Well, here's something weird. I'm using Sardine to interact with a Davros grain via WebDAV, and that's been working fine. But it looks like if my first call to the API is a PUT rather than a DELETE, MKCOL, or GET... I get a 401 Unauthorized from Sandstorm itself.
But if I do one of those other operations first, a PUT works just fine.
A call using curl's -T option works fine, and that's obviously the first command in the session...
It fails with org.apache.http.client.NonRepeatableRequestException: Cannot retry request with a non-repeatable request entity.
Because... it starts by making a PUT call with no Authorization header. Sandstorm gives a 100 Continue, and Sardine streams out the request body... at which point Sandstorm says oh, no, you actually need to authenticate, that's a 401!
Sardine is willing to retry, but can't, because I've given it a (non-replayable) inputstream to read from rather than a blob of bytes.
I wonder if this is a bug in Sandstorm, then? I feel like it should give a 401 sooner. But I don't know a lot about PUT semantics.
I enjoy reading about things even if I don't know how to help. :P
As usual, it took me hours to get to the point of asking for help, and then I figured it out before anyone else could look at it. (-:
rubber ducks are amazing
So my wife shared with me a Google Drive folder with about 80 files in it. Apparently in the interface that opens for a non-Google account accessing this... there is no "download folder" button of any kind.
I have to actually download each file individually, wait for a five second "scanning for viruses" thing, and then download it. One by one.
I am assuming this experience isn't as broken if it's shared to your actual Google account. But gosh darn.
My point, of course, is that Michael Nutt on his own created a drastically more pleasant way to share files than a trillion dollar company.