<@thejpster:matrix.org> Bumped RTIC to 1.0 :)
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<@adamgreig:matrix.org> Ah, too slow! I was going to suggest changing the title to tyier 2021 since it's not a newsletter release exactly
<@adamgreig:matrix.org> Maybe still worth doing?
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<@nihal.pasham:matrix.org> question - just wondering, is there a way to turn a `slice of arrays` into a `slice of bytes` i.e. something like this - `&mut [[u8; 10]]` to `&mut [u8]`. I suppose this cant be done without allocation but what;s a good way to do this in a `no_std` environment.
<@k900:0upti.me> I believe this would be legal to transmute
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<@nihal.pasham:matrix.org> k900:0upti.me: hmm, do we have a document for safe or legal transmutation (or is it in rustnomicon)
<@henrik_alser:matrix.org> nihal.pasham: if you use something like heapless::Vec in between you could do something like .iter().flatten().collect::<u8, CAP>().as_slice()
<@nihal.pasham:matrix.org> yeah, was thinking of `heapless` but I cant seem to predict `capacity allocations`. I writing an EMMC driver where reads/writes can take up arbitrarily sized allocations.
<@henrik_alser:matrix.org> Ahh i see
<@henrik_alser:matrix.org> I guess you could use `from_raw_parts`
<@henrik_alser:matrix.org> Something like
<@henrik_alser:matrix.org> `let slice: &[u8] = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(&x as *const _ as *const _, x.iter().flatten().count()) };`
<@nihal.pasham:matrix.org> Ah, I'll try that but I guess there's no way around this without reaching out for `unsafe`. (just thought I'd double check to see if I was missing something)
<@henrik_alser:matrix.org> Unless you can work with the iterator all the way instead?
<@nihal.pasham:matrix.org> 😄, guess not
<@thebutlah:matrix.org> Are there any good patterns I can follow to use a serial connection globally? For example I want to use a serial connection in my panic handler, and also register it for use with the log or tracing crates
<@dngrs:matrix.org> nihal.pasham:matrix.org: have you looked at `bytemuck`?
<@dngrs:matrix.org> not sure if it works in this case but it's my go-to safe transmute crate
<@dnj:matrix.org> hi, does anybody know repository with with some bare-metal Rust code? I mean where it's showed how to share access to peripherals betweend files/modules.
<@dngrs:matrix.org> in other words, if you have a bus that's not `e_h::i2c` or `e_h::spi` you need to write your own proxy anyway and still can use `shared-bus`
<@dnj:matrix.org> > well you can always reach directly into the register block (it's just unsafe). What is your high level usage pattern?
<@dnj:matrix.org> I don't want to use unsafe blocks
<@dnj:matrix.org> as far as I did i wrapped access to peripherals with Mutex and Refcell and critical sections
<@dngrs:matrix.org> writing to mcu memory is always unsafe, the question is merely who's hiding that 🙃
<@dnj:matrix.org> but now I want to get access to peripherals in another file
<@dngrs:matrix.org> dnj:matrix.org: on an even higher level, what do you want to achieve? Do you have multiple parts of your program that are sending/receiving data?
<@dnj:matrix.org> For now I have one file named main.rs where I use one button one LED and interrupt
<@dnj:matrix.org> so.. nothing special, but now I want to make circular buffer in another file
<@dnj:matrix.org> where can I put and receive bytes from PC and to PC
<@dnj:matrix.org> dngrs:matrix.org: do you mean in another file?
<@dnj:matrix.org> can I create another handle in another file/
<@dngrs:matrix.org> I think the "another file" thing is a bit of a red herring - that's what I tried to communicate with "2 separate problems"
<@dngrs:matrix.org> Rust does not care where your structs, enums, functions etc. are defined (except when it comes to visibility, aka `pub`)
<@mriise:matrix.org> another option could be message passing yeah?
<@dnj:matrix.org> dngrs:matrix.org: I found that in RAL repository, I didn't know that I can `release` it after `take`
<@dnj:matrix.org> And as I pasted before I'm `taking` whole peripherlas structure. Maybe it's wrong, I saw that in Embedded Guide on rust lang web
<@dngrs:matrix.org> `take` is probably on `Option` - slightly different issue
<@dngrs:matrix.org> I haven't seen a `take`/`release` pair, it's more a `new`(or other constructor)/`release` thing. If you `take` from an `Option` you now own the value and can either store it somewhere (for a later `release`) or return it to your caller
<@dngrs:matrix.org> it might help to show us a concrete example of the problem you're trying to solve, along with what you've tried maybe
<@dnj:matrix.org> main.rs
<@dnj:matrix.org> let p = stm32g071::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
<@dngrs:matrix.org> what is `InitUart`s purpose?
<@dnj:matrix.org> to set Uart Registers related to Uart
<@dnj:matrix.org> I mean to set for example baud-rate
<@dngrs:matrix.org> so, initialization? I'd make that a function that takes a `&mut` to the register block
<@dnj:matrix.org> do you mean that, You would pass this register from main, right?
<@dngrs:matrix.org> well, I'd not pass ownership
<@dngrs:matrix.org> also I just now see you did write `fn InitUart` indeed, but used `struct` syntax
<@dngrs:matrix.org> (style side note - functions in Rust use `snake_case` not `CamelCase`)
<@dnj:matrix.org> yeah, I change it, clippy warned me thankls
<@dngrs:matrix.org> can you describe on a high level what you want to achieve in the end? What behavior (from a user perspective) is your project aiming for?
<@dnj:matrix.org> high level? what do you mean, I want to get access to uart registers from another file
<@dnj:matrix.org> to have it separated
<@dnj:matrix.org> instead of all code in main.rs
<@dngrs:matrix.org> user, not developer, perspective
<@dngrs:matrix.org> you have some kind of project, what do you want this thing to do in the end?
<@dngrs:matrix.org> anyway, Rust does not care where your function lives - you merely need to import it
<@dnj:matrix.org> dngrs:matrix.org: really that is needed? :P
<@dngrs:matrix.org> check out this chapter
<@dngrs:matrix.org> dnj:matrix.org: I'm still trying to understand your high level problem (I think our current conversation is an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem )
<@dnj:matrix.org> I want to teach myself how to write Rust code in Embedded domain, so I want to do some stuff with it. I'm trying to move forward with dividing code into modules. At the end I want to create device that logging via UART to PC orientantion and position of lis3dh sensor.
<@dnj:matrix.org> dngrs:matrix.org: I know how to divide into files, but from now I stay with that I'll try to pass reference to register as you mentioned before
<@dngrs:matrix.org> dnj:matrix.org: ok! that's a good start :) so in that case I'd probably structure things so that whoever gets sensor data also has access to the UART. I don't think there's a need for Mutexes etc
<@dngrs:matrix.org> yeah that's why I said `Mutex`
<@dngrs:matrix.org> anyway, it kinda depends - if you don't want to use RTIC, you need to write your own resource management, I personally go for `static mut` most of the time then
<@dnj:matrix.org> if you don't want to use RTIC <- yeah don't want to
<@dnj:matrix.org> at first I want to learn how it works do not learn 'framework'
<@dnj:matrix.org> I personally go for static mut most of the time then <- do you mean all registers that I use changed to static mut?
<@dnj:matrix.org> as I did with local variables in ISR of Tim3, right>?
<@dnj:matrix.org> I'm curious that Rust compiler let me do this.
<@dnj:matrix.org> I'll try tommorow make my code simple, even with those unsafe directives.
<@firefrommoonlight:matrix.org> STM32 timers are ... fun. Good luck!
<@sirhcel:matrix.org> I want to compare some code for converting from raw sensor data using floating point arithmetic agains fixed point. This code comes from a library i'm fiddling around with. But i had no luck with running `cargo disassemble` or feeding the rlib file to `arm-none-eabi-objdump`. How could i look at the code for a certain function of a library?
<@sirhcel:matrix.org> For the final binary `arm-none-eabi-objdump` spits out the expected disassembly. But i can't find the function in question there so i'm assuming for now that it got inlined.
<@jacobrosenthal:matrix.org> Cargo asm ?
<@sirhcel:matrix.org> This is the command, i was looking for. Thank you very much! :)