tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<ron77> hello i've just installed racket how do i start racket ide?
<init> how did you install?
<ron77> guix
<init> do you have a program called Dr. Racket?
<init> DrRacket*
<ron77> no
<ron77> on my apps list on linux? no
<init> did you install racket-minimal?
<ron77> guix install racket
<init> query the package to see what it installs
<ron77> glibc-locales2.35 out/gnu/store/03v1svhv6wj9pd6awpdi5zn4wd31b23f-glibc-locales-2.35
<ron77> guile-studio 0.1.1-1.dd0ad42out/gnu/store/dwynq2kaiadrymwqjihi30d52gjd28va-guile-studio-0.1.1-1.dd0ad42
<ron77> racket 8.10 out/gnu/store/k5msihhwmlvmzqmf70s7f62kx7yj3xfz-racket-8.10
<init> what is the output of which drracket?
<ron77> ronen@ronen-System-Product-Name:~$ which drracket
<ron77> ronen@ronen-System-Product-Name:~$ which drracket /home/ronen/.guix-profile/bin/drracket
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<init> run the command drracket from the terminal
<ron77> ok it opens
<init> drracket & && disown
<init> then symlink or follow the idiomatic approach to including that binary in your application launcher
<init> I assume you installed Guix with a desktop environment
<ron77> no in terminal
<init> so you aren't using a DE?
<ron77> de? ide?
<init> desktop environmetn
<init> such as gnome, kde, matte etc
<ron77> i'm on linux
<ron77> yes
<init> can you click on icons?
<ron77> yes
<init> OK
<init> what is the output of echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
<ron77> i can make a bash script in my desktop to open drracket
<ron77> ubuntu:GNOME: command not found
<init> so you're just using the guix package manager?
<ron77> like i did with guile-studio
<init> in ubuntu?
<ron77> i guess
<ron77> yeah
<init> OK then you need to tell gnome where to look for applications installed with guix
<ron77> how do i do that ? :O
<init> what is the output of XDG_DATA_DIRS?
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<ron77> XDG_DATA_DIRS: command not found
<init> what is the output of echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS?
<ron77> -bash: /home/ronen/.guix-profile/share:/usr/share/ubuntu-xorg:/home/ronen/.guix-profile/share:/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/:/var/lib/snapd/desktop: No such file or directory
<init> also there's #guix (probably) where you'd be able to get answers from others that use guix
<init> I don't and never have
<ron77> ok thanks
<init> You probably want to add /home/ronen/.guix-profile/bin/ to that path
<init> but the guix folks might have a more idiomatic approach to solving this issue
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