LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
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<bbn> When I set AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_DLKM to true, the build system execute rules in techpack/audio/include/uapi/, which tries to call kernel/msm-/scripts/ (Which does not exist, nor kernel/msm-4.19). I compared it with oneplus's kernel source, but found nothing obvious.
<LuK1337> cherry pick from any lineage 4.9+ kernel
<LuK1337> cherry pick [Androidbp] too
<LuK1337> just so that you won't conflict with that as well...
<bbn> OK,
<bbn> And I should import audio policies from CAF trees?
<LuK1337> policies? yeah, i guess you can use caf ones
<LuK1337> with minor edits
<LuK1337> to disable vorbis offloading
<bbn> OK. I used to use stock and audio policies from stock. And I am now switching to source-built ones
<LuK1337> hopefully you enabled correct feature flags
<LuK1337> ah btw
<LuK1337> your device has that stupid audio amp
<LuK1337> good luck
<bbn> What about the /apex/ not able to find symbol "_ZN7android25MEDIA_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_AVIFE"? As far as I can tell, it is defined in frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/foundation/MediaDefs.cpp and is compiled into apex/
<LuK1337> you blobbed some shit for no reason
<LuK1337> and it broke
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