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thejpster: It is vaguely documented, but there actually is a standard set of things to do. The ARM ref manual recommends doing an exception return. Most vendor code and exception handlers I saw in the wild branch to some (user) provided C handler. Or both combined.. How does your debug script look? I was not sure whether breakpoints in the global assembly even work (at least in the GUI), I tried setting one in the startup
routine and I think it did not work.
My scripts are TRACE32 specific and they set breakpoints on the vector addresses.
In GDB it would be break *0x00000008 etc
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I've been bit by a really sneaky vector table alignment issue max(128, round_up_to_power_of_two(sizeof(vectortable))), where we only had 128 in our checks. So I thought I'd update the to add this check for vector table. Does it make sense to add it? I would expect cortex-m-rt to give an error if it places the vector table in an unaligned location.
Is it the same for all cortex-m? I can't remember if there were different alignment rules for different series
I checked armv7-m and armv8-m so far
I'll check armv6-m now3
v6 has only the 128 byte requirement, but with it only having max 32 vectors it fits in the other check as well
I'll see if I can linker script magic this math
Maybe the hardware does `(VTOR | (IRQ_NUM * 4)` to find the vector address?
s/*/<</, s/4/2/
* The VTOR is the full 32-bit.
Maybe the hardware does `(VTOR | (IRQ_NUM << 2))` to find the vector address?
If the vector table is aligned, that should work
We've seen very weird behavior when this was wrong, and specifically in our case a specific interrupt never came which was critical to the operation of the radio peripheral
<korken89[m]> "It not catches our 4 week bug..." <- whewwww, thanks for adding!
UWB radio peripheral? Which chip are you using? One of those from NXP?
Yeah, OL23D0
<diondokter[m]> "The VTOR is the full 32-bit...." <- is it? in cortex-m4 at least it has 7 reserved bits
adamgreig[m]: Ah! Cortex-m crate apparently also doesn't have a setter for it. Just the raw `Reg<u32>`
korken89[m]: yea that's much clearer lol
But this is what cause my error to start with, I read it as Exceptions (the first ARM defined interrupt vectors)
They mean Exceptions as in the entire size of the vector table
all interrupts are exceptions, not all exceptions are interrupts :D
Which makes perfect sense, just sometimes it goes too fast xD
I have a weird issue with my Zedboard again when trying to debug this issue with the divison by Zero. It panics, but I have this weird issue again that the stack frame looks very broken.. I had a simillar issue with my main routine ,which disappeared when I exported the main function with the name main ..