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<kroon> RP, ok. yeah that sounds not so good
<RP> rpaths only apply to specific binaries which is more helpful
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<kroon> RP, well we still have an ugly rpath padding that does the trick. I did ask in if there was a way to set a fixed size RPATH at link time, but no good answer sofar
<RP> kroon: we have some horrible section padding tricks to solve similar issues to do with inflating string sizes elsewhere in the sdk toolchain too
<RP> kroon: the padding trick is ok to a point but I'm just not totally keen on it....
<RP> kroon: we could wrap the python binary with a script wrapper setting the right LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting for use in the sysroot/source dir too
<RP> can't decide what is worse :)
<RP> khem: Looks like we may be able to simply delete yet another gcc patch!
<kroon> RP, i feel like if we could get upstream gnu ld make it possible to pad rpath(and others?) up to a max size at link time, then in 5-10 years we wouldn't have this problem..
<kroon> RP, yeah that wrapper would work for python, but then we'd need another wrapper for program x that also wants to do similar build-time testing..
<RP> kroon: I'd hope we don't have too many of these
<RP> but I don't know the scope
<kroon> RP, or maybe those could be autogenerated :-D
<kroon> nah
<kroon> scratch that
<RP> kroon: we could try just using the fixed length for python and my hack for the rest? See how widespread the issue is that way?
<kroon> RP, we can patch python to skip the import test, and see how far it gets
<kroon> RP, thats basically what you suggest right ?
<RP> kroon: I was suggesting using the /non/exist/path for the rpath in bitbake.conf and override that to use your padded version just in the python-native case
<kroon> RP, ah ok. yeah ill try that
<RP> that would tell us how many places the padded version is needed (i.e. how many recipes run binaries during their build)
<RP> if python is really special, we may just find some other way there. If this is widespread we'd have to go another way
* kroon nods
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<khem> RP: I am sending another patch to delete few ppc patches from glibc
<khem> and I have 4 in upstream discussions
<khem> so we might be able to get 8-9 patches in glibc out of our way
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<RP> khem: somehow that gcc patch removal breaks mip64 and ppc only on c++ compile on target. Will have to look into it
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<kroon> RP, another thing that i noticed was that my native sysroot-components/x86_64/ contains a lot of .a files. although we have the ar intercept now, it might be worth just disabling them in order to save some build time ? there is no point in having .a for the native libraries I suppose ?
<kroon> RP, (I do use
<kroon> RP, in fact, maybe needs some updating
<RP> kroon: those are meant to be disabled
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<dvorkindmitry> I am using systemd in my images. But busybox-syslog is installed anyway. I am disabling it as service, but is there good way not to install it if I'm using systemd?
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<jonmason> RP: question regarding check-layers. Is it acceptable to reference another README in a layer's README (as we do in meta-arm, referring to a common README)?
<jonmason> If so, I have a patch coming that might resolve the new breaking on meta-arm's check-layer breakage :)
<Wulf> Hello. I'm looking for a single board computer (including a casing) based on i.MX6 or i.MX8 and with HDMI output and ethernet (two ports preferred). Any suggestions?
<RP> jonmason: yes, that would seem reasonable
<RP> jonmason: Looks like we need to tweak some testing as we didn't see those in pre merge testing :(
<jonmason> RP: the checks look mostly sane (though the "patch" one is a little annoying)
<RP> jonmason: I'll accept improvements, I'd not have merged had I known about the failures :/
<jonmason> RP: no worries. I'll get something out in a little bit. I have something now, but it's a little hacky
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* RP is running out of space on his build machines and doesn't know where it has gone
<jonmason> RP: I had to order some more hdisks on black friday for that same reason :)
<jonmason> 8TB seems to be the sweet spot on price
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<RP> jonmason: I think I may need to do some shopping like that
<RP> hmm, 186GB of "sources" alone
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<jonmason> my nas is already at 3.2TB
<jonmason> and its just sstate, dl_dir, and nightly backups of my homedir (that get purged weekly)
<RP> jonmason: I'd not dare look at mine, this is just the build machine
<RP> jonmason: this sources dir has things from 15 years ago
<jonmason> I has the sstate on my nas so my builders can share it
<RP> jonmason: I just share it off my main builder
<jonmason> oh, I have SDK sources from my Broadcom stuff
<jonmason> and they're even yocto, but never upstreamed
<jonmason> because "it's too much work"
* jonmason wants to rant more, but decides against it
<RP> These sources would match openzaurus and so on
* RP is starting to think this gcc patch is deep black magic
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<jonmason> all gcc is black magic
<jonmason> and I'm happy with it being a black box
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<RP> jonmason: I wish I could do that :)
<jonmason> looking at those tune files was the most I ever had to look into gcc and it was enough for me
<jonmason> lots of A is actually B under the covers
<RP> jonmason: I do need to ask you about that cortex tune change Khem was looking at, not sure I like the nocrypto variant :/
<RP> jonmason: but not now, need food
<jonmason> Yes, Ross asked me to look and knew it would be more than a 5 min
<jonmason> I thought crypto was there for everything. Need to look at source again
<jonmason> but its a moderately warm day today. so after this patch to fix check-layers, I'm doing yard work
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<jaskij[m]> Theoretically you can even not have NEON, but ARM states it for "implementations targeting specialized markets"
<jaskij[m]> But crypto is outright listed as optional at least on A53:
<jaskij[m]> (which I know realized, I'm mentally stuck with ARM and forgot this might be about an entirely different arch)
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<jonmason> ARMv7 vs ARMv8 are different
<jonmason> ARMv7 has optional hard float, etc
<jonmason> ARMv8 has it as a requirement
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<jaskij[m]> <jonmason> "ARMv8 has it as a requirement" <-
<jaskij[m]> Question is, even if allowed by ARM, are those non-standard combinations of interest to Yocto
<jaskij[m]> (was surprised myself when learning of this)
<jaskij[m]> on similar note, GCC won't use NEON on v7 without `-funsafe-math`
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<jonmason> That's fair question
<jonmason> I'm fully convinced that this entire thing needs to be rewritten to be modular
<jonmason> But it would take a while
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<JPEW> moto-timo: I added you as a maintainer on meta-phosh. Here's the first PR you can review: ;) Just add the "gate" label after CR and Zuul should take care of the rest
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<moto-timo> JPEW: taking a rest today, but ack
<JPEW> moto-timo: no worries. Have a good day!
<kroon_> RP, if I set phony rpaths in BUILD_LDFLAGS its only python3-native and the kernel that breaks, at least for the images I build
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<jaskij[m]> <jonmason> "I'm fully convinced that this..." <- Up until fairly recently I've been using Dunfell and my machine files included `TUNE_PKGARCH = "${DEFAULTTUNE}"` because all v8 tunes set `TUNE_PKGARCH` to something like `armv8`
<jaskij[m]> one thing, iirc crypto implies crc, so that's one combination less
<jaskij[m]> GCC has six different tune flags for v8-a alone. 8.1 has five (seems crc became mandatory, or bundled with crypto), 8.2 and 8.3 have **ten**, which is the most. (when counting I tried to bundle together yes/no variants like `+crypto` and `+nocrypto`).
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<RP> jonmason, rburton: is a bit of a cry for help from your metadata :/. I'll fix it in my patch but we should discuss it on Monday
<jonmason> Can't parse the error on my phone. I'll take a look tomorrow
<RP> jonmason: it is a rebuild issue, for some reason gcc-runtime is rebuilding in the same directory due to the config differing but the directory not. I saw it elsewhere in the build for init system switches which is expected but I'd not have expected it for meta-arm
<RP> It suggests a problem somewhere to me
<RP> or at least something to check
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