Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2021.10 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN until 25 October 2021 / Release v2022.01 is scheduled for 10 January 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<sjg1> milkylainen_: Do you think it is a bug? Can you recreate it in a 10-line program?
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<milkylainen_> sjg1: I always think that if a program segfaults on parsing input = bug. So yes. :) But sadly, I cannot recreate it. Still in the dark on what's causing it.
<milkylainen_> I still suspect some kind of reloc section mishandled into an *abs* section. I think the ld.bfd bug is something like "ld.bfd somewhat blindly assumes an alloc has been made for the output section of certain types. But the output and input parsing differ in their handling. So input doesn't do an alloc and output blindly assumes it has been made".
<milkylainen_> And if they end up in this scenario you have a SEGV in the output generation.
<milkylainen_> Which was why the hacks for .reloc in coff where written in the first place. But those hacks are just plain ugly.
<milkylainen_> Because they only cover one type of scenario of the mismatch.
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<Xogium> hi guys… Using u-boot 2021.01 on stm32f769 discovery… I burned default config u-boot onto the internal flash, copied u-boot.bin as per what the buildroot instructions for stm32f469 did -- there is no config for f769 in br
<Xogium> set console to 115200n8, connected to the st-link probe and… nothing
<Xogium> I don't see any message on the serial console
<Xogium> can someone give a hand with this ?
<Xogium> is u-boot supposed to be silent ?
<Xogium> I don't know in what state my board is other than red and green leds are fixed, and that's all
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<sjg1> milkylainen_: I wonder if you can pair down the U-Boot link command until it is just one file that still causes the problem?
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<Tartarus> sjg1: kaki is out of disk space
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<sjg1> Tartarus: OK, I cleaned up some containers
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