azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<azonenberg> Starting to plan out how to do protocol analyzers in ngscopeclient. It's... nontrivial to figure out how to do it right
<azonenberg> glscopeclient's model was not the best
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<clever> azonenberg: is it an issue with decoding itself, turning samples into bits, or some api with the sample source?
<azonenberg> clever: Sooo
<azonenberg> the fundamental issue is managing ownership and creation of packet objects
<clever> ah
<azonenberg> Right now, packets are a kind of additional hidden output stream of a filter
<azonenberg> so you have N streams of samples and, optionally, one stream of packets
<azonenberg> they only exist for the lifetime of the filter
<azonenberg> i added an API (not yet pushed) to let you detach the packets, so you can keep them once the filter is re-evaluated with new sample data
<azonenberg> then instead of having separate output formats for things like ascii vs hex dumps
<azonenberg> i want to just have a vector of bytes that you can pretty print in the gui however you want
<azonenberg> (doing this w/o breaking compat w/ glscopeclient may be tricky, i may keep some legacy stuff in the API until we dump the GTK side entirely)
<azonenberg> The other challenge, which i never solved in glscopeclient
<azonenberg> was replaying history properly so that if you change configuration of a decode, the entire history worth of packet data is now updated with the new stuff
<azonenberg> I have some ideas but its nontrivial
<azonenberg> and as long as i'm doing a rewrite i want to take the time to do it properly
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<clever> azonenberg: ah, so its more on the api side of things, and less the decoding itself
<azonenberg> oh the decoding is done ,it's the same backend as libscopehal
<azonenberg> as glscopeclient*
<azonenberg> because it's just libscopehal
<azonenberg> ngscopeclient is just a new gui frontend
<azonenberg> but things like history are implemented in the frontend, there's no concept of history on the backend
<clever> ahhh
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