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<Mathias[m]> I see armclang was mentioned, some changes are scheduled for April 2025:
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<GuineaWheek[m]> i have a project but when i build it says
<GuineaWheek[m]> the linker scrips are: "--gc-sections" "-Tlink.x" "-Tdefmt.x" "--nmagic" "-Tlink.x"
<GuineaWheek[m]> nvm it was config.toml including -Tlink.x
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<thejpster[m]> We're still looking for a German-speaker to join our team as an Embedded Rust Trainer - see
<jason-kairos[m]> * Offtopic question: is it valid to pass a rust reference into assembly as if it was a pointer?... (full message at <>)
<thejpster[m]> I think `&mut 64` will convert to `*mut u64` automatically, but other references (like `&str` or `&[8]`) are larger than a pointer and thus won't. I might cast the reference to a pointer first just to be sure.
<thejpster[m]> TIL: `clobber_abi("C")`
<dirbaio[m]> yep it's valid
<dirbaio[m]> * yep it's a valid thing to do
<dirbaio[m]> you must respect the invariants of the reference though. for example don't keep it around beyond the borrow's lifetime, don't write to it if it's not mut...
<jason-kairos[m]> Makes sense. I also don't know if my clobber_abi is really valid or necessary for a cortex SVC since the processor already saves those registers I think
<dirbaio[m]> in this case it seems fine
<dirbaio[m]> (assuming svc #123 immediately writes the time to the pointer then returns)
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<diondokter[m]> Man, lots of new STM series recently:
<diondokter[m]> Wonder if they're already gonna display it on embedded world next week
<jason-kairos[m]> I wondered about that, but never tested it. Good to know the compiler has my back with regards to preventing nonsensical behavior.
<jason-kairos[m]> * I wondered about that, but never dared to test it. Good to know the compiler has my back with regards to preventing nonsensical behavior.
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<thejpster[m]> I don't have time to attend the meeting today. Please take a moment to review robamu's excellent work on derive-mmio and cortex-ar. Lots of good progress.
<thejpster[m]> I hope to see some of you Nuremberg next week where you can come and see demos of analysing defmt and RTIC performance on STM32 using a SEGGER J-Trace tracing probe and running Rust on the NXP S32Z270 SoC using our new cortex-ar crates and a Lauterbach TRACE32 debug probe - or anything else Rust related.
<thejpster[m]> Also I'd like to highlightly the open job I posted earlier for a German-speaking Embedded Rust trainer (it's not just training, it's these demos too).
<thejpster[m]> Oh, one more thing - I think I unblocked defmt-1.0 with an approach to defmt-on-std that doesn't require any API changes, and that should be moving ahead again.
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<adamgreig[m]> hi @room, meeting time again! agenda is, please add anything you want to talk about or announce and we'll start in a few mins
<adamgreig[m]> ok, let's begin! only announcement from me is that the new arm team now officially exists; i'll update the repo and permissions as appropriate tonight
<adamgreig[m]> chrysn: wanna go first?
<adamgreig[m]> or is it chrysn...
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<chrysn[m]> Yeah sorry, feel free to kick out the old me, that server is dead.
<chrysn[m]> It's really short: We are here, we try to integrate a lot of existing work into ready-to-use embedded RTOS usability.
<adamgreig[m]> (this is just released this week)
<adamgreig[m]> it looks cool, nice work!
<chrysn[m]> We're active, we try to contribute to all the projects that we use to make the ecosystem better, and already have good examples that, without per-board configuration, run on a wide variety of boards, be it cortex-m, RISC-V or Xtensa.
<adamgreig[m]> nice, thanks for the announcement
<adamgreig[m]> jannic, thanks for triaging, I think that's one for libs team ( dirbaio, newam, reitermarkus) and see also for the earlier discussion
<jannic[m]> Yes, it has been open for half a year and has been kept up to date by the author, but didn't get a review yet. In the issue being solved by that PR,, @Dirbaio discussed the possible solution strategies with the author and if I understand the topic correctly, the approach is valid.
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<bartmassey[m]> Great find — thanks for bringing it!
<adamgreig[m]> tricky issue..
<adamgreig[m]> well a few minutes reading through it hasn't helped me any
<jannic[m]> I can't claim that I understand what's going on there :-) and it surely takes some time to review.
<adamgreig[m]> 😅 hopefully libs team can have a look at the pr after the meeting, i don't think we'll make any headway during the meeting unless someone is around
<adamgreig[m]> thanks for bringing it up!
<adamgreig[m]> bartmassey then, wanna talk about the new disco book?
<bartmassey[m]> it looks to me like a valid merge, in that the folks who have thought it through all like it. Might want to macroize it later I guess.
<bartmassey[m]> Yeah, I've embarrassingly found that since losing an active collaborator the Disco Book has fallen way down in my stack. I am looking for somebody to work with me regularly on it, help organize new Book Sprint, etc.
<bartmassey[m]> Lame, but there it is. Anyone interested feel free to message me here or whatever.
<adamgreig[m]> i am hoping to be out of house-restoration hell by rustweek so if nothing else let's chat then, but if anyone is keen on helping bring the books up to date please get in touch!
<adamgreig[m]> ok, that's everything from the agenda, is there anything else anyone wanted to discuss this week?
<jannic[m]> Not directly for the meeting, but in case someone has hints on how to properly manage DMA buffers in rust: I wasn't able to give a really good answer to
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<rmsyn[m]> since there seems to be a number of OS-related projects, does it make sense to propose a separate OS working group, would it still fall under the rust-embedded WG?
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<therealprof[m]> Those projects are all independent. I think there would have to be some significant interest from those projects to organise within the WG.
<bartmassey[m]> As somebody currently working on an educational OS project, I'd be happy to collaborate with anybody and everybody. Not sure what the collaboration would be though.
<adamgreig[m]> yea, we could add a team if there was interest but the question would be what they work on. it could also be a matrix channel to start with and see if enough interested people want to get together?
<bartmassey[m]> I'll try to answer the DMA thing a little bit at some point soon.
<bartmassey[m]> There's already a Rust OS matrix channel I think?
<bartmassey[m]> I'll look for it and post it.
<bartmassey[m]> Got to go to class. Peace all.
<thejpster[m]> <rmsyn[m]> "since there seems to be a number..." <- They should all join The Rust Society
<JamesMunns[m]> thejpster[m]: context:, it's in discussion at the moment
<JamesMunns[m]> JamesMunns[m]: I need to write a follow up with the notes from the most recent council meeting. It's fairly wishy washy at the current moment. Any words of feedback or support welcome, as always.
<JamesMunns[m]> JamesMunns[m]: zulip link, for discussion:
<rmsyn[m]> I think that is probably what I had in mind. some sort of umbrella for collaboration across projects for sharing ideas, techniques, tools, etc.
<thejpster[m]> Tock, Ariel, Linux, Zephyr - all should be talking to each other but there’s no venue for it
<therealprof[m]> Ooh, secret societies...
<therealprof[m]> TIL I learned about typst
<therealprof[m]> * TIL about typst
<JamesMunns[m]> therealprof[m]: a+ would recommend
<therealprof[m]> I immediately fell in love. 😉
<JamesMunns[m]> using a gist to host the pdf too is a neat trick - you can't upload files, but you CAN post the source as a gist, then clone the gist as a repo, add the pdf, and push
<JamesMunns[m]> (gotta run, have a good week everyone! I'll also be at Embedded World with a fun Poststation demo, and won't be able to attend the next wg meeting)
<adamgreig[m]> thanks, enjoy embedded world!
<adamgreig[m]> if there's nothing else that anyone wants to discuss then let's finish here, thanks everyone!
<adamgreig[m]> thejpster: if you have a minute of jorge's time, could you see if he could add me as an owner on cortex-m-rt-macros? then i can also add the new arm team to it
<adamgreig[m]> and for arm-dcc, cortex-ar, and cortex-r-rt, could you add the arm team? cargo owner --add github:rust-embedded:arm
<adamgreig[m]> that was quick, thank you!
<thejpster[m]> <adamgreig[m]> "and for arm-dcc, cortex-ar..." <- Is that possible on an iPhone?
<thejpster[m]> I have to manually go to /owvers as I can’t find the link
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<thejpster[m]> Oh ffs I was on the wrong GitHub account.
<adamgreig[m]> no rush
<thejpster[m]> “Only members of a team can add the team”
<adamgreig[m]> oh, lol
<adamgreig[m]> well feel free to add me, or wait til you're a member of the team and then add it
<thejpster[m]> I invited you
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<JamesMunns[m]> By the way, is anyone interested in HIL testing, and know what they would need external to your target board to do the testing you'd want to do?
<JamesMunns[m]> I'm looking into using Poststation for cases like this: using standard boards like rp2040/2350 as the i/o interfaces, for either driving some serial comms, or lowish sample rate analog/digital sniffing
<JamesMunns[m]> Very interested what real world needs are, in terms of timing requirements, bandwidth for sampling, the level of automation people want/need, etc.
<JamesMunns[m]> Hoping to build some basic remote control interface firmwares as open source components, as part of the poststation-util repo
<JamesMunns[m]> (happy to chat here, or send me a DM if it needs to be private)
<JamesMunns[m]> * sample rate (edit: or limited sample depth) analog/digital sniffing
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