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* arigato reads and sighs. The basic idea is the same as papers I've read ages ago that were already very old at that point, but apparently "It’s an idea only proposed recently in 2021". Also it gets 2-9% speedups but "it opens the door to some huge optimizations", which, let's say, I have some doubts about
<arigato> if I remember correctly, it's one of the mainstream approaches when doing partial evaluation
<korvo> Yeah. I remember reading the copy-and-patch paper (something "stencils"?) and being disappointed that they didn't know the history.
<arigato> at least the paper seems to have new results because they are using it on new hardware where the trade-offs are different from the old times' hardware. The idea of applying the same technique to Python sounds to me exactly like "we get 2-9% now, and we'll get a lot more later, I'm sure!"
<arigato> whereas to me, it sounds like it's Pyrex all over again (maybe faster to produce machine code (which means less flexible in the future))
<korvo> In logic we say sometimes "one person's modus ponens (P -> Q) is another person's modus tollens (~Q -> ~P)"
<korvo> My main takeaway from the Faster CPython numbers is that CPython's per-bytecode dispatch costs must be enormous, given how much difference it makes to fuse one bytecode into two.