Hi. it would be really useful if someone could help me understand the instructions in wordpress on how to add DNS records to point the website to the root of the domain. It looks very confusing to me ("host.example.com IN CNAME sand-yxnvt9ji7pibfwmetyi2.example.com sandstorm-www.host.example.com IN TXT yxnvt9ji7pibfwmetyi2")
I can probably put together like a screenshot for you with an example of mine. Do note it only works for subdomains though, I believe.
thank you!
I have some morning stuff to attend to but in like an hour or so I could get you the screenshot.
Don't know if this will work, but gonna try it
So two DNS records, set up like this in most domain DNS web panels.
Will direct blog.whatever to your grain
That worked, thank you! And if I want it to be the main website, instead of blog.site.com I change the CNAME to empty host, and the TXT to sandstorm-www?
Unfortunately no. DNS does not allow CNAMEs to the root domain. But you could use www.
good to know
freshsanstormer has quit [Quit: Connection closed]
ocdtrekkie: CloudFlare DNS has root flattening, CNAME example.com can be Sandstorm WordPress website. If that is not in any docs, it should be added. For example, TXT is sandstorm-www.example.com for example.com, and sandstorm-www.www.example.com for www.example.com
And some other nameserver providers could have similar flattening services
I thought you had to have an A record for the root domain.