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what standard global variable I can use to refer to the current layer name in the recipes?
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yo dudX
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where you'll place an useradd recipe?
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maybe something like recipes-system? 🤔
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i would place it with the application stack that actually requires/uses said user.
JosefHolzmayrThe, but ... couldn't I create a general purpose user?
to avoid using root
wyre: whats the point of a generic user on an embedded system?
usually its rather a "i want my stuff to run as this user". where "my stuff" is exactly the application stack that I just referred to.
I guess I was thinking in security/stability concerns ...
wyre: things don't become more secure just because you add a random non-root user.
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running things as non-root increases security. so you have to look and decide what runs as non-root, and make those do so. and when you're doing that, you're already in the perfect place to add the users as needed.
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I see, thank you JosefHolzmayrThe 😊
I was thinking in usual general purpose distros
Tartarus: honestly, I would say no. It encourages people to not point to licenses in the source code which defeats the whole purpose of LIC_FILES_CHKSUM
you still need to point to a file or a section of a file expliciting it is of the license listed in LICENSE, but the content of the deployed license will be of the one in LICENSE_PATH IIRC. This is useful when you add a license which isn't already present in any layer, then the build system complains about a non-existing license or something like that
dvorkindmitry: ah, it was said already, just didn't read the whole backlog :p
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Hey! I have a desktop C++ application that uses libraries "libqwt-qt5" and "libboost". It is a QT5 application that I compile and run with "qmake" and then "make". It compiles and works perfectly on Debian 11. Now I want to include my application in "poky". Can somebody give me some advice where to start? I assume I have to first create layers that will compile and install "libboost" and "libqwt-qt5". But I also need a layer that it will
include QT5 in "poky". Are my goals okay or should I do something else? I think that layer for QT5 already exists so probably I can just include it...
ziga: I highly recommend watching the tutorials on Yocto project youtube channel and read as much of the documentation at docs.yoctoproject.org to not be too lost when starting
the livecoding video on pagaging even features boost IIRC
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I watched the entire Holzmayr's playlist and created my notes. So I am a beginner already... I just don't want to start in the wrong direction and loose too much time. So QT5-meta can be solved with an already existing layer "meta-qt5" (thank you qschulz). I also checked and it looks like "libqwt-qt5" is part of this layer (https://github.com/meta-qt5/meta-qt5/tree/master/recipes-qt/qwt) I also remembered (thank you Josef) that you use "boost"
in multiple videos (numbered 15 & 17). Is "qmake" build system also well supported with Yocto like "cmake", "make", "meson" & "autotools" are?
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ziga: I think meta-qt might provide a qmake class.
Okay. It looks like "meta-qt5" is all I need! This looks promising.
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I found the problem that when I'm building for example patch-native from sstate-cache from different directory its binary is linked against the old dynamic loader causing "bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory". In fact ldd on patch binary shows the buildtools path that was used in the previous build, not in current build. Is such issue
qschulz: Is it normal that menuconfig looks this weird with Pyrex?
coldspark29[m]: don't know, I'm not using menuconfig with bitbake usually
qschulz: How else to use it? I want to change the kernel defconfig. The Variscite Wiki says to use that
I would rather edit it with Vim anyway
Need to deactivate some modules that are already included
that can happen if the terminal isn't playing nice with ncurses. just carry on, nothing bad will happen.
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JosefHolzmayrThe: I know that nothing bad will happen, but it doesn't span over the whole screen and I don't find what I am looking for anyway. I would rather use xconfig
But that doesn't work
"/" will let you search
coldspark29[m]: I use menuconfig from the Linux kernel git repo checked out at the correct commit
don't use vim to change defconfig
coldspark29[m]: I guess it's something to do with the number of columns in the terminal
qschulz: I never had problems on my host though
I will check out mainline Linux and test
So no issues on my host with mainline Linux
So either a bitbake or Pyrex problem
Unfortunatley I can't test bitbake on my host, because it says glibc-2.34 was missing
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Saur: Is there something I'm missing about this proposed fetcher from axis?
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RP: I have not been involved in that work, but as far as I understand the idea is to let a layer repository be a superrepo. I.e., say we have a recipe foo.bb that uses the submodule: fetcher, then the repository used by the foo recipe is a submodule _of the layer repository_. I.e, for any given version of the layer repository the version of the foo repository is also well defined.
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this looks like it's something that repo should be doing, not bitbake?
(repo in Google Repo tool)
qschulz: The idea is if you have 1000s of recipes, you only want to fetch the submodules for the recipes that you actually build.
And you do not want to fetch them at all if you build from sstate.
coldspark29[m]: I have had similar problems inside docker etc. A solution for me have been to set TERM=screen as environment variable.
frosteyes: In Docker or the host?
like docker exec -it -e TERM=screen yocto bash
So it should be fixed in Pyrex I guess. qschulz ?
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If I connect to a docker container named yocto and start bash with TERM set to screen for the environment variable. screen then handle the ncurses part.
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coldspark29[m]: on your host, can you do echo $TERM?
coldspark29[m]: do you not have a TERM has an unrecognized value of... when starting the container?
I had the issue with alacritty
qschulz: What do you mean?
Not sure
I use Konsole
KDE for life
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coldspark29[m]: when you source the pyrex script or execute a bitbake command, is there a warning message somewhere?
qschulz: No haven't seen anything
When sourcing I don't remember. Let me check
No nothing
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ok, then it might just be a missing package or something
Saur: oh, I see. So the idea is a the layer itself has submodules pointing at the actual source code. That is horrible :(
do we support out of tree fetchers yet
and i feel this is a good reason to enable them if not :)
<qschulz> "ok, then it might just be a..." <- Should I make an issue?
rburton: crate fetcher is a working example
RP: I didn't say I liked the idea, because I find it horrible as well...
coldspark29[m]: I don't know, I'm just a user of Pyrex :)
I contributed/complained about a thing or two to make it work with zsh and podman but that's it
coldspark29[m]: I'm not using pyrex, but I see similar issue as you when trying to run menuconfig via bitbake.
changing TERM between screen/xterm and -256color does not change the behaviour
but running "make ARCH=arm menuconfig" directly in the kernel source dir works correctly.
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Any idea how to reset environment variables in U-Boot? It doesn't load my default variables on boot. When I enter `env default -a`, I get the defaults, but they are not loaded on boot. I already tried `saveenv`
<rfs613> "coldspark29: I'm not using pyrex..." <- But Docker I assume?
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coldspark29[m]: the board file can override environment variables at boot, but you'll have more luck on #u-boot
But I hate IRC haha
I don't get how it works
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Ah interesting
This is a Matrix bridge
Yeah, there's a bridge for a few OE/Yocto related IRC channels
It is creeping me out in IRC that you can't see previous messages
It is like talking to a dark cave
A dark cave with some connection information written on the wall of course
Ugh, we have a vendor layer that include all the source code in the layer itself and pulls it in with externalsrc; its' constantly causing problems :(
I'm not a fan of perpetuating that pattern
JPEW: heh, that's worse than the giant repo scheme with lots of use of file://../../.. that I've seen
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is it a good practice to have uppercase distro/machine features? I want to easily identify custom (company) features but a prefix can be a bit cumbersome. What are the general recommendations for such custom features?
do that if you want i guess
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when you need to "harden" an image for releases or customer-faced systems, do you usually define an hardened machine configuration or an hardened distro (or distro feature)?
(assuming it cannot be done at the image level because there are some kernel/bootloader/distro-wide implications for example)
makes sense
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rburton with e.g. a distro class overrides and a few :df-hardened overrides in recipes
and same for development with e.g. a "debug" distro override
personally, if you've a distro, just harden by default
rburton: I see, you prefer to explicit the debug state
would it make sense to define a "dev" variant for the machine you're working on or a dev distro variant often suffice?
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vd: do NOT start a machine name with an uppercase letter
does the prefix "mc:k3r5" in front of many recipies have some significance? some kind of namespace maybe?
honestly, I've banned uppercase letters and underscores just to be on the safe side
rfs613: it's multiconfig syntax
qschulz: ah, thanks.
vd: ah never mind, read machine conf instead of machine features
I feel like development/debug/release profile (or whatever you name it) is more than just a distro feature, but more a combined machine/distro feature. e.g. a development environment must be enabled on both a developer-friendly hardware as well as being a software (distro) choice
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zeddii: I assume I can remove that python3 module you added for the kernel? I don't think it is actually needed and it saves me trying to resolve the license issue
zeddii: ah, I just saw qschulz's reply :( Why is this not building in places I'd expect then? :/
oh, probably as it only needs the native version. That would explain things
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RP: is there a way to limit a warning to one time from anonymous python? kind of like the kernel's warn_once()?
short of touching some file to check and slow everything down!
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sgw: you can set a unique variable in d as a token
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rburton: I guess that's an option, is there an existing pattern to replicate?
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sgw: no existing pattern I know of
RP thanks
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hi guys, could I set the password in a separate file for dealing with root setting password?
but ... I wouldn't like to set the pass in the recipe file because I'm doing scv with git
so I guess I could do the recipe to fetch the password form a separate file, right?
wyre: That page is a bit obsolete. The nonstandard -P option has been removed again. Use -p instead, which takes a hashed value.
I see
tyvm Saur 😉
Saur, with md5 for example?
wyre: I just updated the wiki page.
wyre: Where are you setting the EXTRA_USERS_PARAM? In your local.conf, which you are maintain with GIT?
You could have your local.conf include another file containing the EXTRA_USERS_PARAM variable if needed.
Saur: you beat me to it! I would have updated it you did not, I also like the python solution vs adding the mcrypt package.
sgw: :)
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Saur, thank you again 😊
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marc1: it did not build for non fsl socs so even though it is a generic kind of, it perhaps is not tested for other socs so point was to limit it to where its tested
what's apt package for?
apparently 'apt' command is not able though I've included it in my image recipe ..
marc1: regardless its Freescale/NXP I.MX Chip image deploy tool
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Saur, I think you can also use 'openssl passwd -5 <your pass>', btw