<m4t> DavidHeidelberg: i get that on ouya
<m4t> its not an issue i think
<m4t> [ 39.161287] brcmfmac: brcmf_c_process_clm_blob: no clm_blob available (err=-2), device may have limited channels available
<m4t> there is maybe one built into the fw rather than separate
<m4t> i don't use wifi but on the ouya it shows channels 1-14 available at 20dbm
<m4t> can check for possibly missing channels with 'iw phy phy0 info' btw
<m4t> i think it'd be more of an issue with a dual-band radio
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<DavidHeidelberg> pmOS has 5.14-rc3 with PM, USB OTG and stuff inside :)
<digetx> nice, thank you
<DavidHeidelberg> and soon, and I'm really excited about that will have automatic kernel updates :) it's pain when you update kernel and modules have to go connect it to the computer for boot.img update
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<DavidHeidelberg> pls OUTPUT from `lsblk -f` and `lsblk -o NAME,PARTLABEL` from any tegra tablet or phone?
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<DavidHeidelberg> digetx it doesn't seems we have partlabel from GPT, right?
<digetx> no, you need to be extra careful before writing to partition, check that number of partitions is correct, check that partition already had boot.img
<digetx> auto update also should be opt in, IMO
<digetx> ideally we need second stage bootloader that will load kernel image from a regular file, kexec may be good enough
<nergzd723[m]> there is u-boot support for Cardhu board, isn't it?
<nergzd723[m]> might be possible to use it instead
<m4t> pgwipeout[m] got u-boot working on ouya, he has a tree on github
<m4t> iirc he had it in the kernel partition. i messed around and was able to replace fastboot with it, but that's dangerous+involved
<m4t> on ouya personally i use a kexec loader. maybe i will replace fastboot one of these days
<pgwipeout[m]> It's relatively safe to use it in place of a kernel, but you need uart output or have knowledge of the workings of fastboot to do it.
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<pgwipeout[m]> U-boot doesn't support relocation in the second stage for arm32, so you have to have the text_base exactly correct.