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<ocdtrekkie> Like maybe we could like proxy it through Sandstorm, accessible in the admin panel, rather than writing our own management tools for the underlying OS?
<ocdtrekkie> Gonna try and install it tonight, I am just excited based on screenshots.
<TimMc> kentonv: Weird off-topic question, but I somehow feel like you might be a good person to ask... have you ever encountered an HTTP proxy garbling Cookie headers in particular?
<kentonv> TimMc, garbling how?
<TimMc> It's like something starts writing out "Cookie: foo=bar; baz=q..." and then goes back to "Cookie: " and starts writing it all out again.
<kentonv> doesn't ring any bells
<TimMc> I've only just now got some logging in place, and the request I've captured had the first 200 characters, then the first 212 (so, mostly overlap), then the first 1660, then (what I think is) the whole header.
<TimMc> It's like there's some code *somewhere* that's trying to rewind but has already partially flushed a buffer.
<TimMc> The funny thing is that there's no functional impact except our Cookie: headers are sometimes kinda... big, as a result.
<TimMc> It's going to be a total nuisance to figure out if this is in the application, nginx, ELB, or Cloudflare.
<TimMc> Well. It was worth asking. I figure you've seen some Weird Internet Stuff.
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<isd> Anecdotal observations of a user have suggested to me that TimMc's idea a while back to rework the grains/app ui distinction into a new grain/existing grains one probably is a good one (sounded like it at the time).
<isd> feels a bit like "turn your db schema into a UI," and watching someone get tripped up being in the wrong tab drove that home.
<ocdtrekkie> New/Open does make sense, I suppose
<isd> At some point I'd like to do actual user testing. But it feels silly until we build some momentum actually implementing features that involve the UI.
<isd> I have a branch where I'm messing with transferring grain ownership again.
<isd> I feel like for my own sanity I need to build something like that before I deal with mongo... I need to feel like I'm not just doing this sysiphean task of dealing with tech debt & upgrade cycle.
<isd> Also, I implemented the mutli-port thing.
<ocdtrekkie> woo! I will definitely switch my server over to a test build this weekend and try it.
<isd> I still haven't found time to hack on the stuff I was working on before the whole test suite died and I shifted to fixing it.
<ocdtrekkie> I was checking today to see how much of that entire milestone has now been almost completely solved now.
<ocdtrekkie> Awesome: Using Cockpit to do updates and start my Sandstorm server backup. Not awesome: Closing the tab and realizing you get a new terminal when you go back to it.
<ocdtrekkie> Guess I'll know my backup is done when the file stops getting bigger.
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