LuK1337 changed the topic of #titandev to: Loliés! | *yiff* |
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<clfbbn> Hi, I just found (from open devices repo) that sony has a special amp: However, it seems that the qcom audio hal in LineageOS does not contain this.
<clfbbn> Is there any way to integrate this?
<LuK1337> you know i told you about this before?
<LuK1337> :^)
<LuK1337> 07:38
<LuK1337> ^^
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<clfbbn> Hmm yes (I actually didn't understand what that mean before....)
<clfbbn> So there is no way the lineage side can do? (For example, cherry-pick this commit from open device's tree)
<clfbbn> s/no way/nothing
<clfbbn> I can see that the file is distributed under Apache License 2.0. So maybe I can submit a gerrit patch series? Is it OK?
<LuK1337> maybe when you're going to submit your device through devrel
<LuK1337> but just defer that for now
<LuK1337> you aren't even close
<clfbbn> OK, so patience :)
<clfbbn> I think I will also need to perform and pass cts tests?
<LuK1337> no
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