with if you want to make changes
if you get to the point where you can say that the feature is complete and well tested, you can make the case to integrate into core
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rburton: sounds sensible. will also need to consider meta-arm and ftpm/optee-ftpm since that is a tpm2 device too
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there appear to be several different ways to configure/build python projects (e.g. python_setuptools_build_meta, python_hatchling, setuptools3, etc)
is there a blog post, documentation, or a wiki that helps explain when to use which?
is "devtool add" smart enough to know which one to pick?
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tlwoerner: you pick the one the recipe says to use
rburton: what if it's you who is writing the recipe?
i mean the upstream
pyproject.toml says what build system is used, so match that
devtool will use the right one iirc, assuming you have a toml parser to hand
yes see PythonPyprojectTomlRecipeHandler in scripts/lib/recipetool/
ahh! build-backend in pyproject.toml
just use devtool, it does the right thing :)
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rburton: (tm)
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I'm getting requests from people (baremetal) to build RISC-V components with different configurations. I know the default riscv tune/arch is just 32/64 and nf and nc..... The poeople are giving me configurations like: rv32i-ilp32-- (part of the configuration like for a multilib gcc). I have a hacky way to do this now, but I'm wondering if we need to implement something more standard
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We have a similar method in microblaze for a more variable configuration, but I'm not sure that makes sense in this case (maybe it does).. but we definitely more configurations for baremetal then what are current available.
alperak: nice patchbomb :)
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@rburton thanks :)
alperak: some nice improvements there, thanks!
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@RP thanks :)
alperak: thank you. moto-timo is probably jumping for joy
@rburton I am not sure devtool does the right thing after the UNPACKDIR change ;)
it seemed to work when i last did a recipe but if thats so please file a bug or patch!
zeddii: I merged the 6.10 pieces apart from the final version switch as I think we're close
I'm looking through the new things this morning, while finishing up 6.11 for dev. I'm at a loss to explain that trap at the moment though.
rber__: all the test cases pass so it sounds like we may be missing one
zeddii: it did seem strange to me
@tgamblin I'm glad I could help :)
it has to be in the .3 update, since I didn't have any merge conflicts that looked suspicious. but I'll detangle it somehow.
Let me update to poky master (mine is from Thu Jun 13 10:55:16 2024) and I will give it another try
zeddii: right, I did wonder about the point release. So so stable :)
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... and this one seems to work - I know it's an ugly hack: UNPACKDIR = "${WORKDIR}/" hehe ;)
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rber__: write a new devtool test case that shows the problem and that might get it fixed faster
denix: can we actually do that on public infrastructure though?
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RP: are the resulting pieces like mp3 codec being distributed from it? probably cannot do that if all the artifacts from the build are also publicly accessible...
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denix: right, which is why we don't do this :/
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