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<tonyg> Hi all. What do others get for the following? (time (system* "/usr/bin/true")) ;; for me it takes more than 250ms (!!)
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<tonyg> on some machines, anyway. on others it takes about 10ms
<tonyg> i'm trying to figure out why on earth it's so slow
<tonyg> rudybot: eval (time (system* "/usr/bin/true"))
<rudybot> tonyg: your sandbox is ready
<rudybot> tonyg: error: subprocess: `execute' access denied for /usr/bin/true
<tonyg> :P
<bremner> tonyg: 4ms real time here
<tonyg> good to see it's a local thing then!
<tonyg> for me:
<tonyg> cpu time: 4 real time: 277 gc time: 0
<tonyg> is typical
<tonyg> this is on a variety of machines
<tonyg> using local racket, using docker racket, versions back to 8.7 etc.
<tonyg> anomolously on one machine I have an 8.8 install that takes only a few ms
<tonyg> anomalously
<bremner> are these spinning rust or network drives?
<tonyg> it's frustrating in that I'm using system* in a script as if it were cheap and it... isn't, but only sometimes
<bremner> WSL?
<tonyg> ssds
<tonyg> linux
<bremner> hrm.
<bremner> racket cs or racket bc?
<tonyg> docker run -it --rm racket/racket racket -e '(time (system* "/usr/bin/true"))'
<tonyg> this is racket cs
<bremner> me too.
<tonyg> debian linux
<bremner> same.
<tonyg> do you have docker? can you try that docker command?
<tonyg> (thanks for helping btw)
<bremner> I don't have docker
<tonyg> ok
<bremner> I'm using the debian packaged 8.10
<bremner> on AMD64
<tonyg> ah I'll try that one
<tonyg> i'm amd64 too
<tonyg> ughhh it's something to do with my system but not the hardware. OK
<tonyg> spinning up a VM with debian and installing debian racket gives like 2ms
<tonyg> installing debian racket on the host, still >250ms
<tonyg> happily it's not to do with my from-git build of racket either though i guess
<tonyg> so at least i don't have to track that one down
<bremner> tonyg: how long does the command take from the command line? /usr/bin/time /usr/bin/true ?
<tonyg> 2ms
<tonyg> or so
<tonyg> no /usr/bin/time
<tonyg> but `time /usr/bin/true` --> 2ms
<bremner> ok, so the time isn't there
<tonyg> it's all at the subprocess-wait in the following:
<tonyg> (time
<tonyg> (let-values ([(subp out in err)
<tonyg> (subprocess (current-output-port) (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
<tonyg> "/usr/bin/true")])
<tonyg> (subprocess-wait subp)
<tonyg> (subprocess-status subp)))
<tonyg> hm. the delay is in the code relating to the self-pipe trick
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<tonyg> welp. reported, kinda. on the discourse. back to what I'm supposed to be doing. I hate computers
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