Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2021.07 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN until 26 July 2021 / Release v2021.10 is scheduled for 04 October 2021 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<abiliomarques> hi, I was doing experiments with some embedded MIPS hardware that uses uboot, and was wondering if uboot clears the RAM on "reset". If I write to an address and hit reset, the data is gone
<abiliomarques> my intention, if possible, is to write a kernel driver that uses a portion of the physical address to store things like counters and such, that can survive a software reboot
<clarity> It's not deliberately clearing any ram
<clarity> It might overwrite something if you don't reserve it
<abiliomarques> I did some experiments with mw.l and then md.l, and the data is gone. Granted, the address I chose was random (within the RAM) . Any way to determine a suitable address for the test?
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<clarity> Dunno, I'd just bisect or try a few random addresses
<clarity> Obviously addresses that are mapped to physical ram and not something else
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<abiliomarques> addresses used in uboot are physical, right?
<clarity> Not all addresses are physical ram
<clarity> physical ram doesn't necessarily start at 0x0
<clarity> etc
<abiliomarques> aware, in my case it
<abiliomarques> it's reported to start at 0x80000000
<abiliomarques> but my question is more of, is the MMU enabled at this point?
<clarity> It isn't
<marex> well mips has this odd kseg/useg/... thing, where depending on the address, the memory might or might not be cached etc
<marex> I think kseg0 is at 0x80000000, so thats uncached ram
<wyre> what can I use as mkimage arguments to not have 'u-boot legazy uImage' when I do file of my scr script?
<marex> some -T script ?
<wyre> marex, yes
<marex> git grep T.script in u-boot sources for examples ?
<wyre> 🤔 apparently mkimage is for uimages ...
<wyre> there is not some equivalent for zimages?
<marex> mkimage is for generating images
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<marex> uImage is just a container/envelope around payload(s)
<wyre> marex, well, when I use `file` over an script generated with mkimage I can see
<wyre> ker_dtb_fs.scr: u-boot legacy uImage, ker_dtb_fs script, Linux/ARM, Script File (Not compressed), 531 bytes, Thu Aug 19 10:59:53 2021, Load Address: 0x00000000, Entry Point: 0x00000000, Header CRC: 0x69D22DE8, Data CRC: 0x84B62746
<wyre> why that `u-boot legazy uImage`?
<marex> iirc the script and legacy uImage have the same header
<marex> use mkimage -l foo.uImage
<abiliomarques> btw, a silly question, how do you prototype uboot? can you load a "newer" version of uboot in ram using uboot and start it?
<wyre> marex, sure, I guess both have the same header, my question is ... why the header says `u-boot legazy uImage`?
<milkylainen> wyre: ARM? old x86? I'm assuming the former.
<wyre> milkylainen, the system where script will be run? ARM
<milkylainen> uImages are considered legacy.
<wyre> sure, then why mkimage doesn't produce zImages?
<milkylainen> You don't need to wrap a zimage in anything?
<milkylainen> Not sure I follow.
<milkylainen> Sure, the whole u-boot "boot stuff" is kinda confusing.
<milkylainen> bootm = uImage from mkimage.
<wyre> milkylainen, I'm able to run the .scr script in u-boot after have fetched it with tftp and performing so
<milkylainen> bootz = zimage.
<milkylainen> booti = arm64 image.
<milkylainen> zboot = x86 bzImage.
<milkylainen> wyre: Scripts can be wrapped by mkimage.
<wyre> milkylainen, I'm not sure what do you mean with `wrapped`
<milkylainen> the uimage header is just a header.
<milkylainen> wyre: mkimage produces such a header on top of the dataset.
<marex> wyre: input=[zImage blob] -> mkimage -> output=[[uImage header][zImage blob]]
<marex> mkimage can generate different types of images , not just uImages
<marex> uImage is considered legacy, it is superseded by fitImage
<wyre> marex, I thought it was superseded by zImage
<wyre> but then why not output=[[zImage header][zImage blobl]]?
<marex> wyre: zImage is just compressed raw kernel binary + decompressor
<marex> the uImage header contains load address, entry point, image type, crc32 checksum (weak, use fitImage) and other such metadata
<marex> zImage does not contain any such thing, it is just an executable, u-boot puts zImage to the right address in DRAM, sets up the CPU state, and jumps to its entry point (usually the start of zImage, which is where the decompressor is)
<marex> oh, and uImage header can also specify compression in case you want the u-boot itself to decompress the payload before placing it in the destination address (e.g. for kernels without decompressor)
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<mrnuke> rfs613: I checked that all the required options are enabled in sandbox .config
<mrnuke> I can do " ./build-sandbox/u-boot -c 'ut lib rsa*' " and it will run the tests
<mrnuke> But " ./test/py/test.py --bd sandbox -k rsa " doesn't seem to think there is any such test
<rfs613> mrnuke: ok, I was just offering guesses, since there didn't seem to be any other replies...
<mrnuke> rfs613: And thank you for that.
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<mrnuke> sjg1: I also managed to break SHAxxx selection for SPL. I'm looking into it, and I will adress the patch directly to you. I'm good if we end up disregarding my fix in lieu of any bigger series you might work on.
<mrnuke> I'm focused on getting it fixed before v2021.10 final
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<sjg1> mrnuke: I can't image me getting to it soon. Likely in Oct
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<mrnuke> marex: Have you had a look at the patches around STM32MP15x_STM32IMAGE ?
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<marex> mrnuke: no, anything interesting ?
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