[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 6056adc - Standalone multimeter serialization now works. Not yet tested with multimeters that are part of a scope.
ok i think multimeter serialization is done, other than autorange mode
but in general range control isn't fully implemented in the API so that's something i'll worry about once i've implemented those APIs
I guess that means loads and BERTs are next and i should have serialization for all the instrument types
Also i'm starting to think about how i'd implement scopevna as a filter graph
the basic idea is, feed a stairstep waveform into a function or rf signal generator
at each point, measure amplitude of the incoming signal on two scope channels, one direct and one through the DUT
digitally downconvert and filter to extract only the frequency of interest, then measure amplitude of the signal
(this is what i do already in the scopevna application)
ratiometrically calculate gain/loss of the DUT
as a vector, so you can measure group delay and phase response too
But then the output of this is going to be a single scalar measurement
so my thought is, you can trend it over time to get separate plots of freq/time and response/time
then have some kind of sampling filter that snapshots those two separate trend waveforms and makes an x/y plot or something like that. i'm not sure exactly how that will work
in particular how it will enforce things like strict monotonicity in the x axis which most scopehal waveform types (other than density plots like eye patterns) require
azonenberg: isn't this a TDR? ""_)
I am interesting in measuring group delay at work, still ruminating about it though
Not a TDR
i'm looking at S21 not S11
The advantage of using a scope as your receiver is that you have switchable 50/1M ohm inputs which means you can measure the vector response of things that are not 50 ohm impedance on the output
e.g. active probes, or 10x R-C probes
its the only way i've found to remotely usefully measure S21 of a 10x R-C probe
azonenberg: OK sure, but conceptually very similar
luckily for me I am only measuring 50Ω stuff
yeah exactly. the other key bit is using ratiometric measurements
which means as long as your splitter is well characterized and has good isolation (or your DUT has reasonably good return loss)
you do not need a calibrated level for your signal source
or even calibrated *frequency* as you can measure that scope side
you also dont care about the scope frontend response as long as channels A and B are fairly similar (and you can even cal THAT out if you put some more work in)
basically you're making the two paths as identical as you can except for the DUT
it's calibration all the way down
and you only care about the shift in time and amplitude
almost nothing else in the chain needs to be calibrated is my point
you can use the cheapest function generator you have as long as it can cover the frequency range
it can be 30% off in frequency and have levels all over the place
cable loss doesnt matter as long as the two cables are equal loss or you put the effort into calibrating out the delta
azonenberg: don't siglent have that feature for their scopes/siggens?
(of course they expect you to buy their gear to do it..)
siglent has automatic level correction for the SSG5000X series if you add an external power meter
they do not actually sell power meters
they support an R&S model i'm eyeing and a few others, i forget by which vendors
I have an open feature request for them to support importing a touchstone file for a cable if you've VNA'd it and want to flatten out its loss curve
But again, with this ratiometric setup you can completely ignore that cable loss
there is some amplitude X hitting the splitter. you dont care what it is
after the splitter, it has Y dB of attenuation in the cable from splitter to reference input on the scope
then you have another cable in parallel with Y dB of attenuation going to your DUT
then the DUT, then the scope
Y doesnt matter, all you care about is (Y+DUT) - Y
and X is so far upstream it also calibrates out without even trying
the only part where it matters is setting the scope input v/div to give you good dynamic range without clipping
and you can just AGC by looking at the received signal amplitude
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In other news, i think it's been a while since we've had a dev call. Will probably try and schedule something in november
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@louis, lain: ryan is trying to get ngscopeclient to install on macos (as in actually using "make install") and filed a bunch of tickets related to that
i dont have a mac system to test on so please assist as possible