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<clfbbn> Oh sorry, I want to make a correction here. I used and I did find a long list of differences between stock / lineage 's audio hal.
<clfbbn> I also recommend this tool because to get acdb_ides, this tool does not require me to push the binary to the device.
<LuK1337> i'm lost
<clfbbn> Sorry, I used this:
<clfbbn> I don't know why the acdb_get does not work, and it seems that it always prints the lineage's acdb ids
<clfbbn> For stock, the device table contains some devices with substring "SONY", but all the acdb ids for them (got by acdb_get) are < 0 so they are not shown in the acdb data list.
<clfbbn> And the rest are consistent with lineage's
<LuK1337> that one won't work properly
<LuK1337> that one depends on correct enum...
<LuK1337> also acdb_get would print sony ones if you actually used with sony lib...
<clfbbn> I will push all related libs to see the results
<LuK1337> you can even look at the header file
<LuK1337> it should contain sony snd devices
<LuK1337> if they are in strings
<clfbbn> Yes. but if I only push, the acdb_id that it will get will be < 0
<clfbbn> And it will skip it
<LuK1337> that alone seems kinda sketchy
<LuK1337> you'd think that sony snd devices would have acdb id...
<clfbbn> Sorry I didn't get it, can you explain it? > that alone seems kinda sketchy
<LuK1337> <@LuK1337> you'd think that sony snd devices would have acdb id...
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