Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.01 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.04 is scheduled for 02 April 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<linfax> hello. I have an issue with my config file. because after invoking make my_defconf, the config is written to .config and then I invoke make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-
<linfax> I been asked about some new faetures. but aftethat I get only empty menu items like: Text Base (TEXT_BASE) [] (NEW)
<linfax> and that goes endless
<linfax> this it the .config: https://nopaste.linux-dev.org/?1339290
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<LogicalErzor> hey calebccff, im following ur slides to get msm8960 up and im a bit confused on step 2 of dt match data. it says to copy the compatible strings and match data from Linux, but all the compatibles that ive identified from my dts(i) dont have a corresponding file in uboot: https://pastebin.com/dbb3stFc . im wondering if at this point u tried to compile uboot and used ur best guess or instead brought
<LogicalErzor> these drivers in from Linux? thanks in advance
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<Tartarus> linfax: What platform is this for?
<apalos> Tartarus: the .lds changes are all over the place. I either send a huge unreadable patch
<apalos> Or i break them up nicely, but u-boot won't compile for some boards in between those commits
<apalos> alternatively I can make it compile with 'unpredictable' results, but I really dont like that
<apalos> any preference on the poison ?
<Tartarus> Find as much to break out as you can before having to make just one big go of it all, please
<apalos> I did, not exactly doable
<apalos> the problem is that some variables are defined as linker symbols, while other are c variables
<apalos> and are used by both v7/v8 and some 'special' board linker scripts, spl tpl, etc
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<apalos> I'll see if i can make it more readable
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<Tartarus> OK
<Tartarus> If you can't, you can't, but please give it one more go.
<calebccff> LogicalErzor: heyo, you probably want to pick this series: https://lore.kernel.org/u-boot/20240215-b4-qcom-common-target-v4-0-ed06355c634a@linaro.org
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<calebccff> LogicalErzor: you need a clock driver of some kind, I'd suggest copying the clock-apq8016 driver, fixing the dt-binding include and then just emptying all the functions out. If you're chainloading from aboot then the UART clock will be up already so you can enable the serial_msm debug UART and at that point you should at least get some prints
<calebccff> the stub clock/pinctrl drivers initially are just there so U-Boot doesn't crash out, as pretty much everything has some kind of clock... We can just rely on the clocks being a relatively useful state to begin with
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<apalos> Tartarus: ok, a reasonable alternative is to rip out the sections one by one
<Tartarus> OK
<apalos> Will end up with more readable patches, but the series will be big, but that's better
<Tartarus> And if you can run the qemus each commit, that'd be good
<Tartarus> I know that'll take a while
<apalos> I run the CI on each commit + add prints to make sure the calculated size doesnt change
<Tartarus> But I do worry about some unexpected fallouts, so bisectable run testing to some degree is good
<Tartarus> great, thanks
<apalos> yea smaller changes will be completely bisectable,
<apalos> i'll do that
<apalos> also (obviously) i prefer this going into -next :>
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<apalos> but we can discuss the details once i post them
<Tartarus> Oh yeah, master is closed, heh
Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2024.01, v2024.04-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.04 is scheduled for 02 April 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
<apalos> ah even better
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<quinq> Hello
<quinq> I hope I'm in the right channel, I'd need help for using a serial line on my board
<quinq> I can see several devices with 'dm tree', like serial@21c0000, serial@21d0000, etc.
<quinq> But I don't know how to set stdout to those
<quinq> I tried 'setenv stdout serial@21d0000' but I get an error '## Error inserting "stdout" variable, errno=22'
<quinq> Am I doing it wrong?
<quinq> Also coninfo lists (only) to devices, "serial_plx01x" and "serial", but not the others (I have three UARTS configured as "okay" in the device tree)
<mps> quinq: in my case it is 'stdout=serial,vidconsole'
<mps> and serial is 'serial#=165166c80ac2c8b7'
<mps> on one of boards where I can look right now
<quinq> I have no serial defined, and stdout is by default "serial_plx01x", but that's the name of the driver, not of a device
<Tartarus> Well, serial# isn't about the serial port
<Tartarus> That's the serial number of the board in question
<quinq> :D
<mps> Tartarus: yes, missed '#'
<Tartarus> OK :)
<Tartarus> quinq: Do you have SYS_CONSOLE_ENV_OVERWRITE enabled?
<mps> obviosly it is number
<quinq> Tartarus, checking
<quinq> No it's not
<Tartarus> Well, that's the first thing to fix then
<mps> interesting, in qemu-u-boot for riscv64 it is 'stdout=serial@10000000'
<quinq> Building
<quinq> Programming
<quinq> Resetting
<quinq> I get the same error
<quinq> My bad, building script erased the .config.
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<quinq> Tartarus, I have to go, will test later and report
<quinq> Thanks for the help everybody
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<LeSpocky> in board code an empty function board_early_init_f() only returning 0 can be dropped entirely, right?
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<cambrian_invader> LeSpocky: if it builds, yes
<LeSpocky> ack, then I add that to things to do next week
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<marex> quinq: do you know the 'coninfo' command ?
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<marex> quinq: do you have CONFIG_SYS_CONSOLE_ENV_OVERWRITE=y ?
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<Raito_Bezarius> Hi there, I have a MIPS system with U-Boot and I would like to verify if my understanding is that U-Boot does not append to existing DTB bootargs but overwrite them and if there's no easy way to make the kernel or U-Boot understand this behavior?
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<Tartarus> Yes, we set the bootargs we don't append the bootargs
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