<azonenberg> Oh. yeah none of the currently implemented bridge scopes have more than one stream on a channel so that would make sense
<azonenberg> you'll have to override those methods and extend the protocol for your scope
<azonenberg> or well,. not even extend the protocol since all of the range stuff is done clientside
<azonenberg> but if there's instrument config to do too that will need a protocol extension
<azonenberg> the remote bridge protocol now is basically the common features of the Digilent, ThunderScope, and PicoScope drivers
<rapzak_> yearh i have overwritten the functions an seems to work... i may consider skip the remotebridge...
<azonenberg> yeah there's absolutely no requirement to use that class it's just a convenience helper for network-attached custom scopes since we used so much of the same features in each driver
<azonenberg> if your instrument is significantly different in feature set it may not buy you much
<rapzak_> i gave me a lot learning
<rapzak_> together with the tiny vna driver for stream
<azonenberg> (in fact i think we started with separate drivers for pico and digilent then i combined the copy-pasted code and refactored into a base class)