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abelloni: thanks, but the question is, which recipe? i'm builing core-image-minimal. do i create a .bbappend and add it there? what if i want it for all images? is there a better spot?
i.e., a common place where all recipes will pick it up?
i've made my own kernel recipe - should it be there? (seems not)
it is tied to the kernel and architecture
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yo dudx
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shoot - just when I had vmenson;s reply typed out they quit
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wb vmeson
think id have to include uvicorn
but what sucks is that I have to get gunicorn in too becuase I saw some other module that depends on it..
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Hey, all. I am trying to setup a ADS7846 based touch controller, targeting a RPi4. When building rpi's kernel, I don't really see the module there - i'd expect a ads7846.c with actual driver code. When I look into the tree, I can see a ads7846.mod.c that doesn't really resemble a actual linux driver.
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Not sure if this is related to the meta for the rpi's kernel (the traditional meta-raspberrypi), but, i'd expect to see something like a mainline kernel tree.
MysticMice: did you run make modules ?
Am I wrong to make such assuption?
@mckoan no, nothing expect setting up the metas and running the target image
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MysticMice: you need to set the MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS variable to include kernel modules
MysticMice: or try MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS += "kernel-module-ads7846"
mckoan alright, doing it. Should be added to something like local.conf and rerun bitbake, or do I need a more forceful build for it?
of course, if that module isn't configured in the rpi kernel config you are building, that rrecommend won't do anything.
MysticMice: the right place is the machine fine, however a quick test can be done editing local.conf
I see. The weird is that the ads7846.ko is generated
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khem: We upgraded our SDK to be based on hardknott (and gcc 10) and now we get consistent build failures on gobject-introspection. Not sure what else is going to break after that, but gobject-introspection does not appear build any longer.
It builds perfectly fine under gcc 8.
I also tried with buildtools-extended in case it was something I was doing wrong with the way we built gcc 10. Still same result.
any idea if they've been send to greg for upstream -stable inclusion ?
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"They aren't (yet?) a part of linux-stable but I did let stable know that
they backport to v5.10 essentially hands free. "
* paulg
notes zedd doesn't read past the 1st sentence.
translation - not in stable-queue ; I let sashal know on IRC but didn't hear anything back
maybe they are gun shy about anything that adds a new Kconfig? Given the other stuff that gets backported, I seriously doubt it though.
in any case it has been hanging around forever and I got sick of looking at the turd.
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hah. I never look at 0/n first, I look at the patches, and then see if 0/N matches my thoughts on them :D
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kanavin: the alternative to the patch to test for 'tools-sdk' in IMAGE_FEATURES is going to be completely dropping those two test cases...
kanavin: I think the only reason they have been passing is that all the ptest images on AB have had 'tools-sdk' set (globally)
kanavin: but in effect, the patch will drop those two tests anyway, right?
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Ch^W: what errors do you see ? and what is your build host OS
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wow, this taking care of python dependencies is no easy task. Does yocto generally not promote using python for embedded systems, or is it just the module im after (uvicorn) ?
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yocto promotes you actually knowing what software is being used, and not just running pip on the target
when you ship something and need to produce a license manifest or rebuild an identical image a year later, you'll appreciate it
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when I cant find a package using pypi or the oe-pkgdata-util where else can I look at?
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if its not in pypi then i'd worry!
layers.openembedded.org is the master index of layers and their recipes
meta-python has many
remember oe-pkgdata-util only finds stuff you've already built, so if you're missing the depends then you most likely haven't built it
khem: Build host was created from Yocto hardknott (we build our own SDK distro).
I tried buildtools-extended from Dunfell, but same result. Our last "known good" build was under GCC 8 in thud, but there are no buildtools-extended for that release. It looks like 3.0.4 is the oldest set of buildtools-extended.
If it is only me, I can look further, but this started happening right after we deployed a Hardknott SDK that went from GCC 8 to GCC 10.
Ch^W: there's no errors in that log
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rburton: Sorry, I think the build is set to break on warnings. I can paste in more.
it doesn't say warnings-are-errors
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Ok, gist updaed with the full output of gobject-introspection build. I am continuing to look at logs.
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rerun ninja in a devshell to figure out what exactly is failing, as it's not gcc
unless bison warnings are actually errors
It is odd that such a mature project has shift/reduce errors in the grammar. Perhaps I was just getting distracted by that.
devtool doesnt really take care of the package PACKAGECONFIG option in local.conf or is there a devtool option im missing?
PACKAGECONFIG variable .. Im guessing I gotta go in local.conf and set it up myself?
most don't change packageconfig at all. what are you expecting devtool to do about it?
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kergoth just expecting it to populate all keys/values the recipe files expects. like I see devtool making files with stuff like PACKAGECONFIG[:python_version < "3.8"] = ",,,python3-typing_extensions"
yes.. devtool adds the optional configuration variables, its expected you'll have to modify that manually, but devtool can't read your mind to know whicho f those you actually want to enable
you'd set PACKAGECONFIG ?= "some-default-value" in the recipe based on what you want the default recipe behavior to be
then the user would either be happy with that or alter how it builds in their distro or local.conf, but that doesnt' ahve anything to do with devtool
not expecting devtool to be a mind reader .. think I get the idea tho, thanks
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Override FWIW that packageconfig example is malformed
rburton .. im reading up on packageconfig .. apparently I have to initialzie the list of features ... PACKAGECONFIG ??= "f1 f2 f3 ..."
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rburton are you saying devtool malformed packageconfig?
couldnt have asked for anything else to thrown into the mix, love it.
couldnt have asked for anything else to thrown into the mix, love it.
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Hmmm, running ninja in devshell shows me that bison is segfaulting...
* Ch^W
goes further down the rabbit hole...
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cna anyone please help me understand why PACKACONFIG is getting formed the way it is, and how should I be fixing it? https://paste.ee/p/tGBgd
override: devtool output is *generated* and the comments in the recipe specifically say you need to review it to make sure it's correct.
I get that.. clearly I'm using devtool cus im just starting out with yocto - im trying to see what I can do to make PACKAGECONFIG not come out malformed like that
Im trying to see if keys in PACKAGECONFIG can even have spaces etc
override: obviously devtool got very confused. can you file a bug?
and ive read up on the manual a little bit, I get the broader picture. Just putting it out there. Not trying to use anyone as a private consultant or anything, feel free to help when at your convinience..
rburton: im listing down all the bugs I have to file. Just that I gotta get this recipe out first.
for now just delete all those PACKAGECONFIG lines as they're just nonsense
Not easy for me to qualify this stuff as a bug - I have to go through the manual and all first to figure out the lay of the land..
ok, thanks rburton for giving this a look.
Ive been struggling with this for over a weekend a few days now. Summer weekend of my life that ill never get back, so I really appreciate all your help
throw something into bugzilla and tell me the #, i'll fix up the components if needed
send over your bugzilla link
just tell me the # here
the # for what
the bug you create
ok - give me the link to your bugzilla so I can create one?
So far the primary difference looks like a terminal issue. bison.real is the one used in the build root, and it expects libtextstyle.so.0. The segfault happens on one of the free() calls in term_ostream_create
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Ok, found it.
There is a segfault in bison.real when --color=no is missing.
Looks like a bison bug of some sort.
I think if the terminal does not support colors, it complains, but the complaint leads to a sefgault.
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thanks bison
can you turn that off in bison at build time?
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It is a wrapper of some sort, so I am going to see if a patch will add the --color=no argument.
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ok guys, i sure could use some help, and i'll tell you up front this is going to be a PITA
on second thought - let me do this later. my current environment does not allow me to provide the details.
moto-timo, answered on the mailing list
override, rburton: looks like the devtool python project setup.py parsing for optional features needs to interpret and process the python-version specific conditionals
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Ch^W: i was thinking can it be told to not do ncurses stuff at all
rburton: Hmmmm, well I am not sure. I only found this when building gobject-introspection.
rburton: But let me kook.
And even if it can, this is very clearly a bug they should look at. I will submit a detailed issue to the bison project.
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rburton: So here is the weird thing... bison-native triggers that ncurses stuff because ldd shows that it is looking for libgettextstyle.so.0, but the bison we install into our SDK (non-native), does not look for htat library.
So it is like the native recipe is pulling in stuff it does not need?
And from the changelog, that looks like an "in the future" thing.
So clearly the bison project needs to know about this. And I will tell them. But I am curious what the collective wisdom says to do here? If removing gettext from the inherit list solves it, then go with that? Or patch --color=no into the wrapper?
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Hmmm, ok patch it is... Removing gettext from the inherit annoys the QA checker.
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does anything have an idea how I can get my DSI connector recognized in X11? for example, when I run xrandr I get: default connected 720x1280+0+0 0mm x 0mm
720x1280 0.00*
but im sort of expecting: DSI-1 connected primary 720x1280+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
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* Ch^W
gives bison the stink eye...
Can _anyone_ build gobject-introspection-native with the Hardknott complement of dev tools? Or is it just me?
Once past the command-line fun, it segfaults again on the scannerparser.y shift/reduce warnings.
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Can WKS_FILE be set from an image recipe?
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