Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2021.10 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN until 25 October 2021 / Release v2022.01 is scheduled for 10 January 2022 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<rfried> sjg1, Tartarus: I finished reviewing the PXE series, Tom, do you want to merge it yourself ?
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<mort> Hey, so I have a system with a u-boot partition at 0x4000 of some flash. How do I tell fw_printenv about it? I don't quite understand the config file format
<mort> Is it even enough to know where the uboot partition is or do I have to know where the env vars are? If so, is there a way to figure out where the env vars are?
<vfazio> Tartarus, matthias_bgg, thoughts on https://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2021-November/466170.html ?
<matthias_bgg> vfazio, give me a few more days before I come to it
<vfazio> matthias_bgg, no problem. I just know it's come up a couple of times on the mailing list. thanks
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<milkylainen_> sjg1: Did using uefi services make it out of efi-working?
<sjg1> milkylainen_: Some of it. It is taking a while
<milkylainen_> sjg1: I have a slot again. Still 64-bit app linking issues in efi-working?
<sjg1> milkylainen_: Yes
<milkylainen_> Ok. I'll try to dig again. This time with something I can debug.
<milkylainen_> tnx
<mort> is there maybe some way to get uboot itself to print all or most of the info I need for fw_env.config?
<mort> since it already knows everything it needs to be able to read/write env vars
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<milkylainen_> mort: What's the issue? You can't find the variables from userspace?
<mort> milkylainen_: yeah, I don't have a fw_env.config so fw_printenv and such don't know where to find them
<milkylainen_> mort: I don't think u-boot writes anything conclusive regarding where the variables might be from the perspective of the running userspace no. That can probably vary, depending on what you're running.
<milkylainen_> I think the idea is that you should write your fw_env.config...
<mort> based on what?
<milkylainen_> Based on what you configured u-boot for?
<mort> so, I didn't configure u-boot, I'm trying to make use of a relatively poorly documented system
<milkylainen_> Maybe I'm missunderstanding the question. You configure u-boot and where it should place env, ergo you should know what to write in fw_env.config. Since you're likely owner of the userspace configuration.
<milkylainen_> Ah.
<milkylainen_> And you don't have access to the code/configuration?
<mort> I do, I just don't have experience with uboot configuration
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<mort> I suppose I'll read the configuration documentation then and try to find everything out that way. I just hoped there was a simpler way
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<milkylainen_> I see. well. Older u-boots have a lot of config hidden in headers. Newer u-boot, you can read most of the configuration through .config
<milkylainen_> mort: ^
<milkylainen_> What version are you talking about here?
<mort> damn, it's 2017.09
<mort> that's fairly old
<mort> interestingly, .config defines CONFIG_ENV_IS_NOWHERE=y
<milkylainen_> I think that's recent enough for .config in the env bits?
<milkylainen_> Sounds like no config for 2017.09.
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<mort> is there a way from within u-boot that I can verify that the configuration isn't loaded from disk?
<mort> to confirm that I'm actually looking at the final config
<mort> and that it's not being overwritten by some header or something
<mort> there's soooo much code generation going on in uboot that it's extremely hard to follow where the different config options come from
<mwalle_> xypron: AFAIK the debian installer doesn't have any watchdog drivers, so even 5min would be too short
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<kroon_> Hi. I'm trying to understand which block device u-boot saves the environment to. Is there a CONFIG_xxx-setting for that ?
<kroon_> Or is it inferred from u-boots location itself ?
<rfs613> mort: the simplest way to determine if it the env is persistent is to add a variable ("setenv myfoo=bar"), then save it ("env save") and then power cycle. Upon restart, check if your env persists ("env print myfoo")
<rfs613> kroon_: there are many options for storing the environment, start by checking CONFIG_ENV_IS.* in your .config file.
<kroon_> I have CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_MMC=y
<kroon_> but I have two mmc devices
<kroon_> and one of them has emmc boot partitions
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<rfs613> kroon_: okay, so you'll next want to look at CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV to know which device
<kroon_> rfs613, aha
<kroon_> rfs613, so CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV gives me the device, and CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_PART the partition
<kroon_> rfs613, thanks
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<milkylainen> sjg1: Hrrm. Looks like there is some strangeness with the coff section handling in ld.bfd when in x86_64 mode.
<milkylainen> sjg1: Found a workaround in most archs, but not for x86_64?
<milkylainen> sjg1: $ binutils-2.37/bfd$ grep -r fake_sections *
<milkylainen> sjg1: https://pastebin.com/jj34yGqF
<milkylainen> But I can't find such a workaround for the x86_64 handling.
<milkylainen> ia64 contains such an uefi reloc section hack.
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