Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2021.07 is OUT / Merge Window is OPEN until 26 July 2021 / Release v2021.10 is scheduled for 04 October 2021 / http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Danilo82> can somenone inform me if compiling mkimage fromt this source will make a modified mkimage or its just going to be the same?
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<marex> milkylainen_: you're now digging in u-boot x86-64, right ?
<milkylainen_> marex: yup.
<marex> milkylainen_: I noticed it is possible to easily overwrite stack on running u-boot x86-64, if I understand it correctly
<marex> as far as I can tell, the stack isn't sitting right under relocated u-boot , at least that is what reading out %rsp tells me
<marex> sjg1: ^
<milkylainen_> marex: Under what scenario?
<milkylainen_> Loading stuff or during init?
<marex> qemu x86-64 has stack at 0x10d638 per %rsp
<marex> and it has u-boot at 0x0000000006f58000
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<milkylainen_> What does bdinfo say when you start into shell?
<marex> milkylainen_: bdinfo does not contain rsp value
<milkylainen_> That looks strange. I'd expect stack pointer to be above + a resonable bit of space.
<milkylainen_> Hmm. ARM?
<milkylainen_> I thought bdinfo gave stack pointer.
<milkylainen_> I switched to toying with barebox a night or so. Since u-boot does not have any means of accessing my eMMC right now.
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<marex> yeah, I was somehow forced to use barebox in a project recently too, USB was completely unusable because it is a fork of decade old stack with all the bugs that were fixed since, I got so many other crashes and problems that it looks this barebox will go out of the window soon
<marex> so back to u-boot ... :)
<milkylainen_> ARM did have an SP print. Moved to arch though.
<milkylainen_> Actually. Don't know why stuff like SP can't be abstracted enough on this level to be non arch stuff.
<milkylainen_> marex: Do you have any information on the current layout?
<marex> layout of what ?
<marex> rsp is somewhere in the lower end of the DRAM area
<milkylainen_> layout of memory.
<marex> well, yeah ... 0x8000000 of DRAM , u-boot is relocated in the top 3/4, except for that %rsp stack which is at 0x100000 or so (low)
<marex> sjg1: ^
<milkylainen_> Hrrm. And heap is sitting at?
<marex> milkylainen_: below u-boot, it is just the stack that's at the wrong place
<milkylainen_> marex: Not missing any bits of the %rsp 64-bit printouts?
<marex> milkylainen_: nope
<milkylainen_> marex: Is it some legacy UEFI existing stack that U-boot reuses?
<sjg1> milkylainen_: marex For 64-bit U-Boot on x86 some work remains, particularly in memory setup. See PAGETABLE_BASE which is in low memory
<sjg1> milkylainen_: marex Also start64.S is where U-Boot starts after SPL has switched to 64-bit. It uses the existing stack rather than setting up a new one
<milkylainen_> that would explain it.
<milkylainen_> So you always have an SPL in x86_64?
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<sjg1> milkylainen_: Yes SPL is 32-bit since you cannot boot in 64-bit on an x86 machine. Also I'm not sure how you run things like the video bios in 64-bit
<sjg1> Tartarus: Thanks for the pointers. I found that Fedora 34 uses a .efi and 31 uses extlinux.conf so everything is working well. I have some improvements to the PXE code to send out at some point and have added some tests
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