azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> In any case I'm reasonably optimistic about the Chinese option, I got an SMA-SMPM male adapter to do VNA measurements
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> The NanoVNA being a bit of a limiting factor but I don't currenty have any excuse to make my work buy something better or budget to get it on my own
<azonenberg> 2.92 to SMA will work reasonably well, yes. It's just that SMA tends to be made to looser tolerances
<azonenberg> and mating to a bad one can easily damage a 2.92 which is a bit more fragile being air dielectric
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<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #548: Don't show impossible-to-enable channels in filter graph editor -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] 602p 30c8366 - Don't show impossible-to-enable channels in filter graph editor
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 3d6e000 - Merge pull request #548 from 602p/ngscope_dont_show_unavailable_in_filtergraph Don't show impossible-to-enable channels in filter graph editor
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #546: Move towards unifying on-connect behaviour in glscope with ngscope -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] 602p fee6cce - Move towards unifying on-connect behaviour with ngscope. Enable only those channels already enabled on connect, except for: - On headless scopes, enable all analog channels. Or, if no analog, all digital. - On regular scopes, if no channels enabled, enable the first.
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg ee0f90a - Merge pull request #546 from 602p/glscope_respect_enabled_channels Move towards unifying on-connect behaviour in glscope with ngscope
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> Looking through potential power connectors it seems the smallest commonly available pitch for wire-to-board is 0.8mm, 28-32AWG, 1-2A, 3.8x3.2mm board space, for example MOLEX Zero-Hachi:
<d1b2> <Mac> I saw some discussion on DPI earlier, this is the answer (I wrote the section that starts with "On Windows") what was in louis' PR is basically correct, just need to pull the scale value from the OS instead.
<azonenberg> mac: Yeah exactly
<azonenberg> its the right idea but wrong implementation
<azonenberg> 3.8 x 3.2mm is actually a touch *smaller* than a u.fl
<azonenberg> interesting
<azonenberg> my u.fl footprint is about 4x4
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> MHF 4L is 2.5x2.4 footprint
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> But I'd prefer something that can be comfortably unplugged without a tool I think, even if a milimeter bigger
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> Other models down to 2x2mm:
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> By the way, are you working on a power supply for the probes? I'm thinking about designing something nice and convinient powered from USB-C with USB-PD with one LT3045-1 per channel probably
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> I'm torn between making it modular for different voltages or some easy adjustment
<azonenberg> So i am definitely interested in designing a supply. one of the challenges is that currently the AV1 and AD4 need different voltages
<azonenberg> both will survive either voltage but the AD4 prefers a lower input IIRC to minimize dissipation in the LDOs, since it runs hot already
<azonenberg> (it's the same power stage - an inverting charge pump + LDO for the negative and an LDO for the positive - for both. Just different feedback resistors for different output voltages)
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> As long as everything is compatible a button/switch to cycle between presets seems like the easiest option
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> RFID tag on the probe with the preset to reconfigure by touch is probably overkill
<azonenberg> It's short term compatible
<azonenberg> without instant hardware damage
<azonenberg> If you give the AV1 the lower voltage meant for the AD4, it won't work right
<azonenberg> if you give the AD4 the higher voltage meant for the AV1, it will probably overheat because the LDOs are dropping more voltage than they were sized for
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> Profiling based on I/V curve should be possible, in theory
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> Step voltage from 0 to like 3V recording current and decide based on that
<azonenberg> Yeah thats a possibility
<azonenberg> The other is to have the two probes use incompatible-by-design connectors
<azonenberg> and apply fixed voltages to each
<d1b2> <Code and Solder> That would require swapping cables when changing probes though, and avoiding that seems neater, especially with RF cable being the same