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<RockBoynton[m]> <dirbaio[m]> "Can't make it into a crate" <- how does this work then?
<dirbaio[m]> <RockBoynton[m]> "how does this work then? https:/..." <- It doesn't
<dirbaio[m]> If you add just that crate as a dep, it breaks
<dirbaio[m]> You need to add defmt as well, and conditionally enable it
<RockBoynton[m]> <dirbaio[m]> "You need to add defmt as well..." <- well yeah, why is that worse than copy-pasting the file?
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<cheap0[m]> I followed the tutorial and used the tool, but it still prompts the following
<M9names[m]> that image shows you setting the driver for the CDC interface. that's not the debug interface.
<M9names[m]> if it's a proper j-link, use the jlink tools to configure it instead:
<cheap0[m]> <M9names[m]> "if it's a proper j-link, use the..." <- thank you,but It seems that this option cannot be toggled
<M9names[m]> weird. guess you will just have to work out zadig then, no fun.
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<dirbaio[m]> <RockBoynton[m]> "well yeah, why is that worse..." <- Crate A and B depend on log-or-defmt. Both have `[features] defmt = ["dep:defmt", "defmt-or-log/defmt"]`. If you enable defmt on crate A, it breaks crate B because it causes defmt-or-log to start using defmt when crate B doesn't "expect" it because *its* defmt feature is not enabled. This problem doesn't happen if you copypaste
t-moe[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<t-moe[m]> yeah, defmt-or-log shouldn't exist in the first place. But it made my life easier in practice, because of the FormatOrDebug trait...
<t-moe[m]> Thanks for reminding me, to push this forward again...
<t-moe[m]> Anyways, I hope we'll get a better solution soon, when defmt can forward to the log backend internally.
<t-moe[m]> * yeah, defmt-or-log shouldn't be used in public crates. I've created it mainly to avoid copy/pasting and to have a location for the FormatOrDebug trait, for the local crates of my app.
<t-moe[m]> Anyways, I hope we'll get a better solution soon, when defmt can forward to the log backend internally.
<t-moe[m]> Thanks for reminding me, to push this forward again...
<t-moe[m]> * yeah, defmt-or-log shouldn't be used in public crates. I've created it mainly to avoid copy/pasting and to have a location for the FormatOrDebug trait, for the local crates of my app. I enable log/defmt at the root (bin) crate and on all dependencies...
<t-moe[m]> Anyways, I hope we'll get a better solution soon, when defmt can forward to the log backend internally.
<t-moe[m]> Thanks for reminding me, to push this forward again...
<t-moe[m]> * yeah, defmt-or-log shouldn't be used in public crates. I've created it mainly to avoid copy/pasting and to have a container for the FormatOrDebug trait, for the local crates of my app. I enable log/defmt at the root (bin) crate and on all dependencies...
<t-moe[m]> Anyways, I hope we'll get a better solution soon, when defmt can forward to the log backend internally.
<t-moe[m]> Thanks for reminding me, to push this forward again...
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<whitequark[cis]> non-additive features are evil
<thejpster[m]> Yes, but. Sometimes necessary.
<thejpster[m]> Like one HAL supporting multiple chips.
<thejpster[m]> Ideally cargo would understand this as a native concept (I don’t know, “build flags” or something) and give better errors, or just let you build a crate twice.
<realroot[m]1> how store things in flash with watchful?
<realroot[m]1> * with watchful?
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igiona[m] has joined #rust-embedded
<igiona[m]> You can have a look at sequential_storage and use the Flash object use nrf_softdevice::Flash
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<igiona[m]> static NRF_FLASH: StaticCell<Flash> = StaticCell::new();
<igiona[m]> let f = NRF_FLASH.init(Flash::take(sd));
<igiona[m]> ... This only if watchful is using softdevice ... detail I fail to remember on the top of my head
<igiona[m]> I guess it's for the external flash (my hint was intended for the internal Flash)
<realroot[m]1> NOTE: If you've used watchful before 0.2.6, it now has switched from using `embassy-boot` to `mcuboot` as provided by default on InfiniTime. To achieve that, the [nrf-softdevice]( has been replaced with [trouble](
<realroot[m]1> trouble is for BLE so never mind?
<igiona[m]> It looks like that even with trouble, the code is relying on some SD features to get access to the flash:
<igiona[m]> Likely these features do not rely on the SD-stack and that's why it works... worth a try ;)
<realroot[m]1> do i check mpsl from use nrf_sdc::{self as sdc, mpsl}; then?
<igiona[m]> Here is were the internal flash is created, you can r/w on it with that object I guess.... I'm sorry though, I don't have the means to test anything... I guess you're on your own ;)
<realroot[m]1> thanks
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