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<jdiez> I can't figure out why I can't build linux-yocto for qemux86-64. "linux-yocto was skipped: incompatible with machine qemux86-64 (not in COMPATIBLE_MACHINE)". obviously it is in COMPATIBLE_MACHINE, so not sure what's going on there
<RP> jdiez: are there multiple settings of COMPATIBLE_MACHINE and one is masking the other?
<RP> maybe some layer doing something you don't expect? Try removing layers if you have others added?
<jdiez> I haven't modified the recipe in poky, but I do have a sketchy BSP layer that I've already had to give the BBMASK treatment to various parts
<jdiez> yup, removing the sketchy BSP layer did it. thanks RP! I need to investigate a bit more deeply why that happens; the linux-yocto_%.bbappend in that layer doesn't seem to be overwriting COMPATIBLE_MACHINES
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<DvorkinDmitry> I need to create a docker image with yocto. which layer should I use?
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<dario> jdiez: bitbake-getvar or bitbake -e should tell you where the overrides are
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