azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<azonenberg> Thinking about adding more network analysis filters to scopehal soon
<azonenberg> so far the wishlist is VSWR, loss factor, line impedace
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<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±14]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 3e76ed7 - Initial work on PacketManager. See #541.
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg b1ca201 - Continued initial work on protocol analyzer. Can now display packets, but not handle merged packets. No support for sync between analyzer, cursors, and timeline yet. See #541.
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<azonenberg> New AV1 filter components are in my mailbox
<azonenberg> Testing it out after work tonight
<azonenberg> Thoughts on the new packet display?
<azonenberg> my big concern is that long packets will quickly turn into very big things
<azonenberg> where its hard to see more than a few at once
<azonenberg> so i'm wondering about maybe making the data field collapsible and only showing the first row until you expand it?
<azonenberg> lain: ^
<azonenberg> you can choose packet format as hex only, ascii only. or hexdump
<lain> I like the idea of making it collapsible, yeah
<electronic_eel> azonenberg: do you want an mastodon invite link to ? ariadne conill, the admin, seems quite competent to me and even though the instance just has a little more than 200 active users, it is running on a kubernetes cluster. i never had any lag issues in the last days. i think ariadne does k8s stuff for a living
<azonenberg> lain: the question is how this will play gui wise with the other collapsing bit
<azonenberg> where you can collapse things like polling cycles or read-write transactions into a single block
<lain> ah, hm..
<azonenberg> like, i'm sure i can do it
<azonenberg> i just dont want to make it confusing UX wise
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: i set up an account on that seems to be doing well
<azonenberg> havent actually done anything with it
<azonenberg> but the site is responsive and the confirmation emails actually went through
<azonenberg> was going to start putting actual meat on it after work
<azonenberg> dont even have an avatar yet :p
<azonenberg> but if i have any issues i can definitely look at treehouse as an alternate host
<electronic_eel> hmm, a search for turned up empty
<electronic_eel> probably you didn't pay elon for the right to leave yet ;)
<azonenberg> the account exists but i have posted nothing and done no config
<azonenberg> and have interacted with nobody
<electronic_eel> yeah, they might filter inactive accounts
<electronic_eel> the twitter ship really shows signs of sinking: chief privacy officer and chief compliance officer quit
<azonenberg> yeah i expected it to slowly decline over a period of months then possibly recover, possibly not
<azonenberg> i did not expect it to implode in two weeks
<electronic_eel> elon is known for demanding fast results ;)
<azonenberg> well he's getting a result :p
<azonenberg> just maybe not the one he wanted
<azonenberg> Funny thing, this may be the best thing to happen to social media in years if not ever
<azonenberg> by accelerating the pace of migration to open platforms not controlled by advertisers and data miners :D
<azonenberg> this mass exodus is probably exactly what mastodon needs to gain broad adoption
<electronic_eel> yeah, pushing a decentralized protocol / platform into broad mainstream would be a very good turn of events
<electronic_eel> azonenberg: could you check if you have some account discoverability settings turned on in your account? whenever i try to search or follow, my instance gets a "503 Remote data could not be fetched" back
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: i'm getting followed fine by a bunch of other folks
<electronic_eel> i tried searching or following some other accounts on and that works without issues - but some of the accounts have the same issue as yours
<electronic_eel> so it is not the whole instance that is blocked
<electronic_eel> maybe some other, more well known, instances are in some kind of whitelist that don't check on the stricter discoverability settings?
<azonenberg> huh i have no idea. i have default / wide open privacy settings and explicitly enabled discovery
<electronic_eel> hmm, i know of two settings that could be at play "opt-out of search engine indexing" and "suggest account to others"
<azonenberg> off and on, respectively
<electronic_eel> very strange
<electronic_eel> could you try following me?
<azonenberg> Anyway, back to on topic... parts for the new AV1 filter are here
<azonenberg> Nominal parts are sized for 2.2 GHz cutoff frequency
<azonenberg> s-parameter simulation suggests closer to 2.0 GHz actual after losses
<azonenberg> and then adding in the amplifier response and such system bandwidth should be in the high 1.x range, maybe 1.8 to 1.9
<azonenberg> At this point i consider the PT5 basically done and the AV1 will, if it performs as expected with the BOM tweak, will also be basically done
<azonenberg> next step will be documentation and planning production ramp-up
<electronic_eel> you changed the inductor to a smaller value iirc?
<azonenberg> on the PT5, yes. 1700 pH instead of the 2200 original design value
<azonenberg> i forget if i pushed that change to the sch or not
<azonenberg> then the AV1 i have changes to all of the passives
<azonenberg> on the 4th order filter
<electronic_eel> what did you change on the AV1?
<electronic_eel> filter i mean?
<azonenberg> yes. I recalculated all 4 passive values for 2.2 GHz cutoff
<azonenberg> aiming at 1.8-1.9 GHz system bW
<azonenberg> BW
<azonenberg> I still have to do a lot of work on things like taking pretty photos for the manual
<azonenberg> calculating max input level ratings
<azonenberg> etc
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