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<dvorkindmitry> what standard global variable I can use to refer to the current layer name in the recipes?
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<JosefHolzmayrThe> yo dudX
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<wyre> where you'll place an useradd recipe?
<wyre> recipes-bsp?
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<wyre> maybe something like recipes-system? 🤔
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<JosefHolzmayrThe> i would place it with the application stack that actually requires/uses said user.
<wyre> JosefHolzmayrThe, but ... couldn't I create a general purpose user?
<wyre> to avoid using root
<JosefHolzmayrThe> wyre: whats the point of a generic user on an embedded system?
<JosefHolzmayrThe> usually its rather a "i want my stuff to run as this user". where "my stuff" is exactly the application stack that I just referred to.
<wyre> I guess I was thinking in security/stability concerns ...
<JosefHolzmayrThe> wyre: things don't become more secure just because you add a random non-root user.
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<JosefHolzmayrThe> running things as non-root increases security. so you have to look and decide what runs as non-root, and make those do so. and when you're doing that, you're already in the perfect place to add the users as needed.
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<wyre> I see, thank you JosefHolzmayrThe 😊
<wyre> I was thinking in usual general purpose distros
<qschulz> Tartarus: honestly, I would say no. It encourages people to not point to licenses in the source code which defeats the whole purpose of LIC_FILES_CHKSUM
<qschulz> dvorkindmitry: I think what you're after is LICENSE_PATH, c.f.
<qschulz> you still need to point to a file or a section of a file expliciting it is of the license listed in LICENSE, but the content of the deployed license will be of the one in LICENSE_PATH IIRC. This is useful when you add a license which isn't already present in any layer, then the build system complains about a non-existing license or something like that
<qschulz> dvorkindmitry: ah, it was said already, just didn't read the whole backlog :p
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<ziga> Hey! I have a desktop C++ application that uses libraries "libqwt-qt5" and "libboost". It is a QT5 application that I compile and run with "qmake" and then "make". It compiles and works perfectly on Debian 11. Now I want to include my application in "poky". Can somebody give me some advice where to start? I assume I have to first create layers that will compile and install "libboost" and "libqwt-qt5". But I also need a layer that it will
<ziga> include QT5 in "poky". Are my goals okay or should I do something else? I think that layer for QT5 already exists so probably I can just include it...
<qschulz> ziga: meta-qt5 for qt5 recipes
<qschulz> ziga: to find layers and/or recipes you might be interested in and where to get them
<qschulz> ziga: I highly recommend watching the tutorials on Yocto project youtube channel and read as much of the documentation at to not be too lost when starting
<JosefHolzmayrThe> the livecoding video on pagaging even features boost IIRC
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<ziga> I watched the entire Holzmayr's playlist and created my notes. So I am a beginner already... I just don't want to start in the wrong direction and loose too much time. So QT5-meta can be solved with an already existing layer "meta-qt5" (thank you qschulz). I also checked and it looks like "libqwt-qt5" is part of this layer ( I also remembered (thank you Josef) that you use "boost"
<ziga> in multiple videos (numbered 15 & 17). Is "qmake" build system also well supported with Yocto like "cmake", "make", "meson" & "autotools" are?
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<JosefHolzmayrThe> ziga: I think meta-qt might provide a qmake class.
<ziga> Okay. It looks like "meta-qt5" is all I need! This looks promising.
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<td> Hi,
<td> I found the problem that when I'm building for example patch-native from sstate-cache from different directory its binary is linked against the old dynamic loader causing "bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory". In fact ldd on patch binary shows the buildtools path that was used in the previous build, not in current build. Is such issue
<td> known? It's gatesgarth
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<wCPO> What is the process for getting a commit backported from master to honister? In this case this commit:
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<wCPO> qschulz: I get better at googling
<coldspark29[m]> qschulz: Is it normal that menuconfig looks this weird with Pyrex?
<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: don't know, I'm not using menuconfig with bitbake usually
<coldspark29[m]> qschulz: How else to use it? I want to change the kernel defconfig. The Variscite Wiki says to use that
<coldspark29[m]> I would rather edit it with Vim anyway
<coldspark29[m]> Need to deactivate some modules that are already included
<JosefHolzmayrThe> that can happen if the terminal isn't playing nice with ncurses. just carry on, nothing bad will happen.
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<coldspark29[m]> JosefHolzmayrThe: I know that nothing bad will happen, but it doesn't span over the whole screen and I don't find what I am looking for anyway. I would rather use xconfig
<coldspark29[m]> But that doesn't work
<JosefHolzmayrThe> "/" will let you search
<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: I use menuconfig from the Linux kernel git repo checked out at the correct commit
<qschulz> don't use vim to change defconfig
<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: I guess it's something to do with the number of columns in the terminal
<coldspark29[m]> qschulz: I never had problems on my host though
<coldspark29[m]> I will check out mainline Linux and test
<coldspark29[m]> So no issues on my host with mainline Linux
<coldspark29[m]> So either a bitbake or Pyrex problem
<coldspark29[m]> Unfortunatley I can't test bitbake on my host, because it says glibc-2.34 was missing
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<RP> Saur: Is there something I'm missing about this proposed fetcher from axis?
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<Saur> RP: I have not been involved in that work, but as far as I understand the idea is to let a layer repository be a superrepo. I.e., say we have a recipe that uses the submodule: fetcher, then the repository used by the foo recipe is a submodule _of the layer repository_. I.e, for any given version of the layer repository the version of the foo repository is also well defined.
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<qschulz> this looks like it's something that repo should be doing, not bitbake?
<qschulz> (repo in Google Repo tool)
<Saur> qschulz: The idea is if you have 1000s of recipes, you only want to fetch the submodules for the recipes that you actually build.
<Saur> And you do not want to fetch them at all if you build from sstate.
<frosteyes> coldspark29[m]: I have had similar problems inside docker etc. A solution for me have been to set TERM=screen as environment variable.
<coldspark29[m]> frosteyes: In Docker or the host?
<frosteyes> like docker exec -it -e TERM=screen yocto bash
<coldspark29[m]> So it should be fixed in Pyrex I guess. qschulz ?
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<frosteyes> If I connect to a docker container named yocto and start bash with TERM set to screen for the environment variable. screen then handle the ncurses part.
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<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: on your host, can you do echo $TERM?
<coldspark29[m]> xterm-256color
<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: do you not have a TERM has an unrecognized value of... when starting the container?
<qschulz> I had the issue with alacritty
<coldspark29[m]> qschulz: What do you mean?
<coldspark29[m]> Not sure
<coldspark29[m]> I use Konsole
<coldspark29[m]> KDE for life
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<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: when you source the pyrex script or execute a bitbake command, is there a warning message somewhere?
<coldspark29[m]> qschulz: No haven't seen anything
<coldspark29[m]> When sourcing I don't remember. Let me check
<coldspark29[m]> No nothing
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<qschulz> ok, then it might just be a missing package or something
<RP> Saur: oh, I see. So the idea is a the layer itself has submodules pointing at the actual source code. That is horrible :(
<rburton> do we support out of tree fetchers yet
<rburton> and i feel this is a good reason to enable them if not :)
<coldspark29[m]> <qschulz> "ok, then it might just be a..." <- Should I make an issue?
<RP> rburton: crate fetcher is a working example
<Saur> RP: I didn't say I liked the idea, because I find it horrible as well...
<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: I don't know, I'm just a user of Pyrex :)
<qschulz> I contributed/complained about a thing or two to make it work with zsh and podman but that's it
<rfs613> coldspark29[m]: I'm not using pyrex, but I see similar issue as you when trying to run menuconfig via bitbake.
<rfs613> changing TERM between screen/xterm and -256color does not change the behaviour
<rfs613> but running "make ARCH=arm menuconfig" directly in the kernel source dir works correctly.
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<coldspark29[m]> Any idea how to reset environment variables in U-Boot? It doesn't load my default variables on boot. When I enter `env default -a`, I get the defaults, but they are not loaded on boot. I already tried `saveenv`
<coldspark29[m]> <rfs613> "coldspark29: I'm not using pyrex..." <- But Docker I assume?
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<qschulz> coldspark29[m]: the board file can override environment variables at boot, but you'll have more luck on #u-boot
<coldspark29[m]> But I hate IRC haha
<coldspark29[m]> I don't get how it works
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<coldspark29> Test
<coldspark29[m]> Ah interesting
<coldspark29[m]> This is a Matrix bridge
<Tartarus> Yeah, there's a bridge for a few OE/Yocto related IRC channels
<coldspark29[m]> It is creeping me out in IRC that you can't see previous messages
<coldspark29[m]> It is like talking to a dark cave
<coldspark29[m]> A dark cave with some connection information written on the wall of course
<cperon> Hi guys, is it expected that when a generator return empty buffer the GeneratorExit is never raised ?... (full message at
<RP> Saur: At least I understand what they're trying to do now, thanks.
<Saur> RP: Good (that you understand).
<rfs613> coldspark29[m]: no, native build, no docker, no pyrex...
<cperon> * Hi guys, is it expected that when a generator return empty buffer the GeneratorExit is never raised ?... (full message at
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<JPEW> Ugh, we have a vendor layer that include all the source code in the layer itself and pulls it in with externalsrc; its' constantly causing problems :(
<JPEW> I'm not a fan of perpetuating that pattern
<smurray> JPEW: heh, that's worse than the giant repo scheme with lots of use of file://../../.. that I've seen
<rfs613> coldspark29[m]: there are archives of this channel at
<JPEW> smurray: Ya, those are annoying too
<qschulz> JPEW: I had the source code of the program include the yocto layer where the build directory was put by bitbake
<JPEW> smurray: At least they don't tend to break as often
<smurray> JPEW: yeah
<coldspark29> @rfs613 I also have them in Matrix
<rfs613> coldspark29: okay then ;-)
<cperon> * Wrong channel
<JPEW> qschulz: That sentence is valid syntax, but I cannot parse it... and I'm not sure i want to :)
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<qschulz> JPEW: src/{poky,build,custom-layer} :)
<qschulz> or let's say actually: src/ on one side and then yocto/{poky,build,custom-layer} and... externalsrc to the root of the git repo
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* JPEW suspects qschulz and JPEW are talking about the same vendor layer ;)
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<JPEW> Or it's more common that I though
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<qschulz> JPEW: no, it was a created layer by the company :)
<qschulz> but I've seen two vendor "layers" and I cannot unsee them :/
<qschulz> RP: sign that the submodule:// is a bad idea, Pontus's answer was in my spam folder :D
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<vd> is it a good practice to have uppercase distro/machine features? I want to easily identify custom (company) features but a prefix can be a bit cumbersome. What are the general recommendations for such custom features?
<rburton> do that if you want i guess
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<vd> when you need to "harden" an image for releases or customer-faced systems, do you usually define an hardened machine configuration or an hardened distro (or distro feature)?
<vd> (assuming it cannot be done at the image level because there are some kernel/bootloader/distro-wide implications for example)
<rburton> distro
<vd> makes sense
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<vd> rburton with e.g. a distro class overrides and a few :df-hardened overrides in recipes
<vd> and same for development with e.g. a "debug" distro override
<rburton> personally, if you've a distro, just harden by default
<vd> rburton: I see, you prefer to explicit the debug state
<vd> would it make sense to define a "dev" variant for the machine you're working on or a dev distro variant often suffice?
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<qschulz> vd: do NOT start a machine name with an uppercase letter
<rfs613> does the prefix "mc:k3r5" in front of many recipies have some significance? some kind of namespace maybe?
<qschulz> honestly, I've banned uppercase letters and underscores just to be on the safe side
<qschulz> rfs613: it's multiconfig syntax
<rfs613> qschulz: ah, thanks.
<qschulz> vd: ah never mind, read machine conf instead of machine features
<qschulz> i am too now
<marc1> And I don't understand the reason behind this...
<marc1> Why would we set COMPATIBLE_MACHINE?
<rburton> you'd have to ask khem what prompted that
<rburton> i'd have said that's overkill
<marc1> I mean uuu can run on any platform. I understand it is mostly used for native builds
<rfs613> seems they should have called it imx-updater ;-)
<frosteyes> Does the kernel recipes have a way for build the userspace tools available in the kernel?
<frosteyes> Need the usbip tool so was just thinking on there was a way of building tools in the kernel..
<vd> I feel like development/debug/release profile (or whatever you name it) is more than just a distro feature, but more a combined machine/distro feature. e.g. a development environment must be enabled on both a developer-friendly hardware as well as being a software (distro) choice
<frosteyes> seems other have been there :),,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate/sticky,,,20,0,0,86249103
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<RP> zeddii: I assume I can remove that python3 module you added for the kernel? I don't think it is actually needed and it saves me trying to resolve the license issue
<RP> zeddii: ah, I just saw qschulz's reply :( Why is this not building in places I'd expect then? :/
<RP> oh, probably as it only needs the native version. That would explain things
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<sgw> RP: is there a way to limit a warning to one time from anonymous python? kind of like the kernel's warn_once()?
<sgw> short of touching some file to check and slow everything down!
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<rburton> sgw: you can set a unique variable in d as a token
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<sgw> rburton: I guess that's an option, is there an existing pattern to replicate?
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<RP> sgw: no existing pattern I know of
<sgw> RP thanks
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<wyre> hi guys, could I set the password in a separate file for dealing with root setting password?
<wyre> but ... I wouldn't like to set the pass in the recipe file because I'm doing scv with git
<wyre> so I guess I could do the recipe to fetch the password form a separate file, right?
<Saur> wyre: That page is a bit obsolete. The nonstandard -P option has been removed again. Use -p instead, which takes a hashed value.
<wyre> I see
<wyre> tyvm Saur 😉
<wyre> Saur, with md5 for example?
<Saur> wyre: I just updated the wiki page.
<sgw> wyre: Where are you setting the EXTRA_USERS_PARAM? In your local.conf, which you are maintain with GIT?
<sgw> You could have your local.conf include another file containing the EXTRA_USERS_PARAM variable if needed.
<sgw> Saur: you beat me to it! I would have updated it you did not, I also like the python solution vs adding the mcrypt package.
<Saur> sgw: :)
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<wyre> Saur, thank you again 😊
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<khem> marc1: it did not build for non fsl socs so even though it is a generic kind of, it perhaps is not tested for other socs so point was to limit it to where its tested
<wyre> what's apt package for?
<wyre> apparently 'apt' command is not able though I've included it in my image recipe ..
<khem> marc1: regardless its Freescale/NXP I.MX Chip image deploy tool
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<wyre> Saur, I think you can also use 'openssl passwd -5 <your pass>', btw
<Saur> wyre: Yupp. :)
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