tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<init> hey, I'm coming from clojure, mostly with anticipations eureka while reading HTDP
<init> I use Emacs, and I am wondering how is specifying BSL as easy adding a top-level #lang?
<init> s/how is/if
<init> s/anticipations/anticipations of
<init> s/as/is
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<init> #lang htdp/bsl should do
<init> for those of you that use emacs, how do you paste images into the repl?
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<bremner> init: I started a page about htdp languages in racket-mode:
<bremner> in principle #lang htdp/bsl should work. In practice there are some rough corners
<init> bremner: these are the exact issues I was faced with
<bremner> did you solve the image issue? does that variable help
<init> bremner: which variable?
<bremner> something about inline images?
<init> did I post that here, in emacs, or are you a mind reader?
<bremner> in #emacs
<init> > racket-images-inline, no did not work for me
<init> but I am using doom-emacs and might have to dig a bit
<bremner> m'kay. I think images work in #lang slideshow
<init> bremner: if you're on vanilla, could you try?
<bremner> and #lang racket
<bremner> ok
<init> (setq racket-images-inline t)
<init> racket mode did not specify if emacs needed to be built with a particular feature for it to work
<bremner> GUI emacs, not terminal, right?
<init> I am using the GUI
<init> some of the literature suggests that emacs might need to be built with imagemagick support
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<init> check the output of "system-configuration-features"
<init> mine isn't built with it
<bremner> what if you change to #lang racket ?
<bremner> for me the variable has effect with #lang racket, but not #lang htdp/bsl
<init> oh I see, well at least it works? :)
<init> just not with htpd/bsl
<bremner> yeah. I was going to collect a sort of omnibus bug report and send it greg (racket-mode)
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<init> bremner: I assume bsl differs a lot in comparison to racket?
<bremner> init: it's just a subset, but the error messages are more helpful to beginners
<init> would it then be possible to go through htdp using #lang racket?
<init> I'm really only here to learn about how to design programs and not so much racket lol
<init> I come from Clojure, seeking this knowledge
<bremner> it should mostly work.
<bremner> I ended up using Rahgde's "Function Introduction to Computer Science" in class because it does not lean on the image stuff as much
<bremner> YMMV
<init> are you a professor?
<bremner> yes
<bremner> but not your professor, as the lawyers say :)
<init> no, give me advice!
<bremner> sure, if I know
<bremner> ls
<bremner> oops
<bremner> not sure you want advice from me this morning :)
<init> I have been focusing on learning Clojure for the past 3 months or so, I have a basic hobby project, it's an IRC bot
<init> I have a incomplete CS background and, no prior programming experience, so I want to learn how to design programs using a functional language
<init> the paradigms that I see at play with Clojure are, homoiconicity, functional core, imperative shell (encapsulating/limitign side-effects) and REPL based development
<bremner> htdp is probably a good choice. FICS is worth a look, much more compact, but maybe a bit too mathy for some:
<init> are there any resources you could think of that I should take a look at?
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<init> htdp makes mention of a second volume, htd(components)
<init> I couldn't find this online
<bremner> hmm. I have not seen that either
<init> > This edition of the book drops the design of imperative programs. The old chapters remain available on-line. An adaptation of this material will appear in the second volume of this series, How to Design Components.
<bremner> hmm. Maybe to appear
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<samth> It doesn't exist
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<init> bremner: what courses come after the one you teach?
<bremner> init: the main racket using one is one based "programming languages, application and interpretation" by Shriram Krishnamurty (sp?)
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