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<jclsn[m]> Morning guys, is there a way to let the fetcher never check for certificates? Can't find anything in the documentation
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<jclsn[m]> Weirdly, this works in on for my gatesgarth branches, but not in honister or the gatesgarth branch for the other machine. Has some default behavior changed there?
<jclsn[m]> * Weirdly, this works on one of my gatesgarth branches, but not in honister or the gatesgarth branch for the other machine. Has some default behavior changed there?
<jclsn[m]> I already diffed the local.conf and there is nothing suspicious there
<jclsn[m]> Except for the config version being different
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<kranzo> hi,
<kranzo> can someone give me a hint about 'SSTATE_EXCLUDEDEPS_SYSROOT += ".*->autoconf-archive-native''''
<kranzo> The question is: Why is this done? and what is the proper way to popultate autoconf-archive-native into the sdk? Manually via TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_append = " nativesdk-autoconf-archive"
<kranzo> or can i set something in the recipe?
<RP> jclsn[m]: we did change the default behaviour. You can probably override the wget command
<jclsn[m]> RP: You mean directly in the Bitbake code? I am looking for a simple setting in the local.conf or something
<RP> jclsn[m]: lib/bb/fetch2/wget.py: self.basecmd = d.getVar("FETCHCMD_wget") or "/usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 --passive-ftp"
<RP> is the fetcher code
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<jclsn[m]> RP: Thanks, can I hope for A switch in future releases if I make an issue?
<qschulz> jclsn[m]: FETCHCMD_wget is the switch? or what exactly are you hoping?
<RP> jclsn[m]: we really shouldn't be ignoring cert issues, that could get us into trouble. That was why the default changed...
<RP> jclsn[m]: there is conditional code in there
<RP> qschulz: it even has a doc entry :)
<qschulz> RP: ugh, I hate when people did their job correctly
<qschulz> :D
<LetoThe2nd> yo dudX
<jclsn[m]> @qschulz: Thanks, I looked here and couldn't find it https://docs.yoctoproject.org/ref-manual/variables.html
<jclsn[m]> Pinned!°
<jclsn[m]> RP: Sure, but we still need this setting. Our Devops are working on it, but without it we can't build atm
<qschulz> jclsn[m]: there are two doc websites, one for Bitbake at https://docs.yoctoproject.org/bitbake and one for basically everything else at https://docs.yoctoproject.org
<jclsn[m]> qschulz: Thanks
<jclsn[m]> I pinned both of them now
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<Schiller> Hello there, I try to setup the YPAutobuilder Project inside a docker container. Naturally i want the builddirectory (in my case the hole yocto-controller) mapped inside the docker container so i can access the builds outside of the container.I changed Users and Group from the directories as needed. The worker connects fine but when i start a build
<Schiller> the build just hangs. Any suggestions?
<Schiller> *(the hole yocto-worker)
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<Schiller> I also have an additional question. I managed to create a worker container which connects to the host/controller. When running a build the worker seems not to have access to the yocto-autobuilder-helper/janitor/clobberdir. To solve this problem do i have to setup the (1.5) Configuring the Worker's Hash Equivalency Server)?
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<ptsneves> hey all. Is it legitimate to add an entry in local.conf that removes a LAYERDEPENDS_mylayer?
<ptsneves> I have an externally provided layer that has a dependency on another layer that i do not care about
<RP> ptsneves: when it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces :)
<qschulz> ptsneves: also, an additional layer (if following best practices!!) inclusion should only increase the parsing time of recipe and nothing else
<ptsneves> heheh no problem. The layer forces me to have meta-qt5 layer for example recipes. What would you suggest in alternative?
<ptsneves> qschulz yeah "should".. I am very warry of the should part. I just realized that meta-sca injects setuputils into all target recipes, not to mention tasks. All to run a check that in the end not even relevant.
<ptsneves> furthermore yocto parsing time is a major complaint about yocto, so it is not a simple thing as well.
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<arkados> hello how can I chante root password with a receipe and not with EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS in local.conf ?
<arkados> s/chante/change/
<qschulz> arkados: you can use that same variable but in your image recipe instead of local.conf
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<arkados> qschulz EXTRA_USERS is only for image no for receipe
<qschulz> arkados: images are recipes
<qschulz> this seems to be something you don't want, so maybe you can explain your usecase so we could help?
<Schiller> in order to not run the worker and host in YPAutobuilder on the same machine i made a seperate container for my worker. atm i generated the yocto-autobuilder-helper repository in my worker container for fetching. That's not ideal as every worker needs such a repository now. The ideal structure would be to run a single yocto-auto-helper on the host
<Schiller> machine right?
<arkados> qschulz, I wrote a recipe inherited from useradd to create many users ....I look for a way to modify the root password in this recipe
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<arkados> qschulz, a way to centralize a recipe with all users definitions
<qschulz> arkados: why not have a .inc file whre you have all your users and have this .inc file included in your image recipe?
<arkados> qschulz, because I wanted to test how to write my own recipe from useradd class
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<tlwoerner> the CFP for the next YPS closes tomorrow https://www.yoctoproject.org/summit
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<Schlumpf> Hi, are there machine overwrites for BBLAYERS?
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<reatmon> I'm seeing the patchwork server behind again. We have messages to the list from last Friday that are not showing up in the list. Is there something going on with the servers?
<reatmon> And I mean not showing up in the pathwork list.
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<rburton> reatmon: fwiw, lore appears to be behind for yocto@ too.
<RP> rburton, reatmon: patchwork runs from lore so it lore lags, patchwork will too
<rburton> aha
<rburton> i pinged halstead about the lore lag this morning
<RP> rburton: can you email helpdesk@yoctoproject.org please
<rburton> sure
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<mabnhdev2> Hi.  Working in Dunfell.  Asked this question on mailing list but no love.  I'm adding package python3-zc-lockfile to my system.  The package does not contain zc/__init__.py.  Looking at the log.do_install, I see the mesage: "Skipping installation of
<mabnhdev2> /data/mabnhdev/test-yocto-321/build/test-x86-64/tmp/work/x86_64-poky-linux/python3-zc-lockfile/1.3.0-r0/image/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zc/__init__.py (namespace package)".  I'm trying to figure out WHY installation was skipped and can I do anything to force the installation?  Thanks.
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<rburton> is it actually needed though?
<rburton> i mean, python didn't install it for a reason
<rburton> that message is from python, not yocto specifically
<rburton> i can confirm that the file gets skipped outside of yocto too
<rburton> setuptools doesn't install the file and creates a .pth file instead.
<mabnhdev2> rburton Thanks.  I'm not a python expert.  I'm adding the package on behalf of another developer that seems put out by the fact that __init__.pt is missing.  I'm not sure why.  I said I would ask around.
<rburton> it doesn't have to exist
<rburton> if they're getting upset because it doesn't exist, then it doesn't have to exist.
<mabnhdev2> A separate Yocto/Python3 question.  I was asked if I could force python3 to install the .pyc files in the legacy locations (i.e. same locations as python2).  In python3 you can use 'python3 -m compileall -b' to achieve this.  I haven't been able to figure out how to get Yocto to setup packages with the '-b' option.  Any idea?
<Saur[m]> arkados: It is the `base-passwd` recipe that is responsible for creating the root user, so you cannot change how it is created from some other random recipe. It is much better to use `EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS` in any image(s) where you want to set the root password (which should typically only be developer images anyway).
<arkados> saur ok thanks
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<rburton> mabnhdev2: why would you do that?
<rburton> our setuptools class doesn't call compileall directly, it lets setuptools/distutils do its thing
<rburton> you could write a class to do that if you really wanted, but there's no reason to
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<khem> bitbake build-appliance-image -k in my workspace does not include musl-locales at all when building for TCLIBC = "glibc" but on AB it does I dont know why
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<tlwoerner> the CFP for the next YPS closes in about 24 hours https://www.yoctoproject.org/summit
<tlwoerner> (~27-ish hours)
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<RP> khem: I'll be honest, I've not looked at it
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<khem> RP: the error seems its happening, so I was trying to minic the environment locally as well. Is there some place in job run that I can copy
<RP> khem: so you tried bitbake build-appliance-image ?
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<khem> yes, I took master-next + my commit and did bitbake build-appliance-image with vanilla poky
<khem> I am now running the same job on AB with my branch
<khem> lets see where it ends
<khem> hmmm I do see errors on AB even with my branch
<khem> so something is there in AB job that I am failing to understand
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<khem> and its wield that this image is glibc based and I am hoping its setting TCLIBC = "glibc" which would have excluded musl recipes automatically but I wonder why its including it
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<sielicki> anyone remember the history around https://bugs.python.org/issue18748 and https://bugs.python.org/issue37395 ? I believe some hacks in that have been around since python3_3.7.6.bb can be dropped now in 3.10 but upstream python moved their bugtracker around and I can't figure out what the original issue was.
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<vvn> hi there -- I'm using luks2+btrfs with systemd for the rootfs and somehow /dev/mapper/root gets degraded, causing subvolumes mount to time out
<vvn> it seems to have something to do with SYSTEMD_READY and udev
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