What does bdinfo say when you start into shell?
milkylainen_: bdinfo does not contain rsp value
That looks strange. I'd expect stack pointer to be above + a resonable bit of space.
Hmm. ARM?
I thought bdinfo gave stack pointer.
I switched to toying with barebox a night or so. Since u-boot does not have any means of accessing my eMMC right now.
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yeah, I was somehow forced to use barebox in a project recently too, USB was completely unusable because it is a fork of decade old stack with all the bugs that were fixed since, I got so many other crashes and problems that it looks this barebox will go out of the window soon
ARM did have an SP print. Moved to arch though.
Actually. Don't know why stuff like SP can't be abstracted enough on this level to be non arch stuff.
marex: Do you have any information on the current layout?
layout of what ?
rsp is somewhere in the lower end of the DRAM area
layout of memory.
well, yeah ... 0x8000000 of DRAM , u-boot is relocated in the top 3/4, except for that %rsp stack which is at 0x100000 or so (low)
sjg1: ^
Hrrm. And heap is sitting at?
milkylainen_: below u-boot, it is just the stack that's at the wrong place
marex: Not missing any bits of the %rsp 64-bit printouts?
milkylainen_: nope
marex: Is it some legacy UEFI existing stack that U-boot reuses?
milkylainen_: marex For 64-bit U-Boot on x86 some work remains, particularly in memory setup. See PAGETABLE_BASE which is in low memory
milkylainen_: marex Also start64.S is where U-Boot starts after SPL has switched to 64-bit. It uses the existing stack rather than setting up a new one
that would explain it.
So you always have an SPL in x86_64?
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milkylainen_: Yes SPL is 32-bit since you cannot boot in 64-bit on an x86 machine. Also I'm not sure how you run things like the video bios in 64-bit
Tartarus: Thanks for the pointers. I found that Fedora 34 uses a .efi and 31 uses extlinux.conf so everything is working well. I have some improvements to the PXE code to send out at some point and have added some tests
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