<swdee2> In Pulseview you can add Markers and measure the time span between two points arbitrarily. Does ngscopeclient has this measurement ability?
<azonenberg> We have two different ways to describe points in time
<azonenberg> Cursors describe relative points in time, i.e. deltas from T=0 of the waveform
<azonenberg> Cursors are a property of the waveform group, i.e. you can have several different groups each with their own cursors at different points
<azonenberg> They describe time, so as you scroll and zoom they stay at the same timestamp rather than the same pixel position
<swdee2> That is nice.... ok i'll go through the hassle of compiling it to have a play 😉
<azonenberg> and they are a property of the view rather than the waveform, so as you acquire new waveforms they stay in the same place
<azonenberg> Markers, on the other hand
<azonenberg> describe points in absolute time
<azonenberg> So if you drop a marker and acquire a new waveform, the marker will disappear from your screen. it's still there, but it's attached to a specific timestamp in a specific waveform
<azonenberg> and you have to jump back in history to the old waveform to see it
<swdee2> i see
<azonenberg> Markers are also global, not for a specific view
<azonenberg> so if you have several viewports that can all see the same point in time, they all have the same markers shown
<azonenberg> Markers also show up as events in protocol decode views, so you can easily correlate between timeline and packet-list views
<azonenberg> See here, for example. markers "foo" and "bar" show up in the waveform view, in the history view, and in the protocol analyzer
<swdee2> Got it
<azonenberg> Note that the above only applies to vertical cursors
<azonenberg> horizontal cursors are one of the longest standing open todo items in ngscopeclient, the ticket is one of I think 18 total github issues blocking the v0.1 release
<azonenberg> I hope to get to it soon
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will it be possible, to use the DPAuxFilter with VCDImported digital Signals?
and 2.) and to use an digilent Analog discovery kit, do i need to compile scopehal-waveforms-bridge and use them in order to get connection to the NGscopeclient or is it all included?
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<rapzak_> dropdown somewhere with average 1x-2x-4x etc
<rapzak_> in my case that setting would be for all channels
<azonenberg> You mean for hardware averaging?
<azonenberg> We actually support hardware averaging already, you just have to expose the correct APIs to configure it
<azonenberg> For now, it's only supported per channel in the API
<azonenberg> but if you had that as a global instrument setting we could probably find some way to make that work
<azonenberg> (near term, make it so the get/set functions just ignore the channel number and set the global average config)
<rapzak_> where is that API used? in the instrument driver or UI part or how is it used? maybe link to an example in existing file?
<rapzak_> I am doing kind of low samplerate 4ch power meter... with graphs... and the V and I channel will be linked for settings like average.. and the sample rate for all channels has to be the same..
<rapzak_> could be used to measure efficiency of example tripple output buck converter... current in stepper motors... maybe with bigger shunt power consumption of mcu/sub systems in lowpower..
<azonenberg> Hmm, so I'm wondering if it would make sense for the V and I to be considered one channel with two streams
<azonenberg> CanAverage controls if the GUI should show the averaging settings or not (you don't want to show the setting if hardware/firmware doesn't support the feature)
<azonenberg> then Get/Set are self explanatory
<azonenberg> As of now, the API has averaging exposed per channel not per stream
<azonenberg> So it might make sense to treat {V, I} as a single logical channel
<azonenberg> For example, on a regular multimeter if you are measuring an AC signal
<azonenberg> and it has a secondary measurement capability
<azonenberg> we can show voltage and frequency or something as two streams on one channel
<azonenberg> Does that seem like it fits your architecture well?
<rapzak_> yearh it may... but still the 2 strams come out so it for an example can be multiplied for watt