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strace blew up with the 5.15 headers, but I've fixed it now. testing musl but so far so good. will send the recipes by end of week at this rate.
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RP: much appreciated, I have staged them too
and it avoids all slew of warnings that I was seeing locally
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good morning
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yo dudX
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Is it just me that has been having problems with the default CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS,, when starting bitbake this week ?
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kroon: that's a frequent problem therefore I always et in my local.conf CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS = ""
yeah thats what I did, maybe worth upstreaming, or even removing the check..
zeddii: just FYI regarding my SDK issue with compiling kernel modules out-of-tree. I had some time yesterday and found that the unwinder was set to frame pointer (CONFIG_UNWINDER_FRAME_POINTER=y) and not ORC. So objtool was not part of the kernel delivery and not part of kernel-devsrc.
I don't see any other application that uses the network that does this check
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zeddii: there are quite a few warnings for missing protocol=https because of those 'SRC_URI = "git://${PKG_NAME}.git;branch=master"' where PKG_NAME starts with, but the conversion script doesn't parse that far, it's not fixed in master-next, do you want me to send my version or do you have something already locally?
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zeddii: sent
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Hi, I have a very quick question. I am including a custom kernel module and need to ship udev rules with it, what is the correct FILES_ variable for that? I tried FILES_${PN} but that does not included the installed files when the module is installed.
Herdinger: on which release?
JosefHolzmayrThe: dunfell
Apparently the package the kernel module ends up with is something like recipe-kernelversion-board.ipk, I can not really tell what that is derived from.
Herdinger: k. so generally, FILES_${PN} should be right. have you inspected its value, as well as the PACKAGES variable as they end up being calculated, via bitbake -e?
Yes, and I get a package containing those files but it is not the same package as the kernel module and it does not get installed when the kernel module is installed.
have you checked how the name of the module package gets generated?
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Herdinger: it does not really make sense to have a udev rule part of a kernel module. You're mixing two things, kernel space and userspace and they are usually separate. So just have an additional package in another recipe which is included in your image (or is added to MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS or something like that in your machine conf file).
qschulz: good point!
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qschulz: In both cases youre shipping files to rootfs so I do not completly agree. But sure that is a way to solve it.
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Herdinger: udev rule is for udev enabled systems which isn't necessarily the case for all systems. some have mdev, some have none, some have udev. I don't remember but there might actually be small differences between udev and eudev too, so there are actually choices, as compared to just a kernel module which isn't impacted by the rootfs choice
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its a classic "works for me" versus "the right thing" discussion. in a specific environment/product, i'd agree that bundling can be ok. for a solution that gets published as a layer (BSP?), qschulz is right and it should be treated as a seperate instance.
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qschulz: I see your point. I would probably model it to have the functionality with udev and bells and whistles in a seperate recipe and let that depend on the kernel module. The only thing that still would confusing to me are kernel module headers that get shipped, currently I am including them in the kernel module recipe and have a dependency on
it for recipes that use those.
qschulz: Is there a way were I could depend just on the recipe for the actual functionality and have that transitively included the kernel headers?
in any case, I assume ${PN} is wrong and should be something like: ${KERNEL_MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${@d.getVar("KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME") or "kernel"}-module-<ko module name>-${KERNEL_MODULE_PACKAGE_SUFFIX}
Herdinger: why would you need the kernel headers at runtime?
qschulz: Thanks for providing an actual answer to the question!
or run oe-pkgdata-util find-path '*<module>.ko' and replace <module> accordingly
and hardcode the name
I do not understand your last question though :/
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I would not need them at runtime but for building userspace utilitities that call ioctls for the kernel module device. So currently I just list the kernel module itself as a dependency for that.
If there was a package that encompasses the entire feature with kernelmodule and userspace udev rules etc. I would like to just depend on that for the kernel headers instead of the kernel module directly.
Herdinger: custom kernel headers requires custom handling in Yocto. You need to create a new recipte that provides this additional kernel header and depend on it in your kernel module (I assume it's needed there) and other recipes making use of it
qschulz: i sense a documentation opportunity for you :P
qschulz: I do not need custom kernel headers, its a header that the kernel module provides. Sorry if that was confusing. Its working as it is right now, I just did not want have to depend on different packages depending on the context.
JosefHolzmayrThe: what for specificially?
qschulz: "how to properly integrate my custom kernel module"
Herdinger: I'm not sure you have a choice there :/
Ok than :(, thanks so much for the advice.
You can use PACKAGECONFIG to make it a bit more magic but there'll still be a option changed somewhere (in conf file or directly in the recipe which depends on different recipes)
to select which recipe to depend on
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depending on what exactly your changes imply, it could either be something machien specific or something distro specific
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also, make sure to use the correct wording. Recipes are metadata used to build packages. A recipe (build) depends on other recipes and packages (runtime) depend on other packages
I'm not sure which one you meant in the end
It's a very important notion that is source of much confusion for people, so I'm just making sure this is clear or at least explicit :)
JosefHolzmayrThe: I think there should already be something about that somewhere in the BSP guide?
qschulz: yeah i think there is something.
Hm, can't I depend on a package at buildtime? If I list a -dev package as a dependency for example. I though that was the whole stick of RDEPENDS vs DEPENDS.
Completly unrelated but since someone who has the power to document is here I had a long long bug search because of the difference of a patch with and without a trailing slash in the SRC_URI. When I asked on IRC I got lots of conflicting and confusing answers.
Herdinger: trailing slash in SRC_URI means it's a directory so not sure there's something we can do about it?
I guess it should have told you that it cannot find the directory?
Herdinger: DEPENDS are on recipes, RDEPENDS are on packages
no, you cannot DEPENDS on a -dev package
The difference is that a trailing slash correctly dependency tracks folder content, i.e. if a file is added or removed changed etc. While it was very very sporadic when things get rebuild without a trailing slash, it has been a while so I do not quite remember.
but that is more or less what's done by DEPENDS <recipe>
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Herdinger: ah, yeah that's possible. I can't say, I think there was some fixes in that area in the last few releases.
also, * is not supported in SRC_URI, just to make sure this was not in play
Using a trailing slash if you want to track a directory and its contents was definitly not documented when I looked. I got flat out told it is impossible and I need to explicitly list all files in SRC_URI.
Herdinger: nah, you can use directories in SRC_URI
it's just not working well with bbappends
I think I explained this in the video so you can watch iton youtube somewhere
Maybe select 0.75x speed :)
So if I depend on a recipe I basically get the install of that recipe for my build right? That gets split into multiple packages for the later install on rootfs either through explicit install or RDEPENDS. Also there is some magic that adds shared libraries to RDEPENDS if I recall correctly.
Herdinger: now if it is actually supported in your Yocto version is another thing but I used that on thud
Herdinger: you get the content of the directories from ${D} directory (WORKDIR/image, where your do_install installs files) listed in SYSROOT_DIRS
qschulz: Thanks I'll work myself through the slides in total later :)
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Hello, someone here has already use WhiteSource to scan Yocto sources ? there a simple way to get a good report ? I'm pretty sure that scanning the rootfs is not the best way :P
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Guest50: AFAIK there is no WhiteSource integration available for Yocto
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kanavin: I think I may somehow have lost the perl patch for gdbm during the last test run - did that only break the ptests on the autobuilder?
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RP: the srcuri conversion script works reasonably well, even when there are quite a few false positives in layers which use some variable to provide branch parameter (all layers I maintain :)) and now I have warning free builds again and haven't seen any failure since yesterday (for dunfell-honister as well). Thanks!
JaMa: glad it helped :)
it was all a bit hacky but it seems good enough to do the bulk of the work
yes, I think the only reasonable improvement would be to somehow use bitbake parser to parse each recipe SRC_URI before modifying it
but then it would be difficult to find all the right places where it should be modified (e.g. if there is SRC_URI in .inc file and then overwrite in .bb file and both should get ;protocol=https)
so it's good-enough and at least it leaves some work for us humans to do:)
JaMa: devtool does have code that can do it but yes, it is a lot more work
JaMa: I did try sed at first but that got too complex so I went with python :)
true, I always start with sed and when it gets really complex I wish I didn't but its often too late to switch
and then we end with some fragile unreadable sed machinery, just because I was too proud to give up and re-write it in something sensible
at least it's not public usually
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JaMa: It became clear fairly quickly that python would be faster :)
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RP: yes, perl is the only thing that needs fixing with new gdbm.
kanavin: ok, thanks. I misunderstood what was going on. Not sure why I missed that patch the first time
nad: imported from elsewhere where it was already at r9 ?
kanavin: most should rebase out now :)
RP: ok I missed it from oe-core thanks
nad, it's better to configure pieces that pull in readline to disable that, than to add meta-gpl2
nad, there should be PACKAGECONFIG options for that
kanavin: you mean, playing with PACKAGECONFIG_remove_ instead instead of adding meta-gplv2 ?
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nad, yes, or 'PACKAGECONFIG_pn-recipename =...' (overriding the recipe)
meta-gpl2 is something we all want to get rid of, and no one should be using it
those old versions are a security disaster waiting to happen, and a pain to keep in working condition
kanavin: I agree. I wonder how to act in case tools require readline which cannot be inherited because of its license
nad, you disable readline support in them, often it's done via configure options, or if it isn't you have to write a patch :(
nad, another option is to package tools in such a way that they don't get added to the product image, only to development/testing images
quite often only the library is needed in the product, and not the command line tool :)
or it's stuff like gdb which shouldn't be in a product
nad, what industry do you work in?
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kanavin: I fully agree to use it for dev purpose only
kanavin: it would be nice if we could figure out the bash compatibility piece for busybox such that you can configure busybox to replace bash
kanavin: making that configurable would remove a lot of the remaining need to gplv2
RP: does busybox have a bash compatibility piece? I thought it only provides posix shells?
kanavin: it has bash compatible extensions I think. How far those go, not sure
kanavin: auto
nad, of course
nad, I used to work for Daimler/Mbition until 3 months ago
JaMa: I hadn't picked up that corner case yet, thanks for the patch!
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hi, probaly wrong plase to complain but i don't know where i should. We use sd-cards as rootfs/boot partition. and our boot partition is fat32 but after a recent os update the arm target is not booting. no u-boot. but if i use a old sdcard ( preformatted) and copy the same u-boot it boots. it seems like my os is not creating the same sort of fat partition
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mckoan thx for the info:) I will try to find a workaround
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RP: in meta-webosose we configure busybox to provide bash and sofar nothing got broken by using that implementation, only issue is to prevent all other recipes to accidentally pull real bash into the image (whenever bash gets built in the same TMPDIR), so it needs a lot of VIRUTAL-RUNTIME variables everywhere
JaMa, but that's about something else and is RESOLVED FIXED - I mean a ticket for bash replacement when bash's license is a problem
JaMa: I wonder if some systemwide filter mechanism for packages to replace VIRTUAL-RUNTIME would make sense
it would be definitely easier to maintain, I'm still adding more and more bbappends doing this whenever some typicaly PN-ptest packages is discovered to need bash dependency as well
JaMa: I'm certainly open to the idea
JaMa: in fact you could do this really easily with a replacement runtime_mapping_rename function
JaMa: nm, looked at that meta-weboose commit you pointed at
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RP: if that were available, I could imagine maybe adding a recipe for replxx and trying to point readline users at it
smurray: it would be an interesting test
I suspect that patch allows you to do a lot of things that could get you into trouble too
but since when did that stop us previously
heh, yes, it occurred to me that it'd be a new footgun to hand people
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smurray: yes VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_bash and VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_stat which needs similar work arounds, but luckily in only a few places
RP: thanks2 :)
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Hi all, I'm currently searching the best way to export licenses information from a Yocto build. We have configured Yocto to generate image-license.manifest file, There is a way to export SPDX file from Yocto?
Guest5032: with honister and master, see the create-spdx class
RP I'm stuck with gatesgarth version, thx for tips I will take a look :)
RP thank you it's exactly what I need :) do you think it's compatible with older version ?
backporting won't be trivial as it involved some fairly instrusive pkgdata changes
there are standalone layers that do similar though which might backport easier
if you can get your hands on a BeagleV then that but there are only engineering samples and they won't start production on that one IIRC what drewfustini said on twitter
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qschulz: yeah, that's my understanding re Beagle V, they're engaging with some other SoC vendor now instead of J-Star AIUI
there'll probably be a bunch of cheap Allwinner D1s/F133 boards showing up, but that SoC only has 64 MiB onboard RAM, so it's more of an IoT oriented thing
D1 is good although the SOC has some incompatible extentions
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qschulz: thanks for the pointer!
I was asking since BeagleV isn't a good option any longer
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with Alibaba open-sourcing their core designs, I expect a bunch more SoCs to pop up
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qschulz: do you know if there is a Yocto bsp for that board?
sakoman: BeagleV or Allwinner?
All I know is BeagleV is supported in upstream Buildroot, don't know about Yocto
and for the allwinner one, I assume not since it's pretty new and I'm not sure with that much RAM it'll be super easy to run Linux without tweaks on it
qschulz: the allwinner
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qschulz: the link you provided claims: Memory – 1GB DDR3 memory
the newer D1s has the onboard memory, the full D1 uses external AIUI
if you poke around on alibaba, sipeed claim 1 month delivery for a nezha board, but whether it's worth paying > $100 for it or not is a good question
smurray: I ordered one, so I'll find out :-)
hpsy[m]: what was it? do_fetch failure or something else?
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has honister changed something about the way packagegroups work? i have one "top level" packagegroup that RDEPENDS on a bunch of other packagegroups that i've been using to build out a package repository, but since cutting over to honister building the top-level packagegroup only seems to result in an RPM for the top-level one, and not RPMs for any of the other packagegroups it RDEPENDS
i.e. i have `packagegroup-foo-packages` that RDEPENDS on `packagegroup-foo-bar` and `packagegroup-foo-baz`, in dunfell and hardknott building `packagegroup-foo-packages` got me packages for all 3, but in honister it only gets me `packagegroup-foo-packages`
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hpsy[m]: upgrade ca-certificate on you host, I had slightly older version on 20.04 ubuntu and the root cert of salsa.debian wasn't trusted yet
khem: yes, persistent on host with older ca-certificates
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khem: maybe following rebuilds fetched it from some PREMIRROR for you?
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doesn't look like packagegroup.bbclass or have changed much in years
if i query RPM that the top-level packagegroup produces it still clearly shows it depending on the other packagegroups, but those just don't get built for some reason