cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<_val_> hello guys. I am using bandersnatch to mirror some packages/requirements from however.. I seem to not be able to do something like `ruamel.yaml.requirements` while `boto3.requirements` does work
<_val_> The idea is that it installs the `ruamel.yaml` package and all the requirements defined in there. I think it is the extra (.) dot there.. but how to circumvent this?
<cfbolz> _val_: pypi vs pypy confusion, maybe?
<cfbolz> this channel is about the python vm with a jit, not the python package index
<_val_> cfbolz: oh I see. You are right. It doesn't seem to be any #pypi channel
<_val_> I'll have to search better than. Thanks!
<cfbolz> cheers
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<korvo> A friend of the channel has a blogpost up:
<cfbolz> yeah, we cross-posted it to the pypy blog
twobitsprite has joined #pypy
<twobitsprite> are there alternatives to CFFI for interfacing with C-based libraries? I've been having problems with CFFI and can't seem to get any support
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